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Mickey Bells left foot

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Funny thing, but I really have never thought of the nationality of players before seeing it mentioned on this Forum  :wub:  Although it took a while when I first listened to a commentary to work out who, "young Scott Miller ", was :blush:

Maybe its a bit like the Celtic Rangers thing up here. Some people are fanatical about it, and some of us try to ignore it  :D

Ha ha - Young Scott Miller - Lee's secret Evil Twin * cue Dr Evil laughter *

English/Welsh/Scottish/Irish/Polish/Hungarian it doesnt matter where they come from, they all but the Red Shirt on and give it all for us, that is what counts.

PS - Who are Celtic? And are Rangers related to Queen's Park Rangers? :city:

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Ha ha - Young Scott Miller - Lee's secret Evil Twin * cue Dr Evil laughter *

English/Welsh/Scottish/Irish/Polish/Hungarian it doesnt matter where they come from, they all but the Red Shirt on and give it all for us, that is what counts.

PS - Who are Celtic? And are Rangers related to Queen's Park Rangers?  :blush:

Couldnt agree more :wub:

Celtic & Rangers - Love your attitude :city:

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