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Time For The Club To Repay The Support


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Disgusted by what went on Saturday and have had time to read alot of peoples opinions over the last couple of days.

When Bristol City need our support, kick out racism, shopping trouble makers, we are always given the same old line about doing our bit, the old 'we are all in this together' line. It now appears quite apparent that this is an opportunity for the club to do something for the people who are it's life blood.

I know that the blame lies with the West Midland police, but the club could certainly lend it's vocal support by complaining to the police themselves about the treatment dished out and also lobby Walsall to put in a similar compliant. After reading a couple of threads on here which link to some Walsall message boards it is quite apparent that they have a problem with their old bill.

I feel the club would also have more sway with the local press than any of us could! The local press and tv are not probably interested in one person's story, but if the club lent it's weight to the argument, local journalists would sit up and listen (they've obviously got more connections for a start!).

I do not see why they cannot be more pro active and actually prove that we really are a club and are in this together!

Come on City, help us out for a change!

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I think the club are in a hard position on this one.

I guess the question they have to ask themselves is what would be the reprocusions of people actually being found out as being drunk or acting like a hooligan if they have said that they are in full support of them.

Obviously I am not saying that everyone deserved to be arrested or that even one person deserved this, but the club do not have enough infomation and evidence to stand up and say that they believe all these people to be innocent

I understand your point about being a club and one in all in but the club can not be seen to support hooliganism.

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Guest scroobscurtis
I think the club are in a hard position on this one.

I guess the question they have to ask themselves is what would be the reprocusions of people actually being found out as being drunk or acting like a hooligan if they have said that they are in full support of them.

Obviously I am not saying that everyone deserved to be arrested or that even one person deserved this, but the club do not have enough infomation and evidence to stand up and say that they believe all these people to be innocent

I understand your point about being a club and one in all in but the club can not be seen to support hooliganism.

Excuse me Zookeeper, I am neither a yobo or a hooligan thank you very much - I am respectable gentleman aged 42, I have a good job (I work in London) I have a house worth 300k, I am liked, generous and far from your vision of us (me) and I have never been in problems at football or encountered the dreadful way in which I now face prosecution, a criminal record, a ban from football, and god forbid I lose my job - I have followed City since the age of 12 and have stood through thick and thin - I take offence to your post - who the hell do you think you are.

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I think the club are in a hard position on this one.

I guess the question they have to ask themselves is what would be the reprocusions of people actually being found out as being drunk or acting like a hooligan if they have said that they are in full support of them.

Obviously I am not saying that everyone deserved to be arrested or that even one person deserved this, but the club do not have enough infomation and evidence to stand up and say that they believe all these people to be innocent

I understand your point about being a club and one in all in but the club can not be seen to support hooliganism.

The club are always in a 'hard' postion, but in this instance it is fast becoming clear that we are on the verge of some serious miscarriages of justice, with true, honest, city fans being banned for life, criminal records etc. If we're being fair we've all seen the police quite literally breaking the law at football, but sometimes it is give and and take and people just accept it. 1 example is Qpr away in 98. City took loads up and there had been skirmishes with locals and old bill in the morning, the police decided to get tough and and pushed us back into pub. One chap was there with his girlfrien, city shirts and all, and he literally couldn't get inside as it was rammed. So they did the only thing they could a drag him outside and beat the 5h!t out of him. When his girlfriend saw this and obviously became histerical and started shouting at the old bill, they did the only thing they could again and beat the 5h!t out of her. But because of the trouble that day the club couldn't really get involved.

This time it can and should, the club owes us!

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Obviously I am not saying that everyone deserved to be arrested or that even one person deserved this, but the club do not have enough infomation and evidence to stand up and say that they believe all these people to be innocent

I understand your point about being a club and one in all in but the club can not be seen to support hooliganism.

The club could quite easily collate the information, jesus there's enough on here!

We fight every corner they ask us to, time for a bit of payback!

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Excuse me Zookeeper, I am neither a yobo or a hooligan thank you very much - I am respectable gentleman aged 42, I have a good job (I work in London) I have a house worth 300k, I am liked, generous and far from your vision of us (me) and I have never been in problems at football or encountered the dreadful way in which I now face prosecution, a criminal record, a ban from football, and god forbid I lose my job - I have followed City since the age of 12 and have stood through thick and thin - I take offence to your post - who the hell do you think you are.

