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Banning Smoking At Ag

Ian M

Would you be happy to see smoking banned at Ashton Gate if it meant watching a lower standard of football than at present?  

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If smoking was banned from the seating areas at Ashton Gate the new laws about smoking in food areas means that it would mean a total ban on smoking from the moment you enter the ground till the moment you leave.

With almost 30% of the population being smokers (higher amongst lower earners) this would undoubtedly have an effect on the gate receipts and, ergo, the playing squad.

Would you be prepared to risk sacrificing* the standard of football we are currently competing at in order to avoid the stench & health implications of being near smokers?

*it wouldn't DEFINITELY reduce the standard as we could well find new stars prepared to play for less money, but the probability of that happening isn't "great"

(I speak here as a smoker)

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i'm sure a smoker could go 90mins without

a smoke  :dunno:

tommy doc has to  :D

It's not 90 mins though is it. It's a minimum of 2 hours and possibly 3 hours or more.

As has been pointed out in the various threads, smokers can be a very selfish bunch, why pay to not be able to smoke?

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I can't belive how selfish non-smokers are ! Happier for the club to go into decline than have to sit within 100ft of a smoker - get a life the lot of you - how you can call yourselves City fans with an attitude like that is beyond me

:@ :rolleyes: :@ :@ :whistle:

Yes Tommy doc goes without for 90 mins but he is AT WORK. I can't smoke at work either - When I am the gate I am spending my money on my leisure time.

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I can't belive how selfish non-smokers are !  Happier for the club to go into decline than have to sit within 100ft of a smoker - get a life the lot of you - how you can call yourselves City fans with an attitude like that is beyond me

:@  :rolleyes:  :@  :@  :whistle:

Yes Tommy doc goes without for 90 mins but he is AT WORK.  I can't smoke at work either - When I am the gate I am spending my money on my leisure time.

but when i'm at work i got to breath in other sods smoke

that i really don't want, and your clothes stink after

being in the same room as smokers :shifty:

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Guest pentlandsl

If you support Bristol City you will come regardless if there is a smoking ban or not. How many of you smokers stopped flying to Spain when the airlines introduced a total ban for a two and a half hour flight?

Personally I would favour a ban. However, if the smokers all showed some courtesy to the non-smokers and refrained from smoking at your seat and then having a fag at half time at pitchside then this wouldn't be such an issue anyway.

I've had the misfortune this season of being sat in the Dolman with my 5 year old and a chain smoker in front of us with the wind blowing into our face, it was a thoroughly unpleasant afternoon and detracted from the match.

So, how about a voluntary ban at your seats? If this worked then SL and CS would not even have to consider a ban at the end of the season and us non-smokers would have no reason to persue a ban.

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I'd be all in favour of a ban in seats IF there was somewhere else to go without missing any of the action. As the people around my ST seat (Atyeo Block G) don't smoke I usually try and avoid smoking but if things are going badly or I just can't resist my craving then I try and move. What I have done is

Sit on the stairs between the rows, the problem with this is that then I am obstructing the gangway and am in the way of a constant stream of people getting pies, going to the toilet etc. I'm sure I'm breaking some Health and Safety law too.


Stand and have a fag at the exit points to the refreshment/bar areas. I can still see the game and keep out of everyones way, however on 2 occasions I have been told to go back to my seat by stewards who say that the gangway shouldn't be blocked - to be fair I can see their point, if all smokers did the same no-one would be able to get through.

The most sensible solution is to have clearly marked and enforced smoking blocks, all the smokers sit together, separated from the non-smokers, everyone can choose and everyones happy ?

If smoking were totally banned I prob wouldnt stop going altogether, but I doubt if I would renew my season ticket.

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I just want one question answered:

Why do people smoke when there is overwhelming evidence that it clogs up the whole of your body until you die a slow and painfull death?? Yeah sure I smoked, didnt mean to start but a year and a half later I stopped (Cold Turkey) and have never wanted to light up again. I always knew what I was doing to myself and always knew I was going to quit. Furthermore, any smoker who inflicts their habit onto their kids by telling them its ok to smoke are murderers. :@

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I just want one question answered:

Why do people smoke when there is overwhelming evidence that it clogs up the whole of your body until you die a slow and painfull death?? Yeah sure I smoked, didnt mean to start but a year and a half later I stopped (Cold Turkey) and have never wanted to light up again. I always knew what I was doing to myself and always knew I was going to quit. Furthermore, any smoker who inflicts their habit onto their kids by telling them its ok to smoke are murderers.  :@

Simple amswer - because they are addicted to Nicotine, quite why some people find it easier to quit than others isn't well understood but most of the research is that some people have brain chemistry which makes them more prone to addiction, be it fags, booze, coke or whatever. I am a heavy smoker and I hate it, most fags I smoke are purely to feed the addiction, I might enjoy maybe 1 in 50. It ruins my health, makes me smell bad and drains my bank account. I've given up 3 times and the longest I lasted was 6 months.

