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In The Interest Of Fairness

Port Said Red

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Whilst it is undoubtedly annoying, by resorting to name-calling all you succeed in achieveing is doing yourself a disservice. You create the impression that you are unable to argue against that person (whoever it be) and have to resort to name calling instead.

You have shown in other instances on this forum that you are capable of expressing your thoughts lucidly in a reasonably well thought out manner so, whilst it's not completely out of character for you to do so, you give in to the weaker side of your thought process. You are capable of much more than this as we've all witnessed in the past.

What you describe above has some credence, however, you have mis-represented his original quote which tends to negate your follow up discussions.


He didn't claim that we were only winning because Roberts was in the side but that we were winning with Roberts in the side. A subtle difference but enough of a difference to change the whole emphasis of the quote.

What REDOXO is getting at is that since Roberts started starting in his true position, the mix of players forming the team has won both games. This doesn't mean that Roberts has singlehandedly won both games but that the way the 11 players selected from the start combine has been good enough to see off both opponents we have been put up against. That is irrefutable and is also a point you concede in a further post.

Personally, and you probably get this from my other posts, I'm an advocate of sticking with the winning team but slowly introducing our other forwards such as Miller (for Roberts) & Heffernan (for Lita) in "sizeable" stints at the end of matches as the confidence of the current XI increases with each result.

If we are to get promoted, we will need to have confident players throughout the squad. Nothing breeds confidence more than winning games. However, if the players that get these wins start getting dropped despite winning, what effect would this have on i) the players dropped and ii) the remaining players. I suggest that group i) would start to wonder what they have to do to keep their place if winning isn't enough (& may even start to resent Tins) and group ii) would start to have their feelings of confidence replaced by a nervousness of wondering if they would actually be dropped whether they won or not.

Players on the fringes can be given stints at the end of games as I've said above, and it is up to them to prove themselves in these stints so that when changes are required they are the ones Tins turns to. An honest professional cannot complain about being left out if the side he's being left out of is winning. It is up to him to seize his opportunity when it eventually arises.

Obviously if we lose, which we undoubtedly will at some time before May, we can look at the team again but at the moment I'm quite happy to let the current starting XI continue to build upon the last 2 excellent results.

Thank you, and I note that in this last paragraph you acquiesce to a lot of the points I raise above.  :whistle:

First of all, sorry I am not as perfect as you and can keep my temper against people who are not as great as me and keep ym temper against people who frustrate me, but it makes me feel better shouting at them and from what I have heard shouting is a great way of letting out your feelings and its better than holding them all in and end up doing something like killing the or one of the culprits of the thing that has contunally frustrated you. Therefore i feel by shouting at name calling i am preventing myself from potetially becoming a murderer and that you should take the same measures to ensure that you do not end up killing somebody or people.

But now we are agreeing that Roberts should start even if it is only because he is part of a winning team and a winning team should not be changed. can i assume you are agreeing in the larger point of one of my posts which emphises the improtance of squad rotation in some way and everyone given an equal chance?

Which is what this discussion seemed to have evolved into slowly.

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Guest matalan31
I'm going to hazard a guess that he does indeed watch Christian Roberts, who do you watch?

I've provided a picture below to help you identify him:


i know what he looks like because unfortunately i see too much of him and i watch christian roberts as well but i must have my eyes shut when ever he plays well i will have to really focus against stockport if he even plays

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i know what he looks like because unfortunately i see too much of him and i watch christian roberts as well but i must have my eyes shut when ever he plays well i will have to really focus against stockport if he even plays

That a boy...... look for some positives & I trust the 'Welsh Man' won't let you down.

My Dad does not like Cristian Roberts as a player, but even he can see that 'Our Man from the West' is likely to help get goals if on the pitch and causes no end of problem for the oppositions defense, even if he does not score every game himself, not my Dad :ph34r: .... Christian Roberts.

Christian Roberts was a bargin buy from Exeter City and I think for what we payed he is still a plus.

I hope he does not let you/us down this season.

His goals made a big difference to our position last season and there is no real reason why he can't make a big impression this season.

Go on you're 'Bristol City' as much as the next man.


Oh.... my Dad is in his 70's so you can hazard a guess that I'm no spring Chicken :whistle:

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First of all, sorry I am not as perfect as you and can keep my temper against people who are not as great as me and keep ym temper against people who frustrate me, but it makes me feel better shouting at them and from what I have heard shouting is a great way of letting out your feelings and its better than holding them all in and end up doing something like killing the or one of the culprits of the thing that has contunally frustrated you. Therefore i feel by shouting at name calling i am preventing myself from potetially becoming a murderer and that you should take the same measures to ensure that you do not end up killing somebody or people.