Of course not, I never said that I thought you were. This is merely my impression of what the thought process must be for those involved in the club.

It could be the case that nobody deserved to be arrested and the police were out of order but if the club back all of you they run the risk of the consequences if an arrest was deserved.

I am sorry you take offence to this but do you understand my logic behind what I am saying?

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The club could quite easily collate the information, jesus there's enough on here!

We fight every corner they ask us to, time for a bit of payback!

Yes they could do this and probably should but it is a matter of heresay and it does harp back to my main point in that if they defend all in a statement or in person then they do just that. They can't pick and choose who they defend. There are decent people caught up in this but is everyone involved completely innocent. I don't know and I'm not sure if anyone does know this so none of us can stand up and say that somebody we don't really know is innocent of something we didn't see.

I'm not going against what you are saying just trying to say what would cause the club to think twice.

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Guest scroobscurtis
Of course not, I never said that I thought you were. This is merely my impression of what the thought process must be for those involved in the club.

It could be the case that nobody deserved to be arrested and the police were out of order but if the club back all of you they run the risk of the consequences if an arrest was deserved.

I am sorry you take offence to this but do you understand my logic behind what I am saying?

Of course I understand your logic, and I wouldn't for one minute think that the club would get involved with this, it's not worth there while.

What I am saying is that me, along with 9 other genuine Bristol City supporters were arrested for merely smelling of alcohol on saturday - having 2 pints of cider is normal for me at 2pm on a saturday, I've been doing it for 25 years !!and if my arrest leads to any serious consequences afterwards, just purely on the fact that having 2 pints in Wallsall is deemed as being drunk, then yes I will be devatasted beyond belief - to never watch Bristol City again, let alone have to deal with a criminal record, and to surrender my passport whenever England play ,also along with the cost of all this and the fine, then yes I do feel that the club should have some input.

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Of course I understand your logic, and I wouldn't for one minute think that the club would get involved with this, it's not worth there while.

What I am saying is that me, along with 9 other genuine Bristol City supporters were arrested for merely smelling of alcohol on saturday - having 2 pints of cider is normal for me at 2pm on a saturday, I've been doing it for 25 years !!and if my arrest leads to any serious consequences afterwards, just purely on the fact that having 2 pints in Wallsall is deemed as being drunk, then yes I will be devatasted beyond belief - to never watch Bristol City again, let alone have to deal with a criminal record, and to surrender my passport whenever England play ,also along with the cost of all this and the fine, then yes I do feel that the club should have some input.

To be honest I can't contemplate what you are feeling at the moment but I do sympathise with you.

I am not saying the club shouldn't help you, just bringing up the fact that they run a risk by doing so.

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Guest scroobscurtis
To be honest I can't contemplate what you are feeling at the moment but I do sympathise with you.

I am not saying the club shouldn't help you, just bringing up the fact that they run a risk by doing so.

and as I already quoted "it's not worth there while" - but will it happen again in Wallsall (assuming we don't go up and they don't go down - when will it ever stop as it seems to be an on-going problem for any away supporters, and at the end of the day we all support football regardless of what team we support - I think the W. Midlands police should come forth with there story, because as yet I've not heard a dickybird.

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To be honest I can't contemplate what you are feeling at the moment but I do sympathise with you.

I am not saying the club shouldn't help you, just bringing up the fact that they run a risk by doing so.

There comes a time when you should stand up and be counted. Are we really one club, or are we just the sad bunch of losers who pay our money every year, regardless of what situation were in, while the board and the players just waltz around from one job to the next? The players, possibly. But the board should stand firm with us on this.

I also particularly didn't like Steve Lansdown's comment "Although this is not our responsibility, we have written to the West Midlands Police asking for their observations about what happened on Saturday." As if he's doing us a favour because it's not there responsibility b******s.

When ever they need money for the club, after the disappointment of two play-offs defeats, were told to renew our season tickets, because we are all in this together and a and we have to go forward together. We are all fans, and as such should stand to gether and fight this, which includes Bristol City Football Club!

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I also particularly didn't like Steve Lansdown's comment "Although this is not our responsibility, we have written to the West Midlands Police asking for their observations about what happened on Saturday." As if he's doing us a favour because it's not there responsibility b******s.

