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For Those Who Think

Port Said Red

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A piece in Private Eye this week.

"The Chairman of Coventry City is suing one of the clubs own supporters for libel. He (the fan whom I wont name to be sure) runs a online fanzine called Gary Mabbutt's knee, on the forum of which he referred to the Cov directors as the rogues who run our club. The Chairman considered this to be a "gross libel on the board, most of whom have an established status in public life and whose honesty and status must be impeachable""

I am sure there will be an amicable settlement, however it just goes to show that this forum needs the mod men whether we like it or not. :dunno:

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Libel,bad language or threats of any kind should not be tolerated and on this Forum they are not tolerated.Quite rightly so.

On the other hand over zealous mod men have removed threads for "baiting" on this forum which is an entirely subjective opinion not necessarily shared by all.I don't