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Nigel Pearson press conference | Bristol City v Stoke City


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16 minutes ago, Sleepy1968 said:

00:58; has first dig at GMG "You know the answer to the question, but you asked it anyway..."

And fair play to GMG for asking questions about Simpson.

If he knew the answer why ask? I can’t stand journos at the best of times let alone ones that either state or ask bloody stupid things ! ...:yawn:

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3 minutes ago, Slippin cider said:

If he knew the answer why ask? I can’t stand journos at the best of times let alone ones that either state or ask bloody stupid things ! ...:yawn:

He might know the answer, but the point is to inform the listener. So if GMG knows the answer but the wider listening population doesn't then there is a point to asking the Manager about it. But as GMG has been on the naughty step since day one, maybe he needs to steer clear of this type of 'question'.

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7 minutes ago, Waffleflap said:

What a manager we've got here. We are so lucky

Couldn't agree more!

Let just hope that behind the scenes discussions have already taken place with our Nige, Ashton, Steve and the boy wonder on keeping him long term, before anyone else comes sniffing.

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It's good that Pearson is at least addressing the Simpson question - admittedly in quite abstract terms but I can understand that. I still think it would have been sensible for the club to make a public statement acknowledging the concerns and affirming their commitment to challenging domestic violence at the time of the signing. 

I don't think it would even have needed to be a negative statement. If Pearson has been talking to people who've been supporting Simpson and that means that Simpson is indeed getting guidance and support then it could easily have been "we're committed to making sure people can do better and change their behaviour" rather than "we're defending someone who has done something terrible". 

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Best interview from him yet (& they’ve all been good)....

Love it when he talks about players we sign, not having to be big names but having to have “desire, hunger and thirst”.

The comment also about “us having to deliver on the pitch for our supporters”

The biggest indication that he will be here next season - could be exciting times ?

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3 hours ago, Banned User said:


Edited 1 hour ago by

I would not say that he is another Pat Lam but he is, permanently I hope, City's version. 

Sports team management is a wide mixture of strengths and weaknesses. The art of it is to make the best use of the strengths and improve the weaknesses. It is more about managing people than being tactically brilliant. Those who are new to it will struggle to pull it all together as we have seen to varying degrees in the last four/five years.

Should Nigel Pearson decide to stay, we will have someone who's made mistakes in the past and will continue so to do as none of us are perfect. But he'll make many fewer than those who have preceded him.

And he hasn't been a manager at high levels for twenty years without being good at it. IMO, the Lansdown era has finally found the round pin for the round management hole.

I really am looking forward to the next three or four seasons. Hoping I last longer!

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59 minutes ago, Loosey Boy said:

Best interview from him yet (& they’ve all been good)....

Love it when he talks about players we sign, not having to be big names but having to have “desire, hunger and thirst”.

The comment also about “us having to deliver on the pitch for our supporters”

The biggest indication that he will be here next season - could be exciting times ?

Spot on LB, having had to endure LJ speak for so long it is so refreshing to hear NP speak. Each interview reinforces how, from his experience, he is clear about what is needed to be successful and he never appears to have an ego that needs feeding. 
Really enjoy listening to him and excited by the prospect of him implementing his approaches. 

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Well you only have to hear the man speak to realise that he hasn’t come here to manage some mid-table team. He understands our “unique” story and you can see he is genuinely excited to have been given the opportunity to become a legend here by achieving promotion to the Prem.

We are certainly going on a ride over the next 18 months or so and for sure he will get the best out of each individual player & the team collectively.

The final piece of the puzzle is how well we recruit - who, where from, what level, how much etc. I’m not sure he is too hung up on big name players & instead will be seeking value for money.

However I think the difference might be for the next few years we won’t necessarily be selling our best players if he wants them to stay. For example - he already knows he has the best goalie in the Championship.... Also if you are Liam Walsh for example - surely you now want to stay?!?



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1 minute ago, frenchred said:

my god he s boring to listen to. 

Have you been on the calvados?

NP is thoughtful and articulate, with few if any, buzz words. Plus he’s here to get a winning team in the pitch and not do Klopp-esque comedy routines at the press conference. 

Perhaps we should focus on the content rather than the tone.....

