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Loan players and being in Liverpool's bad books


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I like Liverpool a lot... but who cares.

Kent really didn't show any signs of having an impact when he came on, and if the result of it is that Premier League teams have to rethink their "you must play our player" contract strategy, I think it's a good thing.

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1 minute ago, AshtonGreat said:

Ludicrous really isn't it. You send us a shit player, what do you expect?

Kent had similar problems on loan in Germany. He found it very difficult to integrate with the squad and consequently was something of a loner. That obviously effected his performances.

Liverpool would have been aware of the difficulties he had in Germany but probably assumed it was down to a different culture and language.

The same sort of thing happened with us but as an English club Liverpool probably thought he’d settle in and be fine but he wasn’t.

That says more about Ryan Kent than anything else.

Now he’s on loan at Rangers with Liverpool legend Gerrard in charge. It’ll be interesting to see if Kent has the same difficulties up there.

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1 minute ago, Robbored said:

Kent had similar problems on loan in Germany. He found it very difficult to integrate with the squad and consequently was something of a loner. That obviously effected his performances.

Liverpool would have been aware of the difficulties he had in Germany but probably assumed it was down to a different culture and language.

The same sort of thing happened with us but as an English club Liverpool probably thought he’d settle in and be fine but he wasn’t.

That says more about Ryan Kent than anything else.

Now he’s on loan at Rangers with Liverpool legend Gerrard in charge. It’ll be interesting to see if Kent has the same difficulties up there.

Think he'll get a much more game time there whether he integrates or not, purely because the standard is a lot poorer so it doesn't really matter if he's mates with everyone or not. He should rip that league up with his talent. If he doesn't then maybe Klopp will realise that we were right in our 'treatment' of him. 

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This premier league youth loan system is such a joke.

The top clubs have a strangle hold on the best young players, stockpiling them - which has not only driven up the price of younger players all down the leagues, but means these same clubs lower league clubs pay again for their development as the big boys pimp them out for 7 figure loan fees.

And the icing on the cake, a fine for the borrowing club if their youth player doesn’t apply themselves or play well.

It’s mafia stuff and all the while the top clubs get richer and richer.

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This amuses me on several levels.

Taking advantage of favourable rules for them to steal highly rated youngsters off other clubs for a pittance... one of those clubs was us. That not being enough they illegally did it too, at one point.

Also, Liverpool FC's brethren in Glasgow was always Celtic and now they are going to be doing their best to help Rangers, thanks to Gerrard. Rangers board have played a blinder with that appointment.

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There is a player there, but he has to want to do well, and want to feel involved with the club he's at at that time.

If he comes here thinking "I play for Liverpool" then it ain't going to work (as it showed when he was here). If you come in with a bit of an attitude, which going by reports and his previous spell in Germany would suggest that's what happened, and then play half assed, you're going to get dropped.

The fact we had Tammy here and he did so well, and now the other 2 Chelsea guys, it shows that when they come with the right attitude and ability, they will get played. He played like a donkey for most of his time here, and he never got picked. Says more about him than us I'm afraid.

If Klopp wants to get his knickers in a twist about it, then let him. I think the fact that some of these Premiership clubs insist on their players having so much game time shows how insecure they are about their own players. If they're good enough then they'll play on loan. Otherwise they won't.

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30 minutes ago, Robbored said:

Kent had similar problems on loan in Germany. He found it very difficult to integrate with the squad and consequently was something of a loner. That obviously effected his performances.

Liverpool would have been aware of the difficulties he had in Germany but probably assumed it was down to a different culture and language.

The same sort of thing happened with us but as an English club Liverpool probably thought he’d settle in and be fine but he wasn’t.

That says more about Ryan Kent than anything else.

Now he’s on loan at Rangers with Liverpool legend Gerrard in charge. It’ll be interesting to see if Kent has the same difficulties up there.

Reading stuff on Twitter it appears the Rangers fans are already questioning his ability.

