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Standing Section

Guest Rob

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With all the recent problems due to people standing in an all-seater stadium why not assign a part of the ground, which does not hinder others views and enjoyment of the game where people can stand if they wish.

This would be better all round for everyone surely, those who want to stand will no longer be constantly pestered by Stewards and those with small children will be able to watch the game without obstruction.

A possible suggestion is if we make the mini-stand in front of the club shop a place for people to stand and watch the game? Maybe put a roof on and remove the seats and i think alot would be pleased or if you say people in the last say 8 rows of the A Block in the Dolman are entitled to stand and then only those who wish to do so will go there.

Am I right or is it a bad idea???

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Capital idea! I'm not sure though, but I think grounds in the Prem and 1st div, plus all new builds MUST be all seater.

Remember the Taylor Report after Hillsborough not only found that grounds must be made safer, but ways of "gentryfication of the game must be found". So yes, a standing crowd could evacuate any area quicker than a seated crowd, but presumably the official thinking is that hooligans stand, so we'll make everyone sit down.

By installing seats, ground capacity was reduced thus clubs had to increase admittance prices to maintain their income. I don't accept that though as most clubs are not sold out every game.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

That was the best idea I've heard in ages - Block A could finaly have a use.

Maybe Our club could pioneer "Safe" terracing, something the government said it wanted to look at introducing IN 1997!!!!!!!! Surely woth a look

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We can ask the club for a standing section as much as we like, but we are just wasting our time. No matter how much we go on, they aren't going to give it to us.


They gave us a standing area at the beginning of the season.














Outside the turnstiles.  You could stand there all game.

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