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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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Just watched a little of the Daryl interview I couldn’t stomach it all, but he does look like he has aged a lot recently. A sure sign of being under stress. Look at the lines on his brow, he isn’t a happy man at all. I bet he wishes he had bailed out when other clubs had been sniffing when his stock was high. No doubt he got swept along on the success of successive promotions and thought he could achieve everything with increasingly less and less.

The penny must have dropped now that there is no new ground, no ground development, no new training facilities. He must also realise they can’t afford to pay him off either, so where is the incentive to turn it around? I guess so he gets a way out for himself by attracting another club is his only motive?

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41 minutes ago, RedM said:

Just watched a little of the Daryl interview I couldn’t stomach it all, but he does look like he has aged a lot recently. A sure sign of being under stress. Look at the lines on his brow, he isn’t a happy man at all. I bet he wishes he had bailed out when other clubs had been sniffing when his stock was high. No doubt he got swept along on the success of successive promotions and thought he could achieve everything with increasingly less and less.

The penny must have dropped now that there is no new ground, no ground development, no new training facilities. He must also realise they can’t afford to pay him off either, so where is the incentive to turn it around? I guess so he gets a way out for himself by attracting another club is his only motive?

Poor guy is trapped. It's like being chained to an idiot.

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38 minutes ago, RedM said:

Just watched a little of the Daryl interview I couldn’t stomach it all, but he does look like he has aged a lot recently. A sure sign of being under stress. Look at the lines on his brow, he isn’t a happy man at all. I bet he wishes he had bailed out when other clubs had been sniffing when his stock was high. No doubt he got swept along on the success of successive promotions and thought he could achieve everything with increasingly less and less.

The penny must have dropped now that there is no new ground, no ground development, no new training facilities. He must also realise they can’t afford to pay him off either, so where is the incentive to turn it around? I guess so he gets a way out for himself by attracting another club is his only motive?

What ever you say about LJ, he would NEVER conduct a post match interview looking like a wino slumped in Tesco's doorway !  At least he has a bit of pride in his appearance, if nothing else. But I suppose the prerequisite of being employed by that shower of shysters is to check your pride and self worth at the door !

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Think the liar is obsessed with us.


Henbury Gas
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2 hours ago gastropod, landersgas, and 2 more like this
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Post by Henbury Gas on 2 hours ago

Not because of the team or managers performance, but those idiots shouting and booing at the team at full time. absolute disgusting language and behavior by so called supporters.

We need to get behind this team and encourage them, not question their family heritage or ask them to have sex and travel   

Disgusting, just like our friends south of the river
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10 minutes ago, wendyredredrobin said:

Surprisingly, there has been no "left the club by mutual agreement"  statement this morning, yet.

Ah, that good old "mutual agreement" which roughly translates as "Do you accept this pay off?" "Yes I do".

Somehow I can't see the Wally's purse having enough coins in it for a "mutual agreement" with the manager.

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from barnet forum :laugh:

Also good to hear the Bristol Rovers 'army' are actually capable of making some noise after watching them sit in silence eating their sandwiches at The Hive for 90 minutes, even if that noise was them booing their own team. Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch

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41 minutes ago, Super said:

Think the liar is obsessed with us.


Henbury Gas
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2 hours ago gastropod, landersgas, and 2 more like this
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Post by Henbury Gas on 2 hours ago

Not because of the team or managers performance, but those idiots shouting and booing at the team at full time. absolute disgusting language and behavior by so called supporters.

We need to get behind this team and encourage them, not question their family heritage or ask them to have sex and travel   

Disgusting, just like our friends south of the river

Says the person who has been on their forum this morning and copied this

Such irony

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I don’t know about anyone else but the main reason I find last nights result so funny is because of belters like these...

Proud to be cheats.... ?


Dreaming of the possibility of playing their cup final against City in the 3rd round.... ?


This one below sums up their arrogant fans perfectly. What was their attendance last night? 2700? Maybe more Barnet fans would’ve turned up at the Hive if the opposition were a proper big club not some jumped up clowns with delusions of grandeur?....


Edited by Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan
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6 minutes ago, wendyredredrobin said:

Slagchat is awash wiith gloom this morning with threads entitled:

Ashamed to be a gashead last night.

FA Cup disaster.

DC do the honourable thing.

Rose tinters.

Total waste of time. 

No players coming in January, and

Sad fact of where we are.

Their matchay thread is the funniest by far though ???


If that was happening at City we would have "Sack the Board" protests to force a change of ownership.

It doesn't happen there because they are too cowed yet mistake that for loyalty and take pride in it.

Pillocks.  Fans get the club they deserve shaped in their own image. 

Weak, accepting and capitulating is about the size of it for Rovers these days. On the pitch and on the stands.

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4 minutes ago, Bouncearoundtheground said:

Was in the Barnet away end last night and it was a right laugh. 

They sang One Team In Bristol, Darrell Clarkes a football genius, just a shit bristol City... all the hits. 

Great bunch of supporters


It's people like you, who go to watch the 15ers and delight in their abject pain and misery, that give the rest of us "Ted's" such a bad reputation in North Bristol.

Congratulations and well done, sir. I commend you.

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23 minutes ago, wendyredredrobin said:

Slagchat is awash wiith gloom this morning with threads entitled:

Ashamed to be a gashead last night.

FA Cup disaster.

DC do the honourable thing.

Rose tinters.

Total waste of time. 

No players coming in January, and

Sad fact of where we are.

Their matchay thread is the funniest by far though ???


Worst than OTIB? I don''t think so, can't help but think we need to get out own house in order before we piss ourselves at that lot, hardly worth bothering with anyway, but I am afraid, again Bristol Football is becoming a joke, when especially half the population can't tell the difference between City and Rovers. 

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3 minutes ago, 1bristolcity said:

Worst than OTIB? I don''t think so, can't help but think we need to get out own house in order before we piss ourselves at that lot, hardly worth bothering with anyway, but I am afraid, again Bristol Football is becoming a joke, when especially half the population can't tell the difference between City and Rovers. 

You really haven't got the hang of this thread, have you?

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13 minutes ago, TomF said:

Always forget about that Stockport Game. Didn't they leave the sprinklers on by accident?  

Not sure. They definitely made no attempt to get the game played. Previous matches that season they had called people in to help make the pitch playable.

Either way, since then I’ve seen posts and heard Gasheads boasting about how they got one over on City and Stockport by calling that game off as if they’d pulled some sort of tactical master stroke worthy of being proud of.

The reality is they just didn’t want to face a Stockport team who were on an amazing run of wins at the time. They also knew it meant they’d get a weekend off before the JPT area final whilst we went up to Blackpool.

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10 minutes ago, TomF said:

If this forum is that bad and you think its infinitely worse than everywhere else - twitter, facebook other forums. Why do you post here?   Genuine question as you seem to come across as if you hate the place. 


7 minutes ago, Rudolf Hucker said:

You really haven't got the hang of this thread, have you? 

A "City" fan who hates OTIB and never goes to Ashton Gate...?!?!


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7 minutes ago, Rudolf Hucker said:

You really haven't got the hang of this thread, have you?

Oh! I do...not just the thread but the whole mentality, which is c.1970.


Anyway last word on it from me, but just to say we need a strong Rovers (gulp) and a stronger City. We had 15 minutes of fame last season, and now we are forgotten, Bristol Football = joke. 

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