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Stupid Features On Bcfc.co.uk

Ray White

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why all of a sudden have they started writing b0ll0x on it. First that stupidthing about who punched steve phillips and now some rubbish about a dog. I would have thought Tinnion naming every transfer taget under the sun was enough to keep them churning out reports but obviously i was wrong.

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why all of a sudden have they started writing b0ll0x on it. First that stupidthing about who punched steve phillips and now some rubbish about a dog. I would have thought Tinnion naming every transfer taget under the sun was enough to keep them churning out reports but obviously i was wrong.

Correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't it you that had a pop at Leroy for what he was wearing saying he would "probably get beaten up badly" , you chat rubbish.

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Guest Tom Taylor

In my opinion, a stupid feature of this fans' forum is all the dross (e.g.flags, photos of the ground etc) that you have to plough through in order to read the individual contributions. No doubt someone will now wittily tell me to naff off if I don't like it.

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why all of a sudden have they started writing b0ll0x on it. First that stupidthing about who punched steve phillips and now some rubbish about a dog. I would have thought Tinnion naming every transfer taget under the sun was enough to keep them churning out reports but obviously i was wrong.

oh stop taking life to seriously!

the website HAS been updating us with other stuff as well.

If there is no news then what do you want them to do? twiddle their thumbs? trip up a player to report on his injury?

I think it's refreshing for the site and for any football club to openly have a laugh and a giggle and show there's a bit of Bristol spirit in ourselves.

There are many things in life to be totally serious about- football isn't one of them. Laugh when you can. You'll see it's all a show, keep 'em laughing as you go.

It can't be done all the time or it will get boring- but the last few have been funny and different.

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In my opinion, a stupid feature of this fans' forum is all the dross (e.g.flags, photos of the ground etc) that you have to plough through in order to read the individual contributions. No doubt someone will now wittily tell me to naff off if I don't like it.

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Lighten up!

The club can't win sometimes.

They are criticised for braking news which is a padded out report telling you nothing so they are trying a bit of humour and showing the "human" side of the club.

I'd rather read that anyday than another bit of Phillips spin!

AS I said in the still unanswered post to Steve L, it is good to be able to buils up a different picture of players and see the fun side of the day to day goings on in the club.

I hope Steve L and others do not see this sort of thread without reading the whole thing and decide to scrap the idea. The main site will be poorer for it if they do IMHO!

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Personally I have enjoyed them. Richard Latham comes across as quite witty so as the stories are pretty polished I am happy to read them. As Neo said it also gives us the chance to see other aspects of the players than their footballing skills, thus re-inforcing the club - supporter relationship.

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I thought the "who punched Steve" articles were witty and well written and a bit of a laugh, I am also pretty certain the players enjoyed the fun.

I think the news contain is good, but the truth of the matter is that not much is happening at the club which is worthy of news coverage.

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Personally I feel it's alright in small doses - the nose thing was funny because it was an exception and out of the blue.

Looks like the writer let it go to his head and carried on with the rubbish story about the dog soon after.

Need to ration it out...... let's hope we don't start getting a rash of these things..

Definitely a case of less is more...

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why all of a sudden have they started writing b0ll0x on it. First that stupidthing about who punched steve phillips and now some rubbish about a dog. I would have thought Tinnion naming every transfer taget under the sun was enough to keep them churning out reports but obviously i was wrong.

not much news to tell so they are making light humor i guess

to lift everyones spirits, can't see much wrong with that

and we all need a laugh at times.

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Guest hairyshamrock

It's just trying to create good PR over what has been a time when the divide between the players/manager (if you can call him that) and the fans has been at his lowest ebb since Pulis (sorry for saying a naughty word).

But yes, i also think it is partly due to it being a slow news week. Colesys dog and where it cr*ps will not be a regular feature (i hope) and other than the injury news on Tommy, Mickey, Butler and Coles, all we've had this week is that we are trying to sign every striker from Ronaldo and Raul down - so yeah, a slow news week...

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