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Aitkins - Hypocrite


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Just seen on HTV news that Aitkins has been charged by the FA with bringing the game into disrepute.

He (alledgedly)used "foul and abusive" language to the officials and also to Garry Johnson the Yeovil manager at Tuesday nights bun fight at the Rugby Ground.

This is after Aitkins slated his players on TV for getting sent off and described himself as "disciplined person" who wouldn't stand for his players showing indiscipline.

Now he's been charged by the FA for more or less the same indiscipline. The pot calling the kettle black, I think.

I wonder if the EP will slaughter him tomorrow as they would if it were a City manager.I doubt it.

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Highly amusing though!!

Whatever happens over there, 'Junior' Dunford must remain as the overall chief. A marvellous track record in recent managerial decisions must not be allowed to stop. Graydon, Thompson, Atkins, sacking Hollowhead...

Dunford must be allowed to continue his good work!

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