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All Matches Postponed Until At Least 12/9/22


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17 minutes ago, BTRFTG said:

Two things:

Risk. Football fans reputations are there for a reason, as are egg-chasers. We reap what we sow.

Resource: could be the A&S contingents start getting shipped out/deployed en masse from Sunday. It'll be in the plan. Maybe Eggers don't require all the horses football fans do 

They’ve cancelled the games as a “mark of respect” not because they can’t guarantee security or anything like that so not sure it’s really relevant

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10 minutes ago, Selred said:

In the greatest respect BrizzleRed, I imagine you're not on a zero hour contract on the poverty line. Minimum wage employees of Football clubs are unlikely to be paid for this weekend now, money they desperately need. 

Same for local businesses, a lot rely on Footballl fans to keep their income going. I imagine local pubs, restaurants, burger vans etc stocked up this week expecting a double header. There will be a lot of booze and food going to waste, plus now staff will be told they aren't needed tonight.

All during a cost of living crisis. 

Fair comment Selred and particularly coming up to the international break, it’s certainly a particularly a shit time for this postponement to happen.

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1 minute ago, Numero Uno said:

That’s not a valid reason in this instance. We were home to Preston. Tbh it’s no big deal to me but as others have said playing a game of rugby when the football should have been on is absurd. Sport as a whole should either go ahead or be cancelled, no cherry picking.

The fact you don't consider it valid is your choice, but you're not tasked with ensuring public safety at risk if you get it wrong you could end up in prison. They take calls based on intelligence and risk, not desire and supposition.

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Some of the reactions on here have actually blown my mind. A game of football is being rescheduled, because one of the most prominent people in living history has died. 

Can you imagine if someone said "why are we mourning Stoney, he's just another old man" there would be outcry on here. 

Basically, she was everything that all you disrespectful posters aren't. That's what made her so great. That's what made her so loved. 

You'll get to see your game of football, don't worry. But in the mean time, please let a lot of people who want to mourn, mourn with respect.


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8 minutes ago, Fjmcity said:

Criket, rugby and god knows what else playing tomorrow now but not even under 7s football can take place?

what a shower of shite this is

You fail to understand that Rugger and Cricket is played by gentlemen and the better classes ! Football is merely a peasant’s past time and they need to be kept firmly in their place Sir ! 

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1 minute ago, Tinmans Love Child said:

They’ve cancelled the games as a “mark of respect” not because they can’t guarantee security or anything like that so not sure it’s really relevant

If that's the case then FA, EPL and EFL are responsible, though I suspect there's more to it than that. I imagine they were faced with the prospect of some games on, some games off dictated by the emergency authorities, so acted first. 

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I would have been very willing to show my respect to the Queen and the Royal Family for their loss along with 20,000 others at Ashton Gate tomorrow, with a 1-2 minute silence at the start of the game, just as I would for others who have died or lost relatives. Now with the way the fixtures are organised, that’s not going to happen at AG for us at all, so I am not sure what purpose postponing all football fixtures for the weekend has achieved, especially when other sports are still going ahead.

The problem is that there is a very vocal minority, including certain press publications, that would suggest that playing football at a time of “national mourning” was unpatriotic. And they would love to call out certain groups for their behaviour during this time, which is what makes football in general an easy target, because it’s thought that football fans won’t be “respectful enough”. It’s a load of ballcocks but I can understand the nervousness of the FA, EPL & EFL of being called out on this.


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2 minutes ago, BTRFTG said:

The fact you don't consider it valid is your choice, but you're not tasked with ensuring public safety at risk if you get it wrong you could end up in prison. They take calls based on intelligence and risk, not desire and supposition.

I’m not sure the game was called off by the Police anyway tbh and it would be interesting to know what the increased risk would be tomorrow if it was. I have no issue with the game being called off as a mark of respect but on the grounds of public safety would be very odd imo. What will be interesting is how many empty seats there are at the rugger tomorrow due to people refusing to go to pay their respects at home or the inconvenience of the game being moved when people have made other plans.

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6 minutes ago, BTRFTG said:

If that's the case then FA, EPL and EFL are responsible, though I suspect there's more to it than that. I imagine they were faced with the prospect of some games on, some games off dictated by the emergency authorities, so acted first. 

