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Jokes Some Good Some Awful


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My friend drowned in a bowl of muesli. He was pulled in by a strong currant.

Vincent Van Gogh is standing at the bar. "Do you want a pint, Vince?" I ask. "No thanks I've got one 'ere."

I went to a seafood disco last week.... and pulled a mussel.

A man walks into his doctor's office. "I have five penises" "Blimey!" says the doctor, "How do your trousers fit?" "Like a glove."

A brain and a jump lead go into a pub and order some drinks. The barman says "I'm not serving you two!" "Why?" asked the brain. "Because you are out of your skull and he is bound to start something"

Did you hear about the dyslexic alcoholic? He choked on his own vimto.

A woman arrives at a bank with a fifty pound note stuck in each ear, and asks to see the manager. The cashier steps through to the managers office: "There's a woman to see you, she's £100 in arrears"

Our local chemist was robbed last week and a quantity of viagra was stolen. Police say that they are looking for a gang of hardened criminals.

Our ice cream man was found lying on the floor of his van covered in hundreds and thousands. Police say he topped himself. Sorry.

What do you call a gay dinosaur??? Mega-sore-ar$e

What do you call a dog with no legs and metal balls?? Sparky

What do you call a Pakistani prostitute with no legs??? Dragon Lips

What do you call an Asian lesbian??? Minge-eater

** Please not I do not wish to offend any people with the last two jokes, but they are funny.

Any more???

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A nun walks onto a empty bus and says the bus driver,"can you do me a favout please?" and the bus driver replied "what?" the nun said" can u have sex with me because i want to know what it feels like" and the driver said "ok" the nun said "thanks but there has to be 2 rules, "it has to be anal cos i want 2 die a virgin and the other rule is that u cant be married cos i dont want 2 commit adultery. "ok" said the driver

After they had done it the bus driver said, "i have a confession to make I'm married with 2 kids"

And the nun said,"i have a confession to make aswell, my names kevin and I'm on my way to a fancy dress party." :blink::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

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Guest Neilio

There was three Arakniaphobias and each one went to an Araknialogagist to sort out their phobias. The Araknialogagist suggested that they all spend three days in a room full of spiders and once the three days have passed to come and see him and tell him a fact about spiders.

The three Arakniaphobias thought that it would be easy enough to find a fact about spiders if they were with them for 3 days but all agreed there would be no sleeping as they would all be so petrified of the spiders aroun them.

So the three days passed and the first Arakniaphobia stubbles into the office where the Araknialogagist was sat there twiddling his thumbs.

"You look dreadfull" said the Araknialogagist

" I havn't had no sleep but I have realised that spiders have 8 legs" replied the Arakniaphobia

"Well done, off you go then and call the second one into my office" said the Araknialogagist

So the second Arakniaphoiba stumbles into the office ...

"You look dreadfull" said the Araknialogagist

" I havn't had no sleep but I have realised that spiders are black" replied the Arakniaphobia

"Well done, off you go then and call the third one into my office" said the Araknialogagist

So the third Arakniaphobia comes flying into the office , singing a little song to himself.

" You look great " said the Araknialogagist

" Well iv cured my fear, you were right the three days cured me "

" I'm very pleased to see , so what is your fact..." said the Araknialogagist

The thrid arakiniaphobia took out this spider which he took from the room and put it onto the table, "watch this" he said to the Araknialogagist,

"Spider move forward" said the man. Well this spider bloody moves forward.

"Spider move backwards" said the man. Well this spider bloody moves backwardsThe Araknialogagist was utterely stunned never seen anything like this before in all his years studying spiders.

"thats amazing but it still isnt a fact..." said the Araknialogagist

"No, it isnt , but whath this" said the man. He picked up the spider and pulled off everyone of its legs one by one and put it back down onto the table .

"Spider move forward" said the man. The spider just sits there

"Spider move backwards" said the man. The spider just sits there

"But it still isnt a fact..." said the Araknialogagist

" Yes it is, when you pull every leg off a spider it becomes deaf..."


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Guest monkinbluedude

a burglar walked into a house and picked up the t.v wen a voice said

jesus is watchng you

so he put the t.v down

after half an hour he tried again and a voice says

jesus is watching you

he shone his torch around and saw a parrot

he went over to it and said

did you say that

the parrot said


so the burglar says

wats your name parrot

so the parrot says


so the burglar says

what kind of people call a parrot moses

the parrot replies

the same kind of people that call a doberman jesus


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A nun walks onto a empty bus and says the bus driver,"can you do me a favout please?" and the bus driver replied "what?" the nun  said" can u have sex with me because i want to know what it feels like" and the driver said "ok" the nun said "thanks but there has to be 2 rules, "it has to be anal cos i want 2 die a virgin and the other rule is that u cant be married cos i dont want 2 commit adultery. "ok" said the driver

After they had done it the bus driver said, "i have a confession to make I'm married with 2 kids"

And the nun said,"i have a confession to make aswell, my names kevin and I'm on my way to a fancy dress party."    ;)  ;)  :grr:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

At the risk of being really boring - well actually, tough, I'm going to be :P

You cannot actually commit adultery by having anal sex :)

So if you're going to cheat on your missus, do that and she can't have you for adultery, just for a breakdown on the marriage ^_^

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Piece of string walks into a bar, and asks the barman for a pint of guiness. The barman replies, "Sorry but I'm not going to serve you." Astonihed the Piece of string replies and asks why not? "Because u r a piece of string."

The Poor little piece of string walks out side ties himself inside out and ruffles his hair. Then he walks back inside the bar,

"Pint of Guiness please pal."

"Aren't you the piece of string who just came in?"

"No I'm a frayed knot."

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Quasimodo walks into a bar and asks for a whiskey

Barman replies "Bells alright"

Quasimodo says "Mind your own business"

Man and his dog walk into the vets, the dog is suffering from fleas and the man wants the vet to prescribe the dog with some form of medication. The man greets the vet and the vet asks to examine the dog. The vet picks up the dog and examines him once over,then the vet says "i'm going to have to put him down", the man replies, "what because of fleas", "no", says the vet "because he's damn heavy".

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Q. What do you call a dog with no legs and metal balls??

A. Sparky

Q. What do you call a dog with no tongue??

A. Smelly bolloxs

Q. What do you call a deaf dog??

A. Anything you want he wont ######ing hear you

Two British men on death row in America, and they have been read the last rights, the executioner tells them they have can have one thing before they are executed. The first man says, " Before I die, I would love to hear a Spice Girls song ". The executioner agrees, but before he does he asks the other man what his request was, and the second man says " If you are playing a Spice Girls song for him, make sure you kill me first "

Q. If theres 10 cows in a field, which ones nearest Iraq?

A. Cow-Eight

Q. What do you call a man with paper pants??

A. Russell

Q. What do you call a man with an award on his head??

A. Oscar

Q. What do you call an Irish man doing this


A. Eamon

Q. What do you call a Cardiff fan on the moon??

A. Problem

Q. What do you call 10 Cardiff fans on the moon??

A. Bigger Problem

Q. What do you call all the Cardiff fans on in the world on the moon??

A. Problem Solved :city:

Ill get my coat ok, my taxis there :city:

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