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I like that his answers are delivered slowly but carefully thought out. They’re not PR sound bites or stock answers but they are confident and assured and carry a strong statement that says he is here to achieve. A quiet confidence without making promises other than standards need to be much higher all round. There will be no room for slackers or big egos I think. 

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Interesting that he’s outlined his type of player we need. No more promising player but instead ones that can do the job and have the know how. What players out there are realistic that fit this bill that aren’t over the hill?

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11 minutes ago, BOSRed said:

Interesting that he’s outlined his type of player we need. No more promising player but instead ones that can do the job and have the know how. What players out there are realistic that fit this bill that aren’t over the hill?

Challenge for me is getting players young enough who are good enough to play now, but will also grow with us.

I do like the statement that it’s not about marquee players etc:

Let me just clarify one thing about attracting players, it’s not about marquee players it’s about creating a squad that not only has the ability to deliver promotion to the Premier League but has a desire and thirst for success

It wouldn’t surprise me if we see a few signings that look very unfashionable on paper, but then find out they were just what we needed.

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Absolutely superb. So measured, oozes confidence, a genius. ... which comes at a risk as most geniuses border on being nutcases, but a risk more than worth taking. 

This is the man who should have followed Cotts. 

Not just a breath of fresh air, a much-needed bloody hurricane to blow away all the crap of the last 5 years. 

Building a team of ‘winners’. Thank the lord, we have finally got a man that realises this is the key attribute of a successful team....not fooking ‘good humans’. 


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I've listened to it twice and read through Gregor's manuscript of it...I'm pretty uninspired.

Pearson rambles and goes around the houses just as much as certain other managers have in the past. He uses a more straightforward vocabulary, but he's just as guilty of answering the question he wants to answer rather than the one he's asked. I guess I prefer this style of rambling to Johnson's Brent-like speak, but it's still rambling.

I thought Pearson was occasionally pretty condescending towards Gregor, a guy who is doing his job and asking some decent questions.

To give him the benefit of the doubt I'll assume he just has a reasonable level of contempt for press conferences, and would rather be coaching or working than doing them. If that's the case then fine but I really don't see why everyone is so elated over a press conference like this?

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53 minutes ago, ExiledAjax said:

I've listened to it twice and read through Gregor's manuscript of it...I'm pretty uninspired.

Pearson rambles and goes around the houses just as much as certain other managers have in the past. He uses a more straightforward vocabulary, but he's just as guilty of answering the question he wants to answer rather than the one he's asked. I guess I prefer this style of rambling to Johnson's Brent-like speak, but it's still rambling.

I thought Pearson was occasionally pretty condescending towards Gregor, a guy who is doing his job and asking some decent questions.

To give him the benefit of the doubt I'll assume he just has a reasonable level of contempt for press conferences, and would rather be coaching or working than doing them. If that's the case then fine but I really don't see why everyone is so elated over a press conference like this?

Teams take on the characteristics of their managers.

The guy is smart, borderline aggressive, in control and has clarity of thought and intention. Above all, he is winner and leader.


That is what I want the character of my City team to be. 

It has been a painful few years watching the muddled mess of a City team produced by others....albeit, doubtless, comprising a set of ‘good humans’ 

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I thought at times it seemed there were glimpses of a bit of a rapport with GMcG. Surely in more usual times you’d want to share a few bottles of the good stuff with a new gaffer and get to know each other. It can’t be easy for the  only real City correspondent. 

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8 hours ago, bexhill reds said:

Have you been on the calvados?

NP is thoughtful and articulate, with few if any, buzz words. Plus he’s here to get a winning team in the pitch and not do Klopp-esque comedy routines at the press conference. 

Perhaps we should focus on the content rather than the tone.....

The tone is monotonous, the content is repetitive. He repeats himself often in ever so slightly different ways, using many ways to say the same thing. The long pauses seem thoughtful but rather give me the impression of wanting to appear to be thoughtful.  The cliches may not use buzz words but they are all over his sentences.

I like him, I think he is great for the profile of Bristol City, but I find his interviews boring and a little predictable.

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1 hour ago, Lew-T said:

I noticed how he said we need to have a certain mentality around the club, players and staff included. 