There will have been regional risk and risk match varieties, fully agree with this point.

Local derbies, or games in London verbatim, even relatively low risk London derbies...plenty of scope for postponements.

Edited by Mr Popodopolous
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7 minutes ago, Ghost Rider said:

Some of the reactions on here have actually blown my mind. A game of football is being rescheduled, because one of the most prominent people in living history has died. 

Can you imagine if someone said "why are we mourning Stoney, he's just another old man" there would be outcry on here. 

Basically, she was everything that all you disrespectful posters aren't. That's what made her so great. That's what made her so loved. 

You'll get to see your game of football, don't worry. But in the mean time, please let a lot of people who want to mourn, mourn with respect.


I think most of us will pay our respects tbf. Some are merely questioning why playing football is disrespectful whereas playing rugby isn’t? Surely it should be all out or none out if respect is the prime issue here?

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11 minutes ago, Ghost Rider said:

Some of the reactions on here have actually blown my mind. A game of football is being rescheduled, because one of the most prominent people in living history has died. 

Can you imagine if someone said "why are we mourning Stoney, he's just another old man" there would be outcry on here. 

Basically, she was everything that all you disrespectful posters aren't. That's what made her so great. That's what made her so loved. 

You'll get to see your game of football, don't worry. But in the mean time, please let a lot of people who want to mourn, mourn with respect.


Then shut off the rugby, horse racing, cricket etc all weekend!

Perhaps leisure, theatre, hospitality etc.

Not saying I'd support the position but anyway can you explain the difference?

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11 minutes ago, Ghost Rider said:

Some of the reactions on here have actually blown my mind. A game of football is being rescheduled, because one of the most prominent people in living history has died. 

Can you imagine if someone said "why are we mourning Stoney, he's just another old man" there would be outcry on here. 

Basically, she was everything that all you disrespectful posters aren't. That's what made her so great. That's what made her so loved. 

You'll get to see your game of football, don't worry. But in the mean time, please let a lot of people who want to mourn, mourn with respect.


If people actually bother to read the statement put out by the FA then they will have a better understanding of why the decision was made.

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2 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Then shut off the rugby, horse racing, cricket etc all weekend!

Perhaps leisure, theatre, hospitality etc.

Not saying I'd support the position but anyway can you explain the difference?

The Queen has been a long time patron of the FA, so they took the decision out of respect. What cinemas, rugby, horse racing, hospitality etc do to mark their respect is up to those organisations, not the FA

Edited by Sir Geoff
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8 minutes ago, Ghost Rider said:


Can you imagine if someone said "why are we mourning Stoney, he's just another old man" there would be outcry on here. 


Has anyone actually called the Queen "just another old person"?  Did anyone suggest the City game be called off because of Stoney's death?

Answer to both questions is no, by the way. Most if not all the posts I've read here have been very respectful to Her Majesty's memory.

I am not surprised the football was called off, and in the grand scheme of things it means little, but I can still have my opinion that it shouldn't have been. It isn't 'disrespectful' to watch live sport three days after a monarch's death, any more than it's disrespectful to do any other ordinary things. My mum's about the biggest Royalist you can meet, but she's still departed for her annual bowls tour. There was no question that the oldies would cancel it. The only football games that should be cancelled are those on the day of the funeral IMO. 

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9 minutes ago, Dr Balls said:

I would have been very willing to show my respect to the Queen and the Royal Family for their loss along with 20,000 others at Ashton Gate tomorrow, with a 1-2 minute silence at the start of the game, just as I would for others who have died or lost relatives. Now with the way the fixtures are organised, that’s not going to happen at AG for us at all, so I am not sure what purpose postponing all football fixtures for the weekend has achieved, especially when other sports are still going ahead.

The problem is that there is a very vocal minority, including certain press publications, that would suggest that playing football at a time of “national mourning” was unpatriotic. And they would love to call out certain groups for their behaviour during this time, which is what makes football in general an easy target, because it’s thought that football fans won’t be “respectful enough”. It’s a load of ballcocks but I can understand the nervousness of the FA, EPL & EFL of being called out on this.


