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Gig At The Gate


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I noticed this on the ask stevel/colin forum and it reminded me of a *ahem* rumour I heard about a month or so ago..

Now I know I'm going to be slated BIG time and all that but I heard it from someone who works down the gate. It may not happen but hey thought if it did least I can take all the glory again!!

Appearntly *ahem* OASIS have been "provisonaly" booked for gig at the gate next year. They are awaiting contracts etc etc currnetly..

Now it might not come off so don't slate me too much *ahem* but this is what I have heard.

Imagine the amount of cash city would make from having them down there...

and to make it city related, "who could we buy next summer"??

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We could buy the Gallagher brothers, they would have the mouth to sort the team out (I can see Liam being a rather tough tackling midfielder to replace Tommy D)

As for Oasis, obviously being a fan I would love it and buy my ticket at the first available opportunity. Unfortunately I've never been able to catch them live.

However, I won't even begin to get excited until it was official. But... just think.... surely in the music world Elton John is a bigger star? If we can get him, anything is possible....

Better stop, like I said, don't want to get excited :city:

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A mate of mine went to the Elton John gig, said it was rubbish - all he did was sit behind a piano singing for two hours !!!!!

Excuse me - but that's what he does for a living !! and have punch ups in airports.

The even dafter thing was he said it with a straight face !!


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A 'small' list of bands i'd love to see at the gate.

Bowie (and his band if your to be pedantic!)

Tool (if you say who that tells you the chances of them playing at the gate)

Morrissey (or a smiths reunion....ha ha)

Cliff Richard (not really.........well)

The Cure

Oasis (not a huge fan but love to see them live)

Could go on, but now tired and brain has stopped thinking, damn hamsters stopped

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red hot chili peppers could attract a big crowd? not a major fan myself but i heard it was a sell out at millennium stadium

I was there Clare.

Had an unfortunate incident with a pillar in an NCP car park.

Always nice to know a part of me will still be in Cardiff. Or part of my car. :city:

Unfortunately it was the same gate/entrance as a certain May 30th.....

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8th and 9th December - they do a "Colston" every year  - all us 40/50 year olds rockin in the aisles

I'm there on the 8th :city: The XS All Areas Tour....

First time for the Quo :city:

I may give the ticket to my Dad though, hasnt been very well so could be a decent tonic for him!

I probably wont have any hearing left anyway as I'm at Motorhead midway in November :city::D:D:D:D 1st time them as well!

And for the record I am 25 :P

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