I wonder if Simpson and Downing will be here next season?

Wouldn't surprise me if at least one, if not both go.

They were bought in to help alongside the inexperienced Holden, that didn't work did it!!

If Nige is here for the longterm, he'll bring in people who he knows and trusts. Then again, perhaps he has seen something in the two of them that he likes.

For me though, both were part of the problem/reason why the Holden appointment didn't work, much like Holden and McAlister were part of the same when Johnson was sacked.

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57 minutes ago, Bristolisredd said:

he may have known the answer but some of us fans may not have 

The question was around team selection. The answer was simply "I won't be telling you". It's a pointless question as Pearson doesn't give that away to journalists or fans now or ever whilst he's our Manager. I think people are making a bit much of it and that overall it was a good interview. Pearson seemed very relaxed and happy to me.,

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1 hour ago, Lew-T said:

I noticed how he said we need to have a certain mentality around the club, players and staff included. 

I wonder if Simpson and Downing will be here next season?

They might not, but I doubt very much they are any less likely to be here than Kalifa Cisse, Pat Mountain, Rene Gilmartin or Alex Ball.

This whole period gives him time to look not only at the playing staff but also the coaches, too & so it seems highly unlikely that we will start next season with exactly the same staff there as currently.

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A recurring theme is building a different culture and it being everyone’s responsibility. 
While that will take time I've no doubt NP is certainly able to draw on his knowledge and experience in order to ensure our culture is right. The question then becomes does the culture he perceives fit with the strategy as set out.....as the saying goes ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast’ we need both the strategy and the culture to align.

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1 hour ago, xerox6060 said:

I nearly turned it off when one of the first questions was, why was the Luton game put back, right from NP's first day Ive found some of the questions to him pathetic...

I think Gregor has landed right on his feet here. Yes there will be a few cringeworthy moments when he asks questions he knows will not be answered or just poor questions but having to interview an "awkward" customer in NP will cram in about 5 years experience in about 12 months. If he takes the rough with the smooth and Pearson is here any length of time he will find it easier and easier to interview the bloke.

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8 hours ago, ExiledAjax said:

I've listened to it twice and read through Gregor's manuscript of it...I'm pretty uninspired.

Pearson rambles and goes around the houses just as much as certain other managers have in the past. He uses a more straightforward vocabulary, but he's just as guilty of answering the question he wants to answer rather than the one he's asked. I guess I prefer this style of rambling to Johnson's Brent-like speak, but it's still rambling.

I thought Pearson was occasionally pretty condescending towards Gregor, a guy who is doing his job and asking some decent questions.

To give him the benefit of the doubt I'll assume he just has a reasonable level of contempt for press conferences, and would rather be coaching or working than doing them. If that's the case then fine but I really don't see why everyone is so elated over a press conference like this?

I think it depends how you listen to it.  For me, he does actually comes across as quite dour, but importantly for me (and why I feel inspired) I hear things that elude confidence, tell me he knows exactly what he’s doing, what the problems are, and he’ll resolve because he knows how to resolve.  I’m not sure it’s “in Big Nige we trust”, but I feel like we’ve got a proper manager here at last.

He’s setting his stall out nicely.  Don’t expect LJ type answers about over-arousal or biting sharks, NP isn’t here to sound smart, he already knows he’s smart (in football management terms).  Don’t expect DH answers about honesty and being the best you can be every day.

Its different.  It’s a bit of a hybrid of SOD and Cotts....but with PL calibre.

2 hours ago, CyderInACan said:

I thought at times it seemed there were glimpses of a bit of a rapport with GMcG. Surely in more usual times you’d want to share a few bottles of the good stuff with a new gaffer and get to know each other. It can’t be easy for the  only real City correspondent. 

Yes, the written interview sounds like he’s completely condescending towards Gregor, but the Spotify one shows some rapport.

2 hours ago, CiderJar said:

The tone is monotonous, the content is repetitive. He repeats himself often in ever so slightly different ways, using many ways to say the same thing. The long pauses seem thoughtful but rather give me the impression of wanting to appear to be thoughtful.  The cliches may not use buzz words but they are all over his sentences.

I like him, I think he is great for the profile of Bristol City, but I find his interviews boring and a little predictable.