I do thing that it's fashionable at the moment to demonise smokers though, I mean in some places you would get a better reception if you said you were a pedo than if you lit up a fag, which is just barmy, a quarter of the adult population rightly or wrongly still smoke and its perfectly legal. Yes fags are bad and they kill you, but so do lots of things.

Gotta stop typing now to light a fag !

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i am a smoker and u say about why do people smoke when its a fact it kills you,

well can i now ask you to stop going to football as footy has been proven to put stress on, stress can lead to heart attacks we all die and its up to us smokers if we choose to die that way

also how can we be murderers its up to the person to smoke its there choice it aint like we say here have a fag to our children

I just want one question answered:

Why do people smoke when there is overwhelming evidence that it clogs up the whole of your body until you die a slow and painfull death?? Yeah sure I smoked, didnt mean to start but a year and a half later I stopped (Cold Turkey) and have never wanted to light up again. I always knew what I was doing to myself and always knew I was going to quit. Furthermore, any smoker who inflicts their habit onto their kids by telling them its ok to smoke are murderers.  :@

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I just love this forum's high standards of punctuation and grammar!!  :grr:

Banned, thats the easy way out. Shoot them in the back, get it done. All malcontents will bow to the system or accept the consequences. Now type within the rules or be banned to the gas site.

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I have no problem with people smoking, but I refuse to believe that a smoker can't go 45 minutes without a smoke.

I think the solution really is to create smoking areas, either for the whole game or during half-time etc.

What I DO have a problem with is people inconsiderately lighting up and blowing smoke all up in my face. Like I said, no problem with smokers, no problem with people smoking at the game, as long as it's in consideration to everyone else.

Also I think your question is biased - there's nothing to suggest the standard of football would drop. True City fans can surely go 45 minutes without smoking, so the gates wouldn't drop...

Good luck trying to quit btw, I know people who have, and people who can't. It's harder than non-smokers make out.

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I have no problem with people smoking, but I refuse to believe that a smoker can't go 45 minutes without a smoke.

I think the solution really is to create smoking areas, either for the whole game or during half-time etc.

What I DO have a problem with is people inconsiderately lighting up and blowing smoke all up in my face. Like I said, no problem with smokers, no problem with people smoking at the game, as long as it's in consideration to everyone else.

Also I think your question is biased - there's nothing to suggest the standard of football would drop. True City fans can surely go 45 minutes without smoking, so the gates wouldn't drop...

Good luck trying to quit btw, I know people who have, and people who can't. It's harder than non-smokers make out.

"Should never of started" and all that, no respect.

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I have no problem with people smoking, but I refuse to believe that a smoker can't go 45 minutes without a smoke.

I think the solution really is to create smoking areas, either for the whole game or during half-time etc.

What I DO have a problem with is people inconsiderately lighting up and blowing smoke all up in my face. Like I said, no problem with smokers, no problem with people smoking at the game, as long as it's in consideration to everyone else.

Also I think your question is biased - there's nothing to suggest the standard of football would drop. True City fans can surely go 45 minutes without smoking, so the gates wouldn't drop...

Good luck trying to quit btw, I know people who have, and people who can't. It's harder than non-smokers make out.

"Should never of started" and all that, when people are congratulated for stopping smoking i just laugh, why not congratulate me on never starting? pathetic.

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They have banned smoking at Readings new ground and there attendances haven't fell because parents will take their children to watch the game without the risk of some idiot, who seems to want to pay to be annoying, smell and get cancer harming their own child or themselves

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If it's going to cause a lot of disruption maybe they can have a smoking area at first then after decide to ban it or not to

Yes with a smoking area, the fans that smoke will not be making others suffer just as bad as them. Quite frankly i would not want lung cancer, so why don't the people that are happy to settle for cancer have there own area. Or just manage a couple of hours without a fag.

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i am a smoker and u say about why do people smoke when its a fact it kills you,

well can i now ask you to stop going to football as footy has been proven to put stress on, stress can lead to heart attacks we all die and its up to us smokers if we choose to die that way

also how can we be murderers its up to the person to smoke its there choice it aint like we say here have a fag to our children

OK then, how about you just stay inside every day, asnd never go anywhere incase a tree falls on your head. On second thoughts, then you might get ill from a lack of exercise, or your house might

fall down.

