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Robins Scores Brace For Wednsday

Cider red

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So one game proves that we should have signed him?  :Sleep12:  :Sleep12:  :Sleep15:  :Sleep12:  :Sleep15:  :Sleep12:  :Sleep15:  :Sleep12:  :Sleep15:  :Sleep12:

No, one game doesn't prove that we should have signed him, it could go completely downhill from the next game. However I still think he would have been a decent signing, especially seeing as he is only there on a loan until the end of the season.

Having said that though, Miller will be a decent player. Peacock is still one of the top scorers in the division ( I think :) ), providing we get the service to the front men we're not going to struggle for goals.

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So one game proves that we should have signed him?  :Sleep12:  :Sleep12:  :Sleep15:  :Sleep12:  :Sleep15:  :Sleep12:  :Sleep15:  :Sleep12:  :Sleep15:  :Sleep12:


Our games over the last couple of weeks, Robins' One game for Sheffield Wednesday added to the numerous games for us last season and the even more numerous games for Rotherham et al before that proves that we should have signed him.

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Right, no offense meant to anyone, but, it's tough luck. Regardless of whether he'd have been a good signing we've not got him and sheffield wednesday have. We've got enough talent to score goals without him, as we proved for the moajority of last season. I'm still confident of city having a successfull season.

(please no one mention scott murray, for those who failed to notice, he's also gone).

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We've got enough talent to score goals without him, as we proved for the moajority of last season.

Right, I'm not sure we do have enough 'talent', thats what this Mark Ro...(nearly said it) thread has been all been about.

Question : How can you make reference to our goals last season without making reference to Scott M....(there I go again)

He Scored a third of our goals, and gawd knows how many assists!

I'm still confident of city having a successfull season.

I wish I shared your optimism, In case YOU hadn't noticed half of it has gone. We have been gash for the majority of it and goals have been hard to come by.

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admittedly our top scorer was murray by a clear way. But i'm sure most people here would admit that they were surprised by how many murray scored, at the start of the season they'd have expected him to score 10-15 and were he still here i'd expect a similar total.

As well as this i expect peacock, miller, roberts, matthews, lita, wilkshire, brown and tinnion to score a considerable amount for us.

Add to this a solid defence which I'd say ours unboubtably is for this division and i feel i have grounds to remain optimistic.

A run of five or six straight wins should see us in the automatic positions. We seem to be playing well at the moment and as a fan who's had relitavely little to cheer about in recent seasons i'm remaining hopeful for this season!

besides, my main point was that Robins has gone elsewhere, there's no point crying over spilt milk lets make the best of what we've got, which is more than most teams have and back the boys to promotion!

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Guest gibmonkey

I have to disagree with a lot of tripe being said on this topic. Do people really belive that signing Robins would have showed ambition? He's 34!!!! OH wow he scored 2 goals against carlisle!! Cor sheff wednesday must know they have promotion in the bag after that result!! I'm sure the players won't even turn up 4 any of the games this season knowing they have Robins!!

Get a grip!! Murray aint coming back and Robins is not our saviour!!

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Agree on the post about no ambition - typical Bristol City I'm afraid.

The only time we've shown ambition in the last 10 years was spending money when we got promotion (albeit the odd million in the wrong areas).

It is plainly obvious to 7,000 season ticket holders we should have signed Robins - quite what Wilson/Laycock/Sexstone can say to denounce this I don't know.

Its also plainly obvious we should've signed Cureton when we had the opportunity.

Just once I'd like to see us get in there first and speculate before everyone else does.

I may even had a few quid on Robins to score against us in the Cup (if we beat Barnsley and Wednesday beat S****horpe).

One Team

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Well I'm a season ticket holder and I didn't want us to sign him.....a little more composure in front of goal from our current batch of strikers would more than suffice. The players we already have are up amongst the top strike forces in the division and I'm sure that most teams we play would love to have the selection problems we have of which strikers not to play each week.

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I personally hoped we would have signed Robins but forget that for now.

For the posters who have used :Sleep12: above and for anybody else, can you remind me why you didn't want this signing?

I know this subject has been discussed to death, however, the only responses I have seen for the last 2 months (about my memory time-frame!) is :Sleep12:.

I suppose my question is do you think the current squad we'll get us promoted. If not, who do you say we have to sign to get us promoted.

Not criticising and not saying your wrong; just would like to be reminded why you originally said you do not want this signing. I know I could probably look through the archive, however, can't remebmer how far back I need to go to see words as opposed to :Sleep12:.

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