His son was interviewed recently and said he normally talks 100mph, but he knows in interviews one false move will come back to bite him....so he’s very slow and deliberate.

There are definitely cliches, e.g. “collective”....but I think it’s very difficult to be interviewed and not go to your default vocab.  We all have little words and phrases that are noticeable as being overused.

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15 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

I think it depends how you listen to it.  For me, he does actually comes across as quite dour, but importantly for me (and why I feel inspired) I hear things that elude confidence, tell me he knows exactly what he’s doing, what the problems are, and he’ll resolve because he knows how to resolve.  I’m not sure it’s “in Big Nige we trust”, but I feel like we’ve got a proper manager here at last.

He’s setting his stall out nicely.  Don’t expect LJ type answers about over-arousal or biting sharks, NP isn’t here to sound smart, he already knows he’s smart (in football management terms).  Don’t expect DH answers about honesty and being the best you can be every day.

Its different.  It’s a bit of a hybrid of SOD and Cotts....but with PL calibre.

Yes, the written interview sounds like he’s completely condescending towards Gregor, but the Spotify one shows some rapport.

His son was interviewed recently and said he normally talks 100mph, but he knows in interviews one false move will come back to bite him....so he’s very slow and deliberate.

There are definitely cliches, e.g. “collective”....but I think it’s very difficult to be interviewed and not go to your default vocab.  We all have little words and phrases that are noticeable as being overused.

My feelings that exactly @Davefevs.

Assuming he stays after end of season, we are in with a fighting chance of achieving what so many of us want. 

Like all who want to manage, he has an ego but that is channeled into assisting all those who work for him, to produce the end result. No one person can do anything on their own and good, successful managers are those who allow everyone else in the "team" to bask in the sun.

As an afterthought, having watched the Jack Charlton programme, all great managers are those who allow the troops to get the glory.

So NP and PL just keep going on our behalf.

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19 hours ago, Slippin cider said:

If he knew the answer why ask? I can’t stand journos at the best of times let alone ones that either state or ask bloody stupid things ! ...:yawn:

Because listeners might not? 

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He's the boss.   I like him more and more.  Yes he comes across as dour and deliberate, but this is a press conference, 20 minutes of his busy day, the last thing he wants to do, but if he knows if he puts a foot wrong he could blow it all.  

So he comes in prepared, says only what he wants to say, sets the context, addresses all the different audiences and their different agendas,  restates the vision and strategy,  clarifies expectations and drive for high standards,  pushes the Bristol Sport brand, name-checks Steve and Jon,  shows he wants to collaborate with the egg chasing rugger-booggers   ....  all this without giving anything away, (except to expect some debuts?)

And no mention of a certain CEO (who, lest we forget, carried an extensive ten week search last year and decided that dear old Deano was the best out there.) 




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 He's a class above any head coach/manager that we've had in a long time, we only see his media side but you can see why players will want to play for him.

I liked the fact he was talking about changing the mindset of the club, players and staff, he comes across as well up for the project and premiership football is the goal.

I would think that he knows a contract for him is all in place apart from the media announcements, Steve and NP are men of their words..

Im feeling very positive about the club and the next few years at the moment but dare to dream too much!

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16 hours ago, ExiledAjax said:

I've listened to it twice and read through Gregor's manuscript of it...I'm pretty uninspired.

Pearson rambles and goes around the houses just as much as certain other managers have in the past. He uses a more straightforward vocabulary, but he's just as guilty of answering the question he wants to answer rather than the one he's asked. I guess I prefer this style of rambling to Johnson's Brent-like speak, but it's still rambling.

I thought Pearson was occasionally pretty condescending towards Gregor, a guy who is doing his job and asking some decent questions.

To give him the benefit of the doubt I'll assume he just has a reasonable level of contempt for press conferences, and would rather be coaching or working than doing them. If that's the case then fine but I really don't see why everyone is so elated over a press conference like this?

Can we mark this as the end of the honeymoon period? 

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17 hours ago, ExiledAjax said:

I've listened to it twice and read through Gregor's manuscript of it...I'm pretty uninspired.

