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Game Plan At The Gate

thatcham red

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Seems to me that last season at home we expected teams to come and sit deep, defend in numbers and catch us on the break. The Wilson model of cautious build up, grind 'em down, wear 'em out and bring on pace to run at tired legs and snatch a winner worked OK for the most part, but wasn't pretty to watch. Eventually, we became predictable.

The West Brom game perhaps gave us the first real glimpse of how Tinman's first choice 11 will approach home games this season. Pace and attacking play from the start, passing to feet and threaded balls from midfield, movement by players, and all this on top of away defenders trying to figure out our formation and pick up their marking.

Rather than the stress and mental torture of waiting until late to secure wins, maybe we can enjoy the luxury of actually being ahead before the last 10 minutes. (I'm sure someone will know better than me just how many goals we scored late on in games last year)

That said, I can see it being 4-4 at half time :P Mind you, we would still have pace on the bench to run at tired legs to win 5-4 :laugh:

For those that were there last night, would you agree?

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Compared to last year it was like watching a completely different team last night. At least for the first 30 minutes.

Even more pronounced than it was against Portsmouth.

Very impressive. Balls being played all over the park. We completely played them off the park.

If we can do that against WBA, we should kick the pasty white a55 of div 2 teams. Sorry div 1. League 1. Whatever :laugh:

Bit worried about Murray though - his first touch and running was great, but his distribution was awful. Not talking about the obvious miss - but he played a number of balls into the box and all of them were wasted...

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To say that Wilson's football was "not pretty to watch" must qualify as one of the biggest understatements ever made on this forum. I've been watching City for 27 years in total (although I spent 20 of those years playing in local football and only getting to about eight games per season) and don't know if I could have put up with another season of that garbage.

There were times last season when I would rather have donated £20 to the club and not bothered to watch the game, it was that negative/boring.

Give me 5-4 anytime.

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I also have to question the vision of some of our midfielders, too- particulary on Team B last night :laugh: , where at least 5 times I picked our forwards well-ready to get in position, calling for the ball yet the midfielders prefer to long-ball to the other flank. WTF.

All too happy to clump the Away defense on one flank and hope they leave the other exposed. Granted, there were also plenty of attempts to pick holes as well.

Picking-out has been problematic too, especially last night when both City "teams" tried to long-ball on the floor but could not find their targets. And -here's a goodie- the B-Team Righty in particluar had a handful last night deciding which direction his forwards wanted the ball to be played to- Anyinsah (think it was he) was happy to go on the outside but the midfielder tried to play through instead. It would be a great idea for the wingers/strikers would co-op in training and come to a consensus on how the forwards like to be set up. And -once again- don't rely on the Goalie to do it for them :P

EDIT: I did say "Scotty" (Murray) but remembered that Scotty went off at half-time.

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If we start like we did yesterday we will surely catch the opposition out early on.

I agree. I think Lita looked good on the left side of the attack and as the half went on Harley got better and better. We looked like a skillful outfit. iT was a great goal.

Too many out of their depth second half and so the forwards didn't get much of a look in. Simpson looked good. Miller was ok but gave too much possesion away.

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