But it isn't their responsibility. The club wasn't arrested.

When ever they need money for the club, after the disappointment of two play-offs defeats, were told to renew our season tickets, because we are all in this together and a and we have to go forward together. We are all fans, and as such should stand to gether and fight this, which includes Bristol City Football Club!

What are you suggesting the club should do?

Sorry, but I'm with zookeeper on this one. Those that have been wrongfully arrested have my sincere sympathies, but the club can't side with a group of supporters, purely because they plead innocence. They do not know for certain what happened, so they cannot be expected to defend the individuals involved.

What position would the club be in, if it transpires that they have been defending a hooligan all along? I am not suggesting for one second that anyone arrested is a hooligan, but that is the situation the club has to consider as a possible outcome.

The club has already expressed its concern to the authorities that there may be an issue to be investigated but to get involved in a legal context is an entirely different matter when the club had nobody official present to witness the events that occured.

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I really appreciate what you are saying and understand that's why they rarely get involved.

But i don't like the attitude of us and them. I am not saying that they should in anyway provide money etc but they could be more supportive in their press release and give the impression that maybe they do care about their fans and are eager to get to the bottom of this.

There's unity at the club when the board need, we need a little a bit now. You know as well as i do what saturday was like.

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But it isn't their responsibility. The club wasn't arrested.

I know that, but we are all part of the club. I'm not responsible for them being arrested or for them getting them off, but i'd like to think that i could show a little solidarity and stop innocent fans being mistreated/arrested unfairly, which as we know happens a lot more than is ever reported!

I understand what you are saying and realise the club find it hard to take a stance in this situation, but my opinon is that they could be a bit more vocal in their support and use their wieght to get some answrs a lot quicker than we can :city:

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You know as well as i do what saturday was like.

That is the mad thing, for me.

I was at the game with Mrs Edson, seated in Block 7 (just in front of a few Subbers, decked out in their new t-shirts), and I didn't see a thing all afternoon.

I parked in the car park, queued for a ticket (where a policeman walked along the line apologising for the delay, explaining that the tickets were on CATS coach 1 and assuring us we would be let in shortly). I went in, watched the game and then walked back through the car park, where I met some friends and arranged to meet for a drink on the way home.

In all that time I didn't witness a single incident and was astonished when I came on here to read of all the trouble that people had seen at the other end of the stand.

To my right were about 12 - 15 policemen, and I didn't see one of them so much as tell someone to sit down all day.

Seems I was lucky to get a ticket at that end, rather than in Blocks 1 or 2.

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DaveL and were just to the left of the goal above the exit where the arrested were taken.The problems seemed to spring from the away end toilet and kiosk area which was close to the Walsall fans along the side on our left.

I can't remember what block that was.

We both saw several City fans being "led" away.

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Does anybody know if working in London and having an expensive house makes your poo smell sweeter?

Just intrigued, as i'm looking for cures for my high potassium count :city:

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My brother was in another part of the ground and didn't know anything about this until he phoned me later, it was our misfortune to be in the extreme left block (with pre bought tickets from ashton gate)near the dozen or so walsall morons the "police" were determined to do nothing about.

The atmosphere was great until a friend of ours went to the toilet after 15-20 mins,and about a minute later was led away infront of us including his wife and 13 year old son.After much pleading they were informed that he had been arrested for being drunk.

After that there were a steady stream of our fans arrested while the walsall morons gesticulated towards us with impunity and at times to the great amusement of "policemen" in our end. One was finaly arrested after about 80 minutes of the game.

The whole days events have depressed me as i thought the days of the "police" trying to cause trouble were behind us, but the one good thing to come out of this is to see all the fans rallying around.

It must be great for the victims of this to see the support they are getting.

And one thing i can be sure about is it will not happen to me, at walsall at least, as i will never go there again, no matter how important the game, and nor will my children, so thats 35 quid they wont get off me again!

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I understand the points made about the club not being in a position to represent specific individuals as they won't have full details.

However, I urge them to send a representative to explain why it is that they have written to the W Mids Police for a report, to relay on behalf of the defendants the vast array of different witnesses and stories produced on the club's official fans forum, and to request that at the very least a decision about the guilt of the defendants is delayed until such time as an official investigation has taken place.

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