Pearson rambles and goes around the houses just as much as certain other managers have in the past. He uses a more straightforward vocabulary, but he's just as guilty of answering the question he wants to answer rather than the one he's asked. I guess I prefer this style of rambling to Johnson's Brent-like speak, but it's still rambling.

I thought Pearson was occasionally pretty condescending towards Gregor, a guy who is doing his job and asking some decent questions.

To give him the benefit of the doubt I'll assume he just has a reasonable level of contempt for press conferences, and would rather be coaching or working than doing them. If that's the case then fine but I really don't see why everyone is so elated over a press conference like this?

I think he's shown Gregor to be the very mediocre journalist we expect from the Bristol Post. Some of his questions were pathetic and that's being kind. Its good to see we have a manager who has worked this out in a short space of time. Perhaps now some of the conspiracy bollocks will cease also.

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1 hour ago, RalphMilnesLeftFoot said:

Yeah, on that score I'm out. 

Was not impressed with the interview and whatever 'politically correct' is in Nigel's sense is a meaningless sound bite to try and justify some awful decisions. 

Genuinely thinking about finding a more inclusive club as do not feel at home, nor wanted as a fan any more ?



Enlighten me - what's 'politically correct' in RalphMilnesLeftFoot's sense?

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1 hour ago, RalphMilnesLeftFoot said:

Yeah, on that score I'm out. 

Was not impressed with the interview and whatever 'politically correct' is in Nigel's sense is a meaningless sound bite to try and justify some awful decisions. 

Genuinely thinking about finding a more inclusive club as do not feel at home, nor wanted as a fan any more ?



Bye then

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It seems like we have lost a few fans because of the Danny Simpson episode. In comparison to the number that would have been lost if Holden had stayed or will be lost if Pearson slings his hook and we sign another “puppet” for the Board it’s next to nothing and tbf we may well regain a few who had simply had enough of LJ’s football and sound bites come the end.

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2 hours ago, BigTone said:

I think he's shown Gregor to be the very mediocre journalist we expect from the Bristol Post. Some of his questions were pathetic and that's being kind. Its good to see we have a manager who has worked this out in a short space of time. Perhaps now some of the conspiracy bollocks will cease also.

I've been saying similar for a while, but people get defensive over him because he answers them on Twitter.

He needs to up his game, and if he plays his cards right, interviewing Pearson could mould him into a semi decent journalist - one destined for far better things than the Post! 

One thing he does do well is ask questions that nobody else will dare. He needs to carry that on, and stop with the silly questions like trying to get inside info on the team - Pearson is never going to budge on that front. Work with, and not against.

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25 minutes ago, RalphMilnesLeftFoot said:

There's nothing that's 'politically correct'. 

It's called instead, being a decent human and not justifying hate or whatever else by hiding behind the term 'PC' 

City dont have an Lgbt supporters group as far as I know and the use of terms such as Politically Correct or Woke are just another way of encouraging bigotry by minimising it. 

We have a situation where our manager's brushed aside and not answered a question by giving a fudge response.

Playing for us is not a '2nd chance', seeing as that's already been addressed by him playing for previous clubs, post conviction nor is hiring him anything to do with being a 'non' politically correct' decision'. 

I'm sorry that other fans dont get why things like that are important to  to have a club that's inclusive and not exclusive. 

This situation plus a once a year, yearly post about Rainbow Laces and sod all else is depressing especially when it's clear they didnt care about the football against DV thing, either. 

I've no faith in the club nor the team being inclusive due to the  language and actions as shown in this situation. 

It'll probably be written off by others  as being a drama queen or some such stuff. However, just for once try and see it from a different perspective and see why  actions such as these create a hostility and genuinely completely push me away as a fan. 


To be fair, I've seen some quite extreme posts from your "perspective" so I think some meeting in the middle has to be done. no one can expect every scenario to play out how they want it to go.

It feels like in terms of Simpson, as the victim of the situation seems to be supportive of the move, a lot of people are just being offended on her behalf. It would potentially be more damaging to her if her child's father couldn't seek employment at a club. It's a shame you see it as the club not caring DV (and I would prefer he'd gone to a different club perhaps) but I see it as a club accepting someone that made a mistake and appears to have changed for the better - that should be celebrated no?