I don’t like the Liverpool loan contract, with penalty clauses.  However I suspect that Chelsea do something similar.  It was mooted by MA that the terms of the loan for Tammy included similar clauses.  It just so happened that Tammy didn’t miss many games.

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Just now, spudski said:

Best quote in that write up, is LJ saying... 'I should really tell the fans to come out of dreamland'...can we have that pinned to the top of the forum? haha ??

Hahaha. Let's all laugh at the simple fans. While forgetting that LJ looked into the future a couple of years ago and saw us playing in the Europa League. Hahaha. 

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1 minute ago, Moments of Pleasure said:

Hahaha. Let's all laugh at the simple fans. While forgetting that LJ looked into the future a couple of years ago and saw us playing in the Europa League. Hahaha. 

Only a simple fan would fall for that quote and misinterpret it from the context it was spoken in ? ? tongue in cheek mate ?

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18 minutes ago, Alessandro said:

This premier league youth loan system is such a joke.

The top clubs have a strangle hold on the best young players, stockpiling them - which has not only driven up the price of younger players all down the leagues, but means these same clubs lower league clubs pay again for their development as the big boys pimp them out for 7 figure loan fees.

And the icing on the cake, a fine for the borrowing club if their youth player doesn’t apply themselves or play well.

It’s mafia stuff and all the while the top clubs get richer and richer.

Absolutely spot on. It's screwing football in the UK.

As for Ryan Kent- he was loaned with the best possible intentions by all sides. He didn't add value to our team at that time and so lost/failed to gain his place. That's no-one's fault unless the player is not quite as good as everyone thought.

4 minutes ago, Moments of Pleasure said:

Hahaha. Let's all laugh at the simple fans. While forgetting that LJ looked into the future a couple of years ago and saw us playing in the Europa League. Hahaha. 

Oh dear- read what was actually said and in the actual context. It's pretty simple even for a fan.

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1 hour ago, Robbored said:

Kent had similar problems on loan in Germany. He found it very difficult to integrate with the squad and consequently was something of a loner. That obviously effected his performances.

Liverpool would have been aware of the difficulties he had in Germany but probably assumed it was down to a different culture and language.

The same sort of thing happened with us but as an English club Liverpool probably thought he’d settle in and be fine but he wasn’t.

That says more about Ryan Kent than anything else.

Now he’s on loan at Rangers with Liverpool legend Gerrard in charge. It’ll be interesting to see if Kent has the same difficulties up there.

To be fair he didn't look too bad when I watched a recent Rangers game. However if Stevie Gs report at the end of the season  is not particularly favourably I can see him being moved on permanently at end of the season

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**** `em. Who cares if Klopp`s got a paddy on - it certainly doesn`t seem to have put Chelsea off loaning players to us.

As @Luxo Jr. rightly says, if it means the `big boys` have to rethink their policy then that`s all to the good. If we all told them to do one over the conditions they put on these deals who`s going to benefit then?

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1 hour ago, bris red said:

Ryan kent is a league one standard player. Liverpool are deluded if they think otherwise.


51 minutes ago, Robbored said:

On what do base that opinion?  We hardly saw him play.


Beause he's a League 1 standard player.


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1 hour ago, Port Red said:

First line of the thread on the Rangers forum on Kent sums him up really to me 


“Imo flatters to deceive and achieves not much”

My favourite being:

"Imo for every good ball he puts in there's also a *ucking awful effort'. 

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22 minutes ago, 42nite said:



Beause he's a League 1 standard player.


I said at the end of last season that I don’t see him having a career above Lg1 too.  He might play games in the Champ, like he has for us and Barnsley, but I think his natural level will be a decent Lg1 team.  Doesn’t need a “source” (@robbored), it’s my opinion.

4 minutes ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

My favourite being:

"Imo for every good ball he puts in there's also several *ucking awful effort'. 