You are the only person who has replied to this topic who is attempting to defend cigarettes. Who are you trying to kid?

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It would increase attendances as it would mean less people smoking (passively or not) which would increase the supporters health which would mean they live longer and therefore can see more matches within their lifetime thus increasing attendances and revenue for Bristol City in the long run :dunno:

BAN SMOKING at Ashton Gate.

Also if you banned it then non smokers would not have to stink of cancer sticks after siting next to a smoker. The ssoner we have a public ban on them the better.

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I really don't think we would lose much, if any, money from going non-smoking. As others have pointed out people still watch Reading, people still fly over the Atlantic without smoking etc. Many people may in fact be encouraged to come if the ground was non-smoking.

I'm not personally sure whether I would like the stadium to be non-smoking or not. I would prefer it if it just became the norm for fans not to light up during the match. I honestly don't think smokers realise how unpleasant it can be for non-smokers to sit breathing in smoke. I also don't think people realise how long it takes smoke to disperse in the air. You can sit a long way from a smoker and still smell it.

Now I'm sure smokers will reply to that by saying "I don't think non-smokers realise how hard it is to go 45 minutes without smoking" but I'm sure it is possible. Maybe rather than having non-smoking areas you should have "smoking areas" with smoke-free being the norm?

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I'm a non smoker and don't like people smoking near me but....

Why are spectators allowed to stand, drink and smoke at first class rugby and cricket games, but not football? Football spectators have to be segregated, but not other sports. If the segregation works, why do football clubs pay out money hirimg so many stewards? Iy is no longer the same law for all in this country!

Go to Edgebaston in the summer to watch Soms or Glos and the West Mids police will let you drink all day whilst cheering the visitors on to victory.

Go to Kingsholm when Bristol are playing there and stand where you want in the ground with a beer in one hand and a fag in the other.

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  • Admin
I really don't think we would lose much, if any, money from going non-smoking. As others have pointed out people still watch Reading, people still fly over the Atlantic without smoking etc. Many people may in fact be encouraged to come if the ground was non-smoking.

I'm not personally sure whether I would like the stadium to be non-smoking or not. I would prefer it if it just became the norm for fans not to light up during the match. I honestly don't think smokers realise how unpleasant it can be for non-smokers to sit breathing in smoke. I also don't think people realise how long it takes smoke to disperse in the air. You can sit a long way from a smoker and still smell it.

Now I'm sure smokers will reply to that by saying "I don't think non-smokers realise how hard it is to go 45 minutes without smoking" but I'm sure it is possible. Maybe rather than having non-smoking areas you should have "smoking areas" with smoke-free being the norm?

....and do Reading have a TOTAL ban on smoking? No, it is allowed in the concourses at present. This action should now be prohibited by law as the concourses are food serving areas.

Whereas before people have been able to satisfy their craving with a brief walk to the concourse, they would now have to leave the ground. It is an addiction and not a choice. People are lazy, it's easier to continue smoking than give up so why go somewhere that will cause you physical hardship?

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....and do Reading have a TOTAL ban on smoking? No, it is allowed in the concourses at present. This action should now be prohibited by law as the concourses are food serving areas.

Whereas before people have been able to satisfy their craving with a brief walk to the concourse, they would now have to leave the ground. It is an addiction and not a choice. People are lazy, it's easier to continue smoking than give up so why go somewhere that will cause you physical hardship?

the steps and gangways that we have in ALL our stands are not food serving areas. You can stand in them at half time for a fag.

Also Ian, hate to point this out me ol' son but it IS a choice. It may be hard to give up. I've never been addicted, but it is still a choice.

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the steps and gangways that we have in ALL our stands are not food serving areas. You can stand in them at half time for a fag.

Also Ian, hate to point this out me ol' son but it IS a choice. It may be hard to give up. I've never been addicted, but it is still a choice.

A total ban is a total ban. That is what many are calling for and what I am arguing against. Smoking in the gangways and steps does not tie in with a "total ban"

Ok smoking is a choice not a physical addiction so I'll just choose never to have started in the first place. Now who wants to lend me their Delorean? :D

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We could always open up the East End again and make that smokers corner! :Cool27:

Never smoked myself. Can't stand it. I mean it's smoke! Why inhale smoke?! If it was bubble gum flavored maybe but smoke?! Don't get it. Personally I think there should be a global ban on smoking anyway in all public places. My wife is very sensitive to smoke and we can't go to our favorite restaurant anymore because the smoke bothers her too much and she starts having coughing fits. If I went to somebody in the next seat and waved some poisonous chemical fumes under their nose I would be arrested for assault....that's no different having cigarette smoke in your face. But that's just my opinion for what it's worth.

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