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What if Hargreaves bought Bristol Rovers and Bath Rugby clubs to rival Lands down, or we bought out Rovers?

pogue malone

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I agree to an extent. It's a bit of a strange though to specifically attribute it to Peter Hargreaves (who isn't a sports fan) but if you run with the idea then yes I think you have a point.

I think it would be better if Rovers were in our league - obviously you'd want us to be finishing higher each season in every department (results in the derby games, league table, attendance etc) but nothing compares to a Bristol Derby game.

I like the Cardiff games, but for me it lacks the intensity of a Bristol Derby. 

I'd never want Rovers to overtake us, but I think it would probably be better for the city if both teams were decent rather than just us. 

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5 minutes ago, Phileas Fogg said:

I agree to an extent. It's a bit of a strange though to specifically attribute it to Peter Hargreaves (who isn't a sports fan) but if you run with the idea then yes I think you have a point.

I think it would be better if Rovers were in our league - obviously you'd want us to be finishing higher each season in every department (results in the derby games, league table, attendance etc) but nothing compares to a Bristol Derby game.

I like the Cardiff games, but for me it lacks the intensity of a Bristol Derby. 

I'd never want Rovers to overtake us, but I think it would probably be better for the city if both teams were decent rather than just us. 

Personally i'm happy with them being skint and shit. Hope it never changes.

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27 minutes ago, Super said:

Personally i'm happy with them being skint and shit. Hope it never changes.

Yeah fair enough, I understand that view. From a bigger picture perspective though it would be better if both clubs were genuinely competitive (with us finishing higher in every department).


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10 minutes ago, pogue malone said:

Raise profiles of the clubs for one


Bath certainly don't need any financial boost, as for Rovers.

Three weeks today it will be TWENTY YEARS since they were last above us in the legue

Thats whole generations of people that haven't known them to compete with us

Let them rot I say

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Peter Hargreaves is from Lancashire & has no interest in sport, so this is about as likely as me & Juliette Binoche getting together.

Anyway, Roverrzz have their own “billionaire owner” already, don’t they?

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7 minutes ago, phantom said:

Thats whole generations of people that haven't known them to compete with us

Im barely old enough to remember when they could compete with us. Foe decades now they have almost become irrelevant. Whilst its fun taking the piss i really couldnt give a shite what they do. We are heading in opposite directions, and they will become even more irrelevant. You hardly see anyone wear their shirt. Going down the shitpipe me thinks

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We have seen the amount of investment needed in the past 10-15 years or so just to get City from a championship/league one yo-yo side to a top half/mid-table championship side. Unless Rovers start to punch above their weight like a Wycombe then there is little chance of them competing. Personally I wish for football in general (not particularly Rovers) to be a bit more competitive where by teams on similar sized gates to the Gas could buy some good players and actually compete in the 2nd tier for more than 1 or 2 seasons max. If City didn't have Lansdown's cash then we might not be much better than them right now, similar to other times in our history.

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Peter Hargreaves has a reputation of being a hard headed businessman so throwing money at two loss making clubs wouldn’t appeal to him. He has set a charitable foundation for those who are disadvantaged, but I doubt he’d regard Rovers and Bath Rugby supporters as qualifying 

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We have always maintained that there is only one team in Bristol, what if we extend that to only one team in the Bristol area?

Rovers fans would be dead against losing heir identity, so might we, but is it ridiculous to have Bristol United?

Or if that doesn't suit why don't we collaborate much more, currently the must obvious club to loan out talented young players to would be the Gas.

Why send them to Newport, Torquay, Plymouth et al when Brian Tinnion could keep closer tabs on them at the Memorial? 

We have started a loan or two with their ex managers Ian Holloway and Darrell Clarke; why we've even been applauding Geoff Twentyman for his recent interviewing prowess.

As opposed to his hoof ball prowess which featured so heavily when Devon White was trying to trap medicine balls for Gerry Francis.

I know i will be shot down for suggesting it but when City get to the Premiership this season will we still be taking pride in 'Mind the Gap' gags?

The gap will soon become an ocean and it will be time for a rethink. i want us to treat Arsenal, Chelsea and Man U as our derbies and aim to be much, much bigger.

