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Wilkshire's First Goal

Ian M

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This was quite possibly the best goal that I've never seen.  :city:

An incident off the ball meant that I wasn't watching Wilkshire when he picked up the ball.  The annoying thing is I can't even remember what I was looking at.  I think it was McAteer trying to kick Tommy in the mouth while they were both lying on the floor.  Anyway, the next thing the ball is looping over their goalie in a quite ridiculous way...

Are you me in disguise?? I was exactly the same - too busy watching to see if tommy and the ###### round two was about kick off - only saw actherburg looking over his shoulder as the ball looped over his head.

ah well maybe i'll be watching for the next wonder goal in 30 years time

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I've now emailed football365 asking them to correct the error  :city:

You'll also need to email Football First Madge because they had Luke top of their "Long Shots Without Scoring" table, presumably for the same reason.

Past experience of mailing these sites/papers/whatever is they'll get the changes made but seldom thank you for pointing them our - churlish to55ers.

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This was quite possibly the best goal that I've never seen. 

My initial reaction last night was that it was the best goal I have ever seen live in 40+ years of watching. In the cold light of dawn and without seeing it replayed on TV it still is.

Up until last night the accolade was held by Mick Channon for a lovely goal he put past Peter Shilton keeping for Stoke in about 1971/72 - if Luke ever takes up training racehorses watch out!

My previous City best was that one of Scoot's vs Oldham a couple of seasons back.

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