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2 hours ago, spudski said:

Only a simple fan would fall for that quote and misinterpret it from the context it was spoken in ? ? tongue in cheek mate ?


2 hours ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

Absolutely spot on. It's screwing football in the UK.

As for Ryan Kent- he was loaned with the best possible intentions by all sides. He didn't add value to our team at that time and so lost/failed to gain his place. That's no-one's fault unless the player is not quite as good as everyone thought.

Oh dear- read what was actually said and in the actual context. It's pretty simple even for a fan.

Oh dear - Lee Johnson's a dreamer, just like "spudski" and "marina" and me and the people fantasising about Tammy returning, and the people that imagined a "Barcelona" here in Bristol, and the people imagining an arena in this city (there's dreamland for you), and so on. All is dream. We are all in "dreamland," (and it's not a criticism or a slight, it's a simple fact. Sometimes, good things come from being in "dreamland," sadly though, more often nothing comes of it) only some appear to be completely oblivious to this. 

But never mind... 

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9 minutes ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

My favourite being:

"Imo for every good ball he puts in there's also a *ucking awful effort'. 

Why did Steve Gerrard not pick up the phone to Lee? Or, like Lee, its a guy upstairs who pushes these deals through? You could easily argue a case for Steve making an even bigger balls up than Lee. All exceedingly odd.

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This is the thin edge of the wedge.

In Portugal if you so much as do a drag back in the top two divisions one of the big three will sign you speculatively and then loan you back out to their preferred clubs.

At least we are taking about manipulative rules between the Premiership and the Championship. In Portugal the players get loaned out to all the other top flight teams.

So you end up with a few clubs up against their own reserves. And if the reserves win in even slightly contentious circumstances  you can instantly recall all your players in a tantrum (Sporting did this not long ago).

To be honest I get uncomfortable the more we start getting season long loans from the top clubs as I know where this ends up - a closed shop with a bunch of also rans fighting over loan players.

Oh, and Ryan Kent didn't look like he had listened to any coaching so if Liverpool really are upset they need to take a good long look at what they are doing with their young players, not blaming others.

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"And this is the bit that's frustrating for me with the fans. Really I need to say 'come out of dreamland: he's signed for this amount per week and he's now played for England. We ain't getting him.

"We're getting him when he hasn't kicked a ball in the division. At that point we take the risk and we get the reward like we did."


Simple enough. Kalas must fit within the wage structure/

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3 hours ago, Alessandro said:

This premier league youth loan system is such a joke.

The top clubs have a strangle hold on the best young players, stockpiling them - which has not only driven up the price of younger players all down the leagues, but means these same clubs lower league clubs pay again for their development as the big boys pimp them out for 7 figure loan fees.

And the icing on the cake, a fine for the borrowing club if their youth player doesn’t apply themselves or play well.

It’s mafia stuff and all the while the top clubs get richer and richer.

Really agree with this. I don't think it actually helps their development either - If they have been playing poorly and end up back in the team they have no idea if they've played their way back in or we just don't fancy the penalty this month. Remeber videos with Tinman last season where he said its not something we ever insist on and if our players can't get in the team then they need to except and work harder to get in. That not being in the team can in its own way be good for development and how a player reacts to it will tell you a lot about their desire and attitude.  One area I think we have it right.

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4 hours ago, Robbored said:

Kent had similar problems on loan in Germany. He found it very difficult to integrate with the squad and consequently was something of a loner. That obviously effected his performances.

Liverpool would have been aware of the difficulties he had in Germany but probably assumed it was down to a different culture and language.

The same sort of thing happened with us but as an English club Liverpool probably thought he’d settle in and be fine but he wasn’t.

That says more about Ryan Kent than anything else.

Now he’s on loan at Rangers with Liverpool legend Gerrard in charge. It’ll be interesting to see if Kent has the same difficulties up there.


Someone should've lent him a copy of Krek Waiter's Peek Brizzle before he arrived.

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