Totally agree I was hoping to pay my respects by having a minute’s silence and singing the National anthem but instead I’ll probably be doing some DIY? 

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2 minutes ago, Sir Geoff said:

The Queen has been a long time patron of the FA, so they took the decision out of respect. What cinemas, rugby, horse racing, hospitality etc do to mark their respect is up to those organisations, not the FA

Alternatively, as I've seen on social media what better way to pay tribute- minutes silence, applause, national anthem etc.

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Final word from me on this one:

Whether you mourn the Queen or don’t, it’s become apparent that the football authorities have had a nightmare.

It would have been no more “disrespectful” to play football than to play Rugby/Cricket and we can debate who is right or wrong on what should have happened - but from a “Respect” point of view it really had to be all or nothing here. 

I’d also acknowledge some excellent interventions by @BTRFTG about logistics/control of resource which clearly apply more to football than other sports. However, I’d say those only really can come into play to a certain level dependant on policing need - say top two divisions.

And this is where football has had a mare. If they’d cancelled league football based on the policing logistics and said in the statement, I think that’s fair enough. However they’ve cancelled it based on “respect”, and as a result have cancelled football needing no police presence, all the way down to kids.

The consequence of the decision being cached in this way is that people are being made to feel they can’t conduct an activity they love because they have to mourn the monarch - whether they want to or not. That is hugely counter productive and will just lead to resentment, and also makes no earthly sense (particularly at grassroots). 

I’ve made my feelings clear here - City should have gone ahead, paid respect and been left to personal choice, and it is wrong (for me) to pause leisure but keep work. However , even those who disagree probably agree the grassroots decision is wrong.

We may play Wednesday. But with the funeral projected for Sunday/Monday (and again, I totally back there being a pause when it is), I fully expect next Saturdays game to go as well due to resource logistics. That further indicates that if there was no “need” (as the decision made by Rugby) to cancel, doing so this week is a mis-step

There is a debate over the monarchy but that’s for another day and another forum. Suffice to say best wishes to anyone who is mourning - especially the family but also those who just admired HMQ - even as a non royalist, I understand how big this is. For those of us that aren’t, it is also, a totally valid viewpoint not to feel you have to mourn.


Edited by Silvio Dante
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1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

For me, yes.  It’s my escape, it’s my father / son time.  Yes, I can do something else, but I don’t think we all had to be held to the same decision.

in response…Is the queen passing away at 96 that big a deal really?

For me, nope.

For others, yes.  I respect your thoughts on this, but you don’t seem to think that others can react and fee, very differently.


Well yes it is,

The Queen dedicated her whole life to service of our country. 

To carry on normally does not mark that properly.

I am no monarchist but feel the postponement of professional football  is the right and proper decision.


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6 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

Final word from me on this one:

Whether you mourn the Queen or don’t, it’s become apparent that the football authorities have had a nightmare.

And this is where football has had a mare.


In your opinion.

Millions will feel that the football authorities have done the correct thing.

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I actually think this is a PR problem for the monarchy. 

There was a possibility that there would be footage of hundreds of thousands of football fans across the land triumphantly singing GStQ in tribute. It would have been a moving image.

But no. 

Instead, there will be a large section of our society at a further loss that their plans have been taken away from them. Then the funeral will come around and much like the Jubilee, during a national cost of living crisis we will see gilded carriages and regalia to remind us that the elites are treated differently. 

This could have been a more inclusive process.

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9 minutes ago, OneTeamInBristol said:

In your opinion.

Millions will feel that the football authorities have done the correct thing.

Thanks for the selective quoting (it was my last word but selective quoting gets my goat). As selective quoting can lead to misinterpretation it’s fair to ask you to quantify your “millions will feel” quote to determine which aspects you believe they’d agree on:

So, the two questions (yes/no)

- Do you therefore think millions will feel Rugby and Cricket have done the wrong thing?

- Do you therefore think millions will feel it’s correct that children aged 7 should have been stopped from playing football this weekend?

(PS - if the answer to either is no, football authorities have had a mare)

Edited by Silvio Dante
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