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Flares at Fulham


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I get why people enjoy them, but enjoyment shouldn't be at the expense of someones health, it is ******* selfish and irresponsible. 

There should be an awareness campaign launched about the dangers of these things.

We need to come down real hard on these people, didnt we already recieve a final warning or something about our fans using them?

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16 minutes ago, Up The City! said:

I get why people enjoy them, but enjoyment shouldn't be at the expense of someones health, it is ******* selfish and irresponsible. 

There should be an awareness campaign launched about the dangers of these things.

We need to come down real hard on these people, didnt we already recieve a final warning or something about our fans using them?

Ask your mate Boris he now likes football 

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20 minutes ago, Up The City! said:

I get why people enjoy them, but enjoyment shouldn't be at the expense of someones health, it is ******* selfish and irresponsible. 

There should be an awareness campaign launched about the dangers of these things.

We need to come down real hard on these people, didnt we already recieve a final warning or something about our fans using them?

Is this really the case. In other countries do people not have health problems??????

snowflake land we live in now. 

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9 minutes ago, 054123 said:

Who really cares.

The over reaction on here every time, is just tedious now 

It’s not an over reaction when we’ve been warned a few times by the efl/fa

they will fine us again or could even dock us points if they wanted too 

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5 minutes ago, 054123 said:

Good for them.


Bonfire ‘fortnight’ was a while ago now, just selfish indulgent behaviour which will get the club fined again. Hopefully the children who let them off get identified, get a banning order and then get to stay home to let as many flares off in their garage as they like - just as well set firs to £10 notes. 

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6 minutes ago, GasDestroyer said:

If we win every time a flare goes off, that is fine by me!! 
Cant stand sterile football ground atmospheres. 

Well mount a campaign to get it legalised then, with evidence it’s safe, as people are with safe standing.  Don’t promote it at a time when it is illegal and the consequences for the individuals and club may well be serious.

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5 minutes ago, RumRed said:

Well mount a campaign to get it legalised then, with evidence it’s safe, as people are with safe standing.  Don’t promote it at a time when it is illegal and the consequences for the individuals and club may well be serious.

I’m gonna order 3 more tonight. Ship to shore are the best ones ??? 

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8 minutes ago, Up The City! said:

Feel free to bring them round my house so we can set them off together. If we do it in an enclosed space, and I hold them next to your skin you can then tell me how fun they are ?

Usually use petrol on larger jobs

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5 minutes ago, Ecko said:

We win away and the first thing you do is moan...get a ******* grip

Not moaning about the win though is he, just something we have been warned about previously and that earlier in the season Or end of last caused a young supporter to feel ill...do you condone younger fans having to sit out some of the game?

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Flares- or more accurately, pyro, smoke bombs, other smoke devices small yet coloured.

They can add to things and I do see an appeal...a key problem is that while they're illegal, and against EFL/FA regs they can get the club in trouble.

It's surely a remote possibility but just imagine we got a points deduction over it at some stage this season given our persistent reputation for it?

Overall,  Ive no vast issue with it as a concept- save for the below.

Despite that, this IS a risk and hopefully those who think of doing it will think twice as things are going really well on the pitch, infrastructure wise, business wise- don't need anything to risk derailing things no matter how low a risk it may seem now or at the time of consideration. 

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7 hours ago, GasDestroyer said:

I’m gonna order 3 more tonight. Ship to shore are the best ones ??? 

Not the brightest comment considering that’s what killed someone at the Welsh International against Romania.

Some ******* imbeciles on here. 

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49 minutes ago, glos old boy said:

Do some clubs and indeed the FA not have pyro displays before matches, feet away from many fans? and are they not explosions/fire and smoke? and dont forget those bubbles they can get right in your eye.

Then there is the hot tea/coffee wouldnt fancy that down my back or in my face,

Just a bit ott with H AND S imo, much more chance of you being in a car accident on the way to a game than being fried by a flare.

