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Has The Pre-season Target Now Changed?


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I seem to remember the Chairman commenting that, when Brian was appointed manager, it was made clear that the target for this season was promotion. I assume Brian walked into the job with his eyes open and was fully aware of the requirements.

While it is far too early to speculate whether or not we will achieve promotion this season, it would be interesting to discover whether the Chairman and, for that matter, the manager, still holds the same view.

Naturally, fans will worry about the start we've made to the new season and the recent entreaty by Tinnion in the EP not to judge him on 3 games (4 games now) which implies that he is not unduly concerned about performances (or lack of) on the pitch, because the team are 'settling in'.

If indeed the target is promotion, we can't afford too many more slip-ups. It's not rocket science to calculate that the chances of gaining promotion with more than ten losses is minimal. We have already lost two, with more than 90% of the season to run.

While the detractors of Danny Wilson may say we're better off without him, the fact remains that he built a team that was on the verge of promotion - everyone agreed that all we needed was 'a couple of players'.

As usual, when a new manager is appointed, the new man likes to install his own regime and make his mark on the team. Brian has done exactly this and tampered with the organisation, personnel and tactics of a team that, perhaps, just needed a 'tweak'.

I sincerely hope, for Tinnion's and our sake, that things do come good and he can give the fans the success we've been promised for so long because if he doesn't, I fear his legendary status will be permanently scarred.

In my humble opinion, the current outlook is not good - for we appear to be as clueless now as we were against Torquay and seem to have learned nothing and it looks like it would take a blinding light of realisation and understanding on the players part before the team starts playing with any coherence and confidence.

Here's hoping...


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That is a top post. I put on here a few weeks ago that the main reason that Tinnion was appointed was because he knew the club 'inside out'. This club finished 3rd last year with the best defence in the league. Therefore a minor tweak to improve our goals 'for' was all required. Instead we have experimented with different formations and with players playing out of position. This simply was not required. Had we started with 4-4-2 with Miller and Heffernan who looked very sharp in pre season it may be a different story now. Instead the players look lost and confused. We must have played 3 different formations on Saturday alone! Was it 4 players in the same game all 'having their turn' on the left side of midfield? That, by the way included two forwards!!

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The problem is BT has tried to perform major open heart surgery with the team when all it required was a few paper stiches. A sledgehammer to crack a nut if you will.

Taking last year we were not far away at all.

Defensively we've lost Carey but got Smith as a natural replacement so the back four should look like this.

Hill Coles Butler Smith

Butler hasn't been available so either MH moves to the middle and Woodman plays LB or CF comes in at C-H - no problems!

In midfield we know from last season that a two man defensive partnership in the middle doesnt work so Doherty and Orr have no chance in the middle. Tinnion must start with one of them and him ****il LW gets back from Los Olympicos to replace the manager).

Murray plays wide right and then we come to the only problem position in the whole club - Left Midfield.

Now here i have real sympathy with BT. AB has gone, CW cant play the role and MB and MG are both injured. Anyinsah could fit in on the left as he's the only natural 'leftie' left in the club whos fit the only problem being unknown quantity and a bit out of his depth at this level.

Big problem but then thats what hes paid for and if you look at the likes of SG in addition to those above its possible to work round.

Personally i would go as follows and start getting my arse round to buying a left midfielder rather than messing about lookin for a target man we've already got.

Hunt at Brentford might apparently be a good place to start looking.

Roberts Tinnion/Wilkshire Doherty/Orr Murray

Up front not a problem at all.

I take it we didnt pay Notts Co £150k for someone to sweeop the chaning room floor some in comes Heff. We know that this is a tough hard division and you need a target man so logic says to me you automaticallyt pick the lankiest bugger you can find. Step up LM.

Front two thereofre initially pick themselves

Heff Miller

Now the problem he's made for himself is this. He played 3 up front and Lita started scoring so now he cant be dropped for a few games (apparently anyway) so actually we do have a £150k floor sweeper at present.

Still its a nice problem and one i'm sure he doesnt mind having.

Maybe i'm being to simplisitc but i think the above works quite well, and makes a lot of sense building on what DW left us with, and all we need to finish it off is a solid left midfield player. No need for major changes at all just a bit of tinkering to replace some of the old parts with new ones.

We've got enough depth to cover most positions if neccessary and with the exception of the left hand side a fair bit of flexibility.

So please Brian for all our sakes, and especially yours, just get back to the basics and put all this other rubbish out of the way for the time being. When were in the prem with vastly superior players then try your fancy systems but until then please appreciate that players are simple cretures who like simple things (including lots of beer apparantly) and dont confuse them!

Congratulations anyone who bothered to read this far.

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I can only add a very boring 'you're all right'. I too thought that Tinnion would come in and tweak things - the signs were good. A new forward, some good youth being bred in Gillespies, Ayinsah and Harley. Slowly they would be bled into the team (much as Lita has been in the last season)

But like you say we've been experimenting with every formation in the book. Whilst I wanted Wilson to go I'll freely admit that we weren't bad - I just hated the fact that our play had become defensive and our team selections predictable (and sometimes bewildering). Oh, and that 'defeat is not a failure' comment five minutes after the play-off final shambles still gets me wound up ;)

If Tins sees that 4-4-2 (and maybe even 3-5-2) isn't evil and starts allowing the team to gel rather then confusing them by constantly changing things around, I'm still hopeful.

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