And before I'm accused of belittling domestic violence, please see my previous posts on the Danny Simpson thread, I've witnessed it first hand I'm very aware of the damage it can cause.

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50 minutes ago, RalphMilnesLeftFoot said:

I'm not offended on her behalf and find it continually galling that this is used as a get out. 

Clearly, I'm not making myself clear and that's fine, however, whacking in caveats of dont accuse of xyz also misses the wider point. 

Currently, I'm defacto homeless because my Landlord tried to invite himself over for a party for 2 

I work with people who've been DV'd regularly in one of my jobs and have been the victim of multiple dv s myself. 

I have my own IDVA because of the times I've been abused and presented to hospital with DV injuries. 

I hate throwing the personal stuff out there because it's a public forum and it's easy to scoff or leave emojis or down play.  However Ive tried hinting at, but clearly fell on deaf ears. 

Simply, the club could do way more on this and Lgbt issues. 

When the rhetoric coming out, downplays or is dismissive then it completely misses the point, as does the repeated use of 2nd chance as a get out. 

As a player, he's not played anywhere for sometime, Huddersfield fans suggest his legs have gone, which comes with age and at 34, the signing comes with lots of risk see Chris Brunt on that score. 

Given we've just had and old one of ours sent down for 10 years for rape committed when he was with us, and weve just signed a convicted Domestic Abuser. 

It's not asking all that much for something more than oh well it's a 2nd chance, it's not PC and tough. 

That sends out completely the wrong message and its incredibly easy to not support a team that doesn't even address the basics of this situation in literally anyway. 

Wider scale its appalling. No, if you've been affected by in any of the posts, no we're sorry for losing this endorsement or no we're working closely with any Bristol based DV organisations on this, etc. nothing. 

Tells its own story. 


Of course I'm sorry for your experiences, like I said I've had my own dealings not directly as the victim but trying to date and build a relationship with the victim (and part of that was being spied on with a hidden camera!)

I agree that given the footballing conditions of this signing aren't particularly inspiring then it's something we could and probably should have avoided, personally that was my stance on it.

However where I struggle a little is firstly this isn't a new situation. Again, not to down play it but it happened 7 years ago? He's been convicted, he's served his time (debatable I know), and continued to play for 7 years. have you been actively championing for him to be removed from football all that time or do you only care when its our club he's playing for? 

I'll also say again, what makes this case significantly different to most situations is it does appear to have been a one off incident (not excusing it...) as opposed to prolonged abuse and like it or not there is a difference. The victim herself has forgiven and it appears moved on with Simpson and is happy with him making this move.

If the victim was still at odds with him, and it appeared he was still behaving like a scum bag then it would be different. All the evidence suggests that he made a mistake and has changed for the better.

As above, on footballing reasons the signing is questionable, it's probably a situation we could have avoided as sadly there will be people like yourself who feel isolated by the clubs actions.


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I don't care if he is, to some, not me, a boring, repetitive misery guts. 

He won't be measuring the grass while his team can't pass a ball or retain possession. 

He knows what he's doing and he doesn't need to impress with his words. 

As the supercar is to the man with a small appendage, a word salad is to the man trying to be something he is not. 

I'm glad we've seen the back of bullsh*t bingo for a while. 

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13 hours ago, RalphMilnesLeftFoot said:

Yeah, on that score I'm out. 

Was not impressed with the interview and whatever 'politically correct' is in Nigel's sense is a meaningless sound bite to try and justify some awful decisions. 

Genuinely thinking about finding a more inclusive club as do not feel at home, nor wanted as a fan any more ?



Ffs.... Pull yourself together boy!!!

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12 hours ago, Numero Uno said:

It seems like we have lost a few fans because of the Danny Simpson episode. In comparison to the number that would have been lost if Holden had stayed or will be lost if Pearson slings his hook and we sign another “puppet” for the Board it’s next to nothing and tbf we may well regain a few who had simply had enough of LJ’s football and sound bites come the end.

It’s a bit silly I think. Several of them are noticeable posters on here so who have now crossed the rubicon. If they return whilst Pearson is still manager it’ll be very hypocritical and they’ll deserve the stick they’ll get. Going to be tough for them when we’re challenging for promotion in the next few seasons ?

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