But now we are agreeing that Roberts should start even if it is only because he is part of a winning team and a winning team should not be changed. can i assume you are agreeing in the larger point of one of my posts which emphises the improtance of squad rotation in some way and everyone given an equal chance?

Which is what this discussion seemed to have evolved into slowly.

Firstly just let me state that whilst I too often get frustrated by people and sometimes even wish them physical harm (usually referees at City games :whistle: ) I don't feel that I am taking the first steps towards a career as a serial (or indeed mono) killer. Then again, it's always the quiet ones :ph34r:

With regard to squad rotation, I agree to a certain extent. The early games this season showed that Heffernan and Lita are too sleight to play together so in effect they are competing for one place.

Miller has done extremely well in the games where he has come off the bench against "less fresh" defenders but when he was given a starting role, he was considerably less impressive. Roberts however, despite not being a typical targetman per sé, brings a different quality to the team. Whilst not likely to win flick ons, Roberts despite his size, is relatively strong and often bullies defenders into making mistakes and if the ball is played to feet he is able to hold off defenders. This in turn gives other team-mates time to get up in support of him and also serves to give the defence some amount of respite as the ball doesn't bounce straight back to them when they clear it.

Added to his strength with his back to goal, he also doesn't stick to the central channel as his strike-partner (be that Lita or Heffernan) and when he drifts wide in matches, watch what his marker does, he follows him leaving less cover in the centre for our midfielders and his strike partner to exploit. This off the ball movement makes the opposition lose their shape at the back and is often a thankless task as a lot of time it goes un-noticed. For now, Roberts is more effective in this role (from the start) than Miller is as a typical targetman (from the start).

Therefore, with the current crop of strikers at our disposal, I would form strike partnerships from Lita or Heffernan partnered with Roberts or Miller. I would, like Tinnion, continue to search for a genuine targetman (on purchase of which I'd switch Roberts into both groups of strikers) but I would use the working Roberts/Lita partnership to spend my time making sure I was getting the right man, rather than rush out and buy the first targetman who was available to us.

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Firstly just let me state that whilst I too often get frustrated by people and sometimes even wish them physical harm (usually referees at City games  :whistle: ) I don't feel that I am taking the first steps towards a career as a serial (or indeed mono) killer. Then again, it's always the quiet ones  :ph34r:

With regard to squad rotation, I agree to a certain extent. The early games this season showed that Heffernan and Lita are too sleight to play together so in effect they are competing for one place.

Miller has done extremely well in the games where he has come off the bench against "less fresh" defenders but when he was given a starting role, he was considerably less impressive. Roberts however, despite not being a typical targetman per sé, brings a different quality to the team. Whilst not likely to win flick ons, Roberts despite his size, is relatively strong and often bullies defenders into making mistakes and if the ball is played to feet he is able to hold off defenders. This in turn gives other team-mates time to get up in support of him and also serves to give the defence some amount of respite as the ball doesn't bounce straight back to them when they clear it.

Added to his strength with his back to goal, he also doesn't stick to the central channel as his strike-partner (be that Lita or Heffernan) and when he drifts wide in matches, watch what his marker does, he follows him leaving less cover in the centre for our midfielders and his strike partner to exploit. This off the ball movement makes the opposition lose their shape at the back and is often a thankless task as a lot of time it goes un-noticed. For now, Roberts is more effective in this role (from the start) than Miller is as a typical targetman (from the start).

Therefore, with the current crop of strikers at our disposal, I would form strike partnerships from Lita or Heffernan partnered with Roberts or Miller. I would, like Tinnion, continue to search for a genuine targetman (on purchase of which I'd switch Roberts into both groups of strikers) but I would use the working Roberts/Lita partnership to spend my time making sure I was getting the right man, rather than rush out and buy the first targetman who was available to us.

Hmmm you'd remember the Beadle / Roberts partnership then Madger :)

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I realise that there are a number of Christian Roberts fans on this site, hell I can even understand it at times. The main argument for the pro camp seems to be "he needs a run of games in his "best position" of striker before he can be judged.

What I would like to know is: -

1. What would be a fair number of games to judge him over?

2. What would be an acceptable return in that run, for him to be considered a first choice striker?

1. The number of games he played up front in the run-in last season.

2. The remarkable number of vital goals he scored in that run( in fact less would suffice)

Judge's verdict: Case proved, 3 years for Robbo. Take him down immediately to sign that new contract, Mr. Lansdown. :whistle:

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Guest monster red

Are you mad!! :ph34r:

3 more years of watching his antics would push me over the edge!! he so frustrating!! (poor)

Cracks me up how some of you figure that we have only started to win due to Christain "the goal machine" Roberts being back in the side?? :whistle:


Missed a sitter after rounding the keeper and wellied the ball to Bower Ashton when a side foot would of sufficed!!

