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Cotts - Covid


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Steve Cotterill remains in hospital. Aaron Wilbraham reports he's had a rough week, lots of appointments, scans, everything you'd expect. But he's still very heavily involved in the transfer deals & with Town staff reporting back from training.

Latest news on SC. Really must of hit him hard . Wishing him all the best 

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3 hours ago, oldstandrobin said:

Will be great to see Steve back at the helm at Salop, one of the best managers in my 63+ years supporting City I have seen at AG and have subscribed to their team talk to watch them get better and better. Glad to hear you are better as well @Fordy62

Steve Cotterill walks on cider!!

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On 18/01/2021 at 12:32, Robbored said:

SC must have been really unfortunate to develop the more serious symptoms of covid and end up in ICU. Obviously we don’t know whether he’s needed ventilation but if he has then that can lead to other complications and longer term recovery time.

Seeing other covid victims on tv, now in recovery most say how damaging the virus is and how long it takes to recover fully. Long term fatigue seems to be quite a common symptom.

Big love to Steve, bumped into him last year. 

And COVID is a bastard. I caught it just before Xmas, and although lucky enough not to be hospitalised, I still haven't full recovered.

Best wishes to all others battling it.

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29 minutes ago, Fordy62 said:

Did you hear he was on the phone to the dressing room during their win at the weekend?

Salop juggernaut continues on!

I wish him all the very best for his recovery. I didn't realise that he is in hospital in Bristol. Get well soon Cotts.

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Via @LewisCox_star on twitter..........

Happy news. Steve Cotterill is getting better after almost three weeks in hosp. Wilbraham: "He's desperate to get out of hospital, I'm sure it won't be too long before he returns home some time in the near future." #salop @ShropshireStar

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I know an ex-City player who played for him elsewhere.  Has nothing but great things to say about him. He went out every game knowing exactly what his opponent would do and how to get the better of him.

Really hope he gets through this.  As Wolf says, what a warrior

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Shrewsbury Town Football Club is disappointed to report Steve Cotterill has been re-admitted to hospital as he is suffering from Covid-pneumonia. #Salop


Shrewsbury Town Football Club is disappointed to report Steve Cotterill has been re-admitted to the hospital.

Following extensive treatment for Covid-19, Steve returned home from the hospital on February 16th. However, Town's Manager has returned to the hospital over the weekend as he is suffering from Covid-pneumonia.

"For somebody who has never missed a day's work in his life, this will hit the Manager really hard. He's one of the strongest and toughest people I know, and I know he'll get through this Covid-pneumonia."

Town Assistant Manager, Aaron Wilbraham.

The Club wishes Steve all the best in his recovery and will not be making any further comments at this time.

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Very troubling news  

I guess Steve, like most blokes, just wanted to get back to work as soon as possible. Probably a bit too soon.

He's not frail by any means. I expect he looks after himself well. Hopefully, his fitness will enable this to be shrugged off with the help of our super NHS.

Get well soon Steve. 

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This is a reminder that covid doesn't only badly affect the very old, anybody that thinks that is badly misguided, when you get the chance to have a vaccine please do the sensible thing and have it for your own benefit  and for all the people that love you. 

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3 minutes ago, pillred said:

This is a reminder that covid doesn't only badly affect the very old, anybody that thinks that is badly misguided, when you get the chance to have a vaccine please do the sensible thing and have it for your own benefit  and for all the people that love you. 

It's also a timely reminder that Covid is really something you need to avoid at all costs. It isn't minor, it isn't flu.

Sadly, Cotts is following an altogether familiar path as being reported by doctors of patients, seemingly otherwise fit, who 'recover' from their infection only for two or three weeks later to relapse, often fatally (which clearly I trust won't happen in Cotts case.) There's a raft of identified associated 'long Covid' impacts and they're horrible, life-long, debilitating conditions. For those 'immortals' out there the bad news it's the younger and fitter folks who are worst hit by these longer impacting conditions.

First mate I knew who died of Covid was possibly the least likely of any of my friends to succumb; super-fit didn't touch the sides. He had only minor Covid symptoms, 'recovered', only to die unexpectedly a few weeks later from heart failure. Covid had majorly impacted his heart muscles. He wasn't yet 50.

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I had pneumonia in my 30s. I would absolutely hate to get it now in my 50s. And I'm hoping Covid pneumonia isn't as fear inducing as it sounds. But I expect it is. So, everything crossed, and a little prayer. C'mon Cotts.

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1 hour ago, cidered abroad said:

Any news on the condition of the thread subject? 

Steve Cotterill.


Not sure this adds much to what's already been said, but its the latest I can find. 

Can only hope that Wilbs' optimism is justified. Get well soon Steve.

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10 hours ago, italian dave said:


Not sure this adds much to what's already been said, but its the latest I can find. 

Can only hope that Wilbs' optimism is justified. Get well soon Steve.

That is a great find and all seems to indicate that his condition very treatable.

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38 minutes ago, boatman said:

That is a great find and all seems to indicate that his condition very treatable.

It will be what is known as an ‘Opportunistic infection’. His lungs would have suffered due to the Covid and other microbes (in this case a pneumococcal bacterium) will have siezed their opportunity and dived in. 

Not at all present, should should respond well to big deal I.v. antibiotics. 

Get well soon Steve. 

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I understand he still lives in central Bristol in the Canon's Marsh area.

He would be well advised to find somewhere in the countryside to escape the inner city air pollution and give his lungs a better chance of recovery.

Very pleased he is on the way back. Come on Salop!

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3 hours ago, cidered abroad said:

I understand he still lives in central Bristol in the Canon's Marsh area.

He would be well advised to find somewhere in the countryside to escape the inner city air pollution and give his lungs a better chance of recovery.

Used to be Ham Green for that, didn't it? Take the channel air, and all that. Before Avonmouth began burning the ozone. 

I think Cotts would miss us bumping in to him and telling him how wonderful he/that season was, if he took the country air. 

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