Ones used ina controller Environment set up and run by professionals 

the other is ******** who don’t want to actually watch football but spoil it and get the club into trouble

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What the ****s up with our fans , so a flare went off big deal as long as nobody was hurt ,do we have to have constant moaning 1 youngster doing what we all done when young letting his hair down , I’m not saying it’s right but we all done something we shouldn’t of as a kid so let it go 

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49 minutes ago, Magger1 said:

What the ****s up with our fans , so a flare went off big deal as long as nobody was hurt ,do we have to have constant moaning 1 youngster doing what we all done when young letting his hair down , I’m not saying it’s right but we all done something we shouldn’t of as a kid so let it go 

Few are moaning about doing it per se. It's the fact that the club could get in trouble. 

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59 minutes ago, Magger1 said:

What the ****s up with our fans , so a flare went off big deal as long as nobody was hurt ,do we have to have constant moaning 1 youngster doing what we all done when young letting his hair down , I’m not saying it’s right but we all done something we shouldn’t of as a kid so let it go 

It is a big deal as, when a flare is thrown / set off, there is no guarantee whether someone will be hurt or not.  It’s also illegal and the person responsible, if caught, will fined and banned from attending football matches.(There is CCTV at every match which flare throwers seem to forget).  The club may also be punished. As for the  flares and smoke bombs themselves, there are different sorts, with some being far more dangerous than others. It’s extremely unlikely that a flare thrower will conduct a risk assessment before purchasing the flare, as illustrated by @GasDestroyer’s comment about buying ship- to-shore flares. 

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17 hours ago, Bristolboy_06 said:

embarrassing thread, a few smoke bombs and everyone is crying??‍♂️ get a grip for **** sake 

I expect your a young kid, who doesn't give a fxxk about older folk with health or breathing problems, goes to show stewards at Fulham not doing there jobs properly,

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50 minutes ago, Redandproud said:

goes to show stewards at Fulham not doing there jobs properly,

In fairness, some of them can be very hard to detect, compact indeed. Not all certainly, but from what I've read or pictures I've seen if well hidden away then detection is very difficult. 

Hence the pyro dogs which also failed to spot them it seems. Security theatre I wonder?

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18 hours ago, sh1t_ref_again said:

I guess the idiots at this concert thought it was so clever as well, but maybe not so the poor girl whose clothes were set on fire



people who don't give a shit about other fans welfare don't deserve the right to attend. thanks for finding the link.theres still those that say yes they are fine,even when this happens.what would they think if they seriously injured someone elses child. still billy big boots then??

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16 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

In fairness, some of them can be very hard to detect, compact indeed. Not all certainly, but from what I've read or pictures I've seen if well hidden away then detection is very difficult. 

Hence the pyro dogs which also failed to spot them it seems. Security theatre I wonder?

Yep. Just for show......unless there is a way of bypassing the dogs and getting them in after the turnstiles.

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10 minutes ago, RedLionLad said:

Yep. Just for show......unless there is a way of bypassing the dogs and getting them in after the turnstiles.

Well,  I've no idea how effective use of them is as a rule, but didn't work yesterday it seems?

Visual deterrence may have been a better term, what I was getting at than security theatre tbh.

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I can’t comment on whether or not the stewards were doing a good job at Fulham, as I wasn’t there, but it’s extremely difficult to prevent any dangerous item being taken into a football match. Probably the only way would be to force everyone to pass through a body scanner, as at airports, before entering the ground. Can you imagine the reaction if that was introduced? We’ve even had people on the forum complaining about, the perfectly reasonable, requests for people to open their coats before entering Ashton Gate. 

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Just now, pongo88 said:

I can’t comment on whether or not the stewards were doing a good job at Fulham, as I wasn’t there, but it’s extremely difficult to prevent any dangerous item being taken into a football match. Probably the only way would be to force everyone to pass through a body scanner, as at airports, before entering the ground. Can you imagine the reaction if that was introduced? We’ve even had people on the forum complaining about, the perfectly reasonable, requests for people to open their coats before entering Ashton Gate. 

I am not sure what opening your coat is supposed to achieve other than showing you don't have a waistcoat bomb.

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I was present at the game

One Male was ejected and detained on suspicion of setting the smoke grenade off . I have a copy of the cctv and will examine it next week with a decision being made whether we can criminally charge.

 under the data sharing between clubs in the efl , the club will also get a copy and the club can make their own decision after viewing it. 

Setting smoke off can also  effect allocation of away tickets for further matches. Never seen why people do it, having watched footage time and time again of people struggling to breathe I can see why they are not safe on crowded terraces . Please think carefully, and work on the basis cctv will catch you !! 


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4 minutes ago, JulieH said:

I was present at the game

One Male was ejected and detained on suspicion of setting the smoke grenade off . I have a copy of the cctv and will examine it next week with a decision being made whether we can criminally charge.

 under the data sharing between clubs in the efl , the club will also get a copy and the club can make their own decision after viewing it. 

Setting smoke off can also  effect allocation of away tickets for further matches. Never seen why people do it, having watched footage time and time again of people struggling to breathe I can see why they are not safe on crowded terraces . Please think carefully, and work on the basis cctv will catch you !! 


It was made even more stupid by the fact that this was in the middle of a packed area as stewards were struggling to get people into seats and so there was a lot of us stood in stairwells and by the entrance. 

Therefore when he did set it off, it was right in the middle of around 40/50 people all cramped together. If one of those people was asthmatic and had a reaction they’d have had little chance sadly 

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I'm bored with this now, the legal position is clear. What I've never understood are those who think they add to the atmosphere, unless they mean the foul smell that arises from them. I assume that those who like these things wear a kaftan at home and are surrounded by jostiks and scented Yankee candles. 

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56 minutes ago, RoystonFoote'snephew said:

I'm bored with this now, the legal position is clear. What I've never understood are those who think they add to the atmosphere, unless they mean the foul smell that arises from them. I assume that those who like these things wear a kaftan at home and are surrounded by jostiks and scented Yankee candles. 

The police have issued a photograph of the person they wish to speak to in relation to the flare offence at Fulham 


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7 hours ago, Magger1 said:

What the ****s up with our fans , so a flare went off big deal as long as nobody was hurt ,do we have to have constant moaning 1 youngster doing what we all done when young letting his hair down , I’m not saying it’s right but we all done something we shouldn’t of as a kid so let it go 

What the ***** up with people like you? Do you understand people that suffer breathing difficulties can potentially die from these things? Do you understand that? Do I need to repeat it before it ******* sinks in? Did you do things as a kid that could have killed people? How would you like it if you went to the game and then suffered horrendous burns from one being thrown at you? 

It appears that those who light the things then immediately throw them so that they are not detected and thrown out, charged etc. It is a reckless act to throw the things, how would you feel if it hit a small child and gave them burns that would last a lifetime, still fun then is it? 

3 hours ago, JulieH said:

I was present at the game

One Male was ejected and detained on suspicion of setting the smoke grenade off . I have a copy of the cctv and will examine it next week with a decision being made whether we can criminally charge.

 under the data sharing between clubs in the efl , the club will also get a copy and the club can make their own decision after viewing it. 

Setting smoke off can also  effect allocation of away tickets for further matches. Never seen why people do it, having watched footage time and time again of people struggling to breathe I can see why they are not safe on crowded terraces . Please think carefully, and work on the basis cctv will catch you !! 


I hope whoever it is receives the strongest possible sentance and is banned from attending games. I cant speak for everyone but I'm sure most decent City fans will agree that those who recklessly put the safety of fellow fans at risk and also risk the club receiving a fine and a points deduction, they ain't no Bristol City fans, they are scum and are not welcome at our club. 

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Back in the day when there was real 'Idiots'...the older 'lads' would have grabbed said flare and rammed it down the throat of the juvenile coked up wannabe...dare say stone Island clad ?

Isn't their a hierarchy anymore? 

Or do the older ones stand by and let the juvenile pricks act all hard without retribution in the ranks?

Control the chimps FFS.

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Our club has been fantastic by providing a area for s82 and the relaxed policy they take towards standing in that area. I'm not saying those in s82 are responsible for these flares but the links are obvious. If a points deduction is ever given I'd fully support the club in coming down hard on that area. Have fun but behave responsibility or lose the privileges you already have, it's pretty simple.

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