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We Luv Ya Tinman..choose Your Team


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Just to say I am totally behind Tins. If we have some bad bacteria in the squad who go out ###### it up at night,smoking themselves silly and expect to go straight into the team and not perform...GOODBYE !!

I'd rather watch a team on half their wages, commited to City and trying too win.

Tinman watches the training, he knows the capabilities of each player ( Lita), so he knows on match days if that player is playing to his full potential, or whether the player is sucking this club dry and not trying.

People use to say the last few years "What we need is a team full of Tinnions"

If tins can build a squad with 100% commitment from players, then I know I will be getting my monies worth.

At the moment, some players are on the pitch with their mind on where to go that evening. We have to work for a living, so can they !!!


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Tinnion yesterday on the radio did not impress me. All this emotional clap trap about his feelings for the club will not necessarily win us one football match. Saying that he will pick himself and 10 others who want to give their best is no good at all ifthe other 10 are not yet up to it.

When Tinnion was appointed manager there was not too much wrong with the team. Perhaps a bit more on the attacking side and we would be up.

The bookies believed us to be favourites so did fans from other clubs I have spoken to.

Since then its gone wrong big time.

That can only be due to Tinnions management.

I for one believe he got it wrong with the 4-3-3. The players seemed to have no idea what they were supposed to be doing. Due to this and continually changing the team it appears that the senior players have lost confidence in him. Just as any of us would in work if our boss was seen to be messing things up.Tinnion says that he will play tomorrow. Has anyone seen any form from him this season to think that is a good idea? On the contrary his form has been poor along with most of the rest of the players.

He insists on playing too many inexperienced players who cannot be expected to turn things around.

Of yesterdays team I would call Fortune, Orr, Gillespie,Harley, Lita and Miller inexperienced. Even the likes of Wilkshire have not got a huge number of 1st team appearances. You cannot expect to do well with 6-7 inexperienced players no matter how hard they are trying.

In my opinion Tinnion is massively out of his depth. His tactics are nieve, his team selection perplexing and man management skills astoundingly poor.

I am hoping that he will either step aside or Steve Lansdown will realise that he has made a big mistake and find a way to include him in a more experienced management team.

aa bcfc

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but these players should be able to adapt to any formation,what i have seen is that under wilson they could only play one formation with the players he had,

players like wiltshire,tommy doc,danny coles,roberts they just seem to have no heart in the club anymore,alright these players are good on there day but we cant work any formation around them.

there to direct just one postion players.

i thought id never say this but i would like these players to leave,get some fresh blood in the team they been together to long it just seems to me that the team we have had for four years has come to an end.

i cant see this club die like the gas ,that was there problem the players they had last season and before had no interest in the club,so atkins has shipped them out,now look what they are doing.

so come on tinman get players that want to play for you and get rid of the ones that dont.

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Tinnion yesterday on the radio did not impress me. All this emotional clap trap about his feelings for the club will not necessarily win us one football match. Saying that he will pick himself and 10 others who want to give their best is no good at all ifthe other 10 are not yet up to it.

When Tinnion was appointed manager there was not too much wrong with the team. Perhaps a bit more on the attacking side and we would be up.

The bookies believed us to be favourites so did fans from other clubs I have spoken to.

Since then its gone wrong big time.

That can only be due to Tinnions management.

I for one believe he got it wrong with the 4-3-3. The players seemed to have no idea what they were supposed to be doing. Due to this and continually changing the team it appears that the senior players have lost confidence in him. Just as any of us would in work if our boss was seen to be messing things up.Tinnion says that he will play tomorrow. Has anyone seen any form from him this season to think that is a good idea? On the contrary his form has been poor along with most of the rest of the players.

He insists on playing too many inexperienced players who cannot be expected to turn things around.

Of yesterdays team I would call Fortune, Orr, Gillespie,Harley, Lita and Miller inexperienced. Even the likes of Wilkshire have not got a huge number of 1st team appearances. You cannot expect to do well with 6-7 inexperienced players no matter how hard they are trying.

In my opinion Tinnion is massively out of his depth. His tactics are nieve, his team selection perplexing and man management skills astoundingly poor.

I am hoping that he will either step aside or Steve Lansdown will realise that he has made a big mistake and find a way to include him in a more experienced management team.

aa bcfc

Spot on.

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Doherty no heart for the team, I agree with the rest but not tommy, he loves this club, it's just a shame he is unprofessional with his smoking and drinking, I also heard that Danny Coles smokes.

I think this is wrong, Kids idolise these players, what sort of example is that?

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