Had the ball at his feet with Wilkshire clear through on goal but delayed and delayed until it was to late and gave the ball back to Brentford!! (Did this twice) Yeah your right, match winning performance, well done Chris!! :ph34r:

Did not go to Peterborough, so cant comment on his performance!


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Are you mad!!  :ph34r:

3 more years of watching his antics would push me over the edge!! he so frustrating!! (poor)

Cracks me up how some of you figure that we have only started to win due to Christain "the goal machine" Roberts being back in the side?? :whistle:


Missed a sitter after rounding the keeper and wellied the ball to Bower Ashton when a side foot would of sufficed!!

Had the ball at his feet with Wilkshire clear through on goal but delayed and delayed until it was to late and gave the ball back to Brentford!! (Did this twice) Yeah your right, match winning performance, well done Chris!! :ph34r:

Did not go to Peterborough, so cant comment on his performance!


2 points:

1) A footballer can also contribute to the team's performance with the stuff he does off the ball, something that has been raised many times on this thread but those who are determined to dismiss the lad constantly choose to ignore.

2) Does anyone truly believe that once a footballer hits 23 he cannot get any better?

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2 points:

1) A footballer can also contribute to the team's performance with the stuff he does off the ball, something that has been raised many times on this thread but those who are determined to dismiss the lad constantly choose to ignore.

2) Does anyone truly believe that once a footballer hits 23 he cannot get any better?

I would agree with the first point here Madger, A PLAYER can contribute to the teams performance with his work off the ball, but I wouldn't put Roberts in that category. As I have said before his attributes are pace and a shot in both feet (very rare) but a football brain is not among his strong points.

When he runs with the ball he constantly makes the wrong decision, when he runs off the ball he consistently takes up bad positions. I am not knocking him to cause an argument, just pointing out what I see has his failings. If the perfect Roberts turned up week in week out, nobody would criticise him.

The PERFECT Roberts would consistently demonstrate the following;

Pace, great shooting ability, coolness in front of goal, intelligent running (on and off the ball), the ablity to get wide and provide decent crosses and would tackle back effectively. All of which he has shown flashes off in the last two years.

Unfortunately, all too often this guy turns up;

Row "Z" finishing, headless chicken, lacking concentration, lacking movement, making the wrong decisions and wild two footed challenges when frustration kicks in.

Neither of the above by the way, could be accused of a lack of effort.

My initial queries were placed because, many of the attributes applied to CR's "contribution" were considered weaknesses in Peacocks game last season. Too often we see strikers who having lost confidence in front of goal, go looking to cover up for it by an increase in workrate in other areas of the pitch.

I would honestly be very happy if Christian pops with a goal or two on Saturday, but his current form in front of goal makes it unlikely and we have THREE other strikers waiting to get a chance.

As for the second point. Intelligent players get better with age. those that rely totally on pace and confidence tend to fade.

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Are you mad!!  :city:

3 more years of watching his antics would push me over the edge!! he so frustrating!! (poor)

Cracks me up how some of you figure that we have only started to win due to Christain "the goal machine" Roberts being back in the side?? :city:


Missed a sitter after rounding the keeper and wellied the ball to Bower Ashton when a side foot would of sufficed!!

Had the ball at his feet with Wilkshire clear through on goal but delayed and delayed until it was to late and gave the ball back to Brentford!! (Did this twice) Yeah your right, match winning performance, well done Chris!! :clap:

Did not go to Peterborough, so cant comment on his performance!


Yes, i am mad :@ :grr: If you're going to answer me directly then at least come up with some decent counter argument to what i've written rather than launching into a meaningless tirade of sarcastic regurgitated mumbo-jumbo.

I don't remember saying Roberts had a match winning performance against Brentford, though clearly he contributed to our win.

Apparently only a match winning performance in every single game he plays is going to satisfy the likes of you. :city:

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Yet again the robbo haters are out, and I've STILL to see a convincing arguement from ANY of you, other than, it seems a gut negative reaction to him. He's is no superstar, and his shooting, like all our strikers needs improving, but he plays hard, is a team player, and significantly contributes to important games we play.

Lazy: so how hcome he was shattered when pulled off on Saturday, among others.

No goals: forget all the vital ones detailed here and in other threads then

Lack Of interest: If he had that, Tins, Millen etc, and last season Wonder-son woulnt even have picked him

Arrogant: Probably, there aint many players who dont suffer from it, at one stage or other.

Selfish: Yes he may be, Aint all strikers supposed to be?but a decent run in the side will reduce that, as he sees where his team-mates going.

C'mon applaud a player who significantly aided our final push to promotion, and had he been used earlier, may have done so then too, and has been part of the last two fighting performances which have helped lift the gloom of the early games............But there again, your irrational dislike of him wont let ya.

After all he is a bloody taff inne?

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