Getting one over the Gas must, and will, become irrelevant


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2 minutes ago, where's the joy said:

We have always maintained that there is only one team in Bristol, what if we extend that to only one team in the Bristol area?

Rovers fans would be dead against losing heir identity, so might we, but is it ridiculous to have Bristol United?

Or if that doesn't suit why don't we collaborate much more, currently the must obvious club to loan out talented young players to would be the Gas.

Why send them to Newport, Torquay, Plymouth et al when Brian Tinnion could keep closer tabs on them at the Memorial? 

We have started a loan or two with their ex managers Ian Holloway and Darrell Clarke; why we've even been applauding Geoff Twentyman for his recent interviewing prowess.

As opposed to his hoof ball prowess which featured so heavily when Devon White was trying to trap medicine balls for Gerry Francis.

I know i will be shot down for suggesting it but when City get to the Premiership this season will we still be taking pride in 'Mind the Gap' gags?

The gap will soon become an ocean and it will be time for a rethink. i want us to treat Arsenal, Chelsea and Man U as our derbies and aim to be much, much bigger.

Getting one over the Gas must, and will, become irrelevant


Could not disagree more.


The game is becoming duller and duller as it is. Football is all about passion and they will always be our main rivals and rightly so. I wouldn't want to help them in anyway or join forces. 

If we became champions of europe and beating the likes of Barca I would still find it great seeing them lose to teams like chippenham town.


As for Man U, chelsea etc being our rivals nah not for me. Be great beating those sides but the gas will always be number one followed by cardiff 

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2 minutes ago, where's the joy said:

We have always maintained that there is only one team in Bristol, what if we extend that to only one team in the Bristol area?

Rovers fans would be dead against losing heir identity, so might we, but is it ridiculous to have Bristol United?

Or if that doesn't suit why don't we collaborate much more, currently the must obvious club to loan out talented young players to would be the Gas.

Why send them to Newport, Torquay, Plymouth et al when Brian Tinnion could keep closer tabs on them at the Memorial? 

We have started a loan or two with their ex managers Ian Holloway and Darrell Clarke; why we've even been applauding Geoff Twentyman for his recent interviewing prowess.

As opposed to his hoof ball prowess which featured so heavily when Devon White was trying to trap medicine balls for Gerry Francis.

I know i will be shot down for suggesting it but when City get to the Premiership this season will we still be taking pride in 'Mind the Gap' gags?

The gap will soon become an ocean and it will be time for a rethink. i want us to treat Arsenal, Chelsea and Man U as our derbies and aim to be much, much bigger.

Getting one over the Gas must, and will, become irrelevant


No thanks. 

Games are available to watch online now, most clubs with our loanees will have the full 90's sent back to us etc. No need to be there in person to watch loanees play. I never understand it when that comment comes up. 

The way their fans treated Akinde, I wouldn't want to see another player join them again. 

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Bristol United is a ****ing stupid idea and typically raised by people who don’t get football. The only thing more predictable is that some wag always follows it with “I know, we take the Bristol from their name, the City from ours, the white from their kit and a Red from ours”

Bristol United would never make any sense - both emotionally, and for us, economically. We have literally nothing to gain - they have no players, staff or facilities we’d want. Just a nice watch.

As for loaning players, tbh I actually wouldn’t object. It’s a local club who are no threat whatsoever so why not use them? If the player does well, swiftly recall and loan to a better level like we did with Louis Britton (recall from Yate and went to Bath last year). That’s how I view them.

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I'm sure if there was the desire, they could be purchased and "incorporated" into Bristol Sport -  if you get my drift. 

Personally, I don't mind watching them limp along in our (now considerable) shadow. I'd also be happier with them going bust under their own steam.

Either way, there's so much mileage for entertainment on our part. 

I hope Garner continues the good work. 


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Steve Lansdown was once asked about ‘Bristol United’ and he replied “what have the the Rovers got that we’d want?”.......

