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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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Look over here lads we’re building a stadium to distract you from a shite transfer window.

Look over here lads we’re building a new stand to distract you from nothing happening on the stadium front. 

Look over here lads we’ve got a new owner to distract you from signing a woman beater because they were cheap.

Look over here lads we’re busting our transfer record to distract you from the planning shag up with the new stand.

Look over here lads we’re sticking it to the pesky council and building our stand anyway to distract you from lying about signing a very expensive player.

Look over here lads we’re [fill in this when news announced ] to distract you from yet another stadium plan going south as we wanted it built for free. 

….. and they look the other way every time like the Goombas in the Mario Bros film when music is played???

Edited by GreedyHarry
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6 minutes ago, TomF said:

And yet they still drink the cool aid given to them by the club. Its hilarious. 

‘Wael is too much of a good negotiator’ apparently. Or it’s all made up because it’s coming from the post. Or actually this is all part of the negotiations tactics.

They really are ******* weird arent they. 

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5 minutes ago, petehinton said:

Let me get this straight…

They teased fans about a new stadium, produced a high quality filmed video about the move and area etc, and had said that talks were going well. They never actually agreed on…

The size of the stadium 

The capacity of the stadium

The area of the site it would take up

The cost of it all 

How it’ll be funded

How the revenue share will work 

What in gods name did they actually agreed on then? I actually feel sorry for their fans for the first time ever. Amateur doesn’t even cover it. 

It’s basically the same as inviting friends and family over for a house warming in your new house, when you haven’t even viewed it yet, let alone bought it, you just like the look of the Rightmove listing. 

I don't feel sorry for many of them. I know a few sound Gasheads but they are in a tiny minority. Loads of the fookers have come out of the woodwork in the last eighteen months, people you have known for years and never mentioned Da Gas once and you know they are really genuine Gas because they spout plenty of bullshit, plenty of bluster, the type that boast "at least we can sell out" when there are less than 8K in the ground and, as always, have NOTHING to show for it.

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******* clowns ? the lot of them.

Including their ******* fans!

I bet the Fruitihad collapse is all down to the ******* Shitheads!


Deluded *****!

brfclown16 MIN AGO

As a Rovers supporter, watching the Stadium Saga continually descend into chaos at every attempt (i've lost count of the false dawns), I'm starting to believe the Board of directors is made up of Bozo the Clown, Oleg Popov, Joseph Grimaldi and Krusty the Clown.

I'm of the same opinion as PeterdeMeteor when he says "I'll believe it when I'm sat in it" , which is a phrase I've become accustomed to repeating far too often.

Same applies to the absolute mess of the transfer deadline day and the recent South Stand planning issue..how can the so called professional people responsible for running a football club manage to mess things up on such a regular basis?

I now truly believe there is no ambition for anything at Rovers. Its a non stop parade of hope and disappointment with the odd prospect of light at the end of the tunnel dangled like the proverbial carrot on a stick to keep the suckers buying season tickets in the vain hope believing that one day..just maybe they will actually do something rather than float up n down between divisions 3 and 4.

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Back a few months ago when they applied for planning permission I thought this would entertain us up until around the start of the new season.

I was wrong.

If this is a negotiation tactic, I guess the next meeting won't be going so well. Sounds like the only thing agreed on in the first meetings was which biscuits to have with the coffee? (Custard creams for me BTW).

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3 minutes ago, Open End Numb Legs said:

Back a few months ago when they applied for planning permission I thought this would entertain us up until around the start of the new season.

I was wrong.

If this is a negotiation tactic, I guess the next meeting won't be going so well. Sounds like the only thing agreed on in the first meetings was which biscuits to have with the coffee? (Custard creams for me BTW).

You’re a bloody animal, custard creams are terrible for dunking 

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Wally is probably on the phone as I type to his favourite coach hire company....

Wally: Yeah, done it again. Dropped the ball and I think the fans are going to get a bit annoyed, can you rent me a vehicle, I need to buy them off with some free travel.

Coach Company: executive style, reasonably local so you can take as many as possible, we can offer you up to twenty coaches!

Wally: Err, Wednesday night, Pappa John's trophy, local game. Minibus. Just the one.....

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I don't believe the Gas have intent towards a new stadium. If they did they should have made a huge play a few years back for the land adjacent to Gypsy Patch Lane and the A38 where the Village hotel and gym, plus a number of car showrooms now stand. Easy access to the motorway, a local rail station and on a bus route would have made it ideal. They could even have used Stoker's as their pub. 

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Although there are some sensible people on the Rovers’ forum who realise how shambolic the club is, there are still a lot who are totally deluded - e.g. 

 “I think we knew that Wael and co were hard bargainers after the UWE collapse.

That's a good thing, we want a good deal for the club ultimately.”

How can anyone believe the UWE and Fruit Market stadiums have fallen through because of Wael’s negotiating skills?  They’ve fallen through because, as always, Rovers don’t want to spend any money. 

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2 minutes ago, RoystonFoote'snephew said:

I don't believe the Gas have intent towards a new stadium. If they did they should have made a huge play a few years back for the land adjacent to Gypsy Patch Lane and the A38 where the Village hotel and gym, plus a number of car showrooms now stand. Easy access to the motorway, a local rail station and on a bus route would have made it ideal. They could even have used Stoker's as their pub. 

They need someone else to pay for it 

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48 minutes ago, Super said:


To be honest with 3400 in the new stand, the potential for at least 5000 in a redeveloped Thatchers end and 1800 in the West / East stands that gives us 10000 seats and approx 3000 standing left on the sides - good enough unless we hit the championship at which point rebuild the East.

Stadium been a distraction for years ..... would rather see progress on the pitch.

Now it’s

“Team team team but they forgot about the ground….” 

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13 minutes ago, pongo88 said:

Although there are some sensible people on the Rovers’ forum who realise how shambolic the club is, there are still a lot who are totally deluded - e.g. 

 “I think we knew that Wael and co were hard bargainers after the UWE collapse.

That's a good thing, we want a good deal for the club ultimately.”

How can anyone believe the UWE and Fruit Market stadiums have fallen through because of Wael’s negotiating skills?  They’ve fallen through because, as always, Rovers don’t want to spend any money. 

They just don’t want to believe it.

So they’ll just carry on blaming Shitheads for everything.

Goodnight Irene.

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