The question came about after Mike Parry on TalkSport said that it made sense for Bristol to have only one club..........He was just doing his job that’s all............:dunno:

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  • The title was changed to What if Hargreaves bought Bristol Rovers and Bath Rugby clubs to rival Lands down, or we bought out Rovers?
12 minutes ago, Robbored said:

Steve Lansdown was once asked about ‘Bristol United’ and he replied “what have the the Rivers got that we’d want?”.......

The question came about after Mike Parry on TalkSport said that it made sense for Bristol to have only one club..........He was just doing his job that’s all............:dunno:

God. He’s really trying to fit into upper society with that pronunciation.

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23 minutes ago, Robbored said:

Steve Lansdown was once asked about ‘Bristol United’ and he replied “what have the the Rovers got that we’d want?”.......

The question came about after Mike Parry on TalkSport said that it made sense for Bristol to have only one club..........He was just doing his job that’s all............:dunno:


I always say a merger would never happen for the same reason Tesco would not merge with Mr Patel's corner shop. 

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5 hours ago, phantom said:

Three weeks today it will be TWENTY YEARS since they were last above us in the legue

Thats whole generations of people that haven't known them to compete with us

Let them rot I say

I love that there are now young kids who need to ask their grandad what it was like when the gas were above us in the league ?

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On 07/10/2020 at 13:18, GrahamC said:

Peter Hargreaves is from Lancashire & has no interest in sport, so this is about as likely as me & Juliette Binoche getting together.

Anyway, Roverrzz have their own “billionaire owner” already, don’t they?

Hi Graham. Juliette said you haven't returned her calls.

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4 hours ago, Curr Avon said:

Hi Graham. Juliette said you haven't returned her calls.

Juliette says: "Hey, it's Romeo, er, I mean GrahamC, you nearly gave me a heart attack 

He's underneath the window (?)* she's singing "Hey, my boyfriend's back

You shouldn't come around here singing up at people like that

Anyway, what you gonna do about it?

Juliette .... the dice was loaded from the start,

And I bet, and you exploded into my heart,

And I forget, I forget the movie song,

When ... you gonna realise ... it was just that the time was wrong

(Not on a Saturday, love, I'm in the Dolman. "C" block. Giving the ref dog's abuse)

Juliette .... "

From "GrahamC and Juliette" by Dire Straits, 1979.


*on Otibs, natch. 

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The Hargreaves foundation as someone has said does invest in sport & education to some degree. But it’s more for the disadvantaged, could never see it happening but it’s a great scheme, I know a local school that got some brilliant help. 

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On 07/10/2020 at 16:20, Prinny said:

The real question is why didn't Wael just buy us?

It couldn't be that he's not as rich as people claim, could it?

When Wael bought Rovers even London stood up and took notice, they sent Garth Crooks West (with his pith helmet an machete in hand) to ask pertinent questions.. 

"can I call you el presidente?" and.. 

"you could have bought ANY football club in Britain, why Bristol Rovers?" 




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As mentioned before, the Bath Rugby ownership of Brube Craig backed up by James Dyson are wealthier that Steve Lansdown by some margin so that is never a starter. As for the gas, balls to them, let them fester in their self glorifying, deluded shit pit of crappness until they inevitably go bust.

I can only assume those advocating assisting them with our young players are relatively young. Personally, I wouldn't loan them the steam off my piss!

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On 07/10/2020 at 19:21, pogue malone said:

I think it would be great for West Country sport

Wow and why. The bloke is estimated to be worth over 3 billion quid. Best he stays in doors in isolation during COVID for at least four years 

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22 hours ago, myol'man said:

From what I've heard Hargreaves is only interested in one thing.


Correct. He’s worth 3 to 4 billion so he doesn’t give a s*& t about sport. He’s just looking for another money earner. 

He should look at donating some of his money to the people that have lost almost everything in the pass couple of months with COVID.

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For someone who doesn’t have an interest in sport, I’d say that Rovers would be the ideal fit for Hargreaves.

As far as Bristol United is concerned, why would you merge with a weaker club to make a club that’s weaker/worse than City? I can understand Rovers supporters suggesting this, but City supporters? That would be deliberately sabotaging your own club. I don’t understand why this makes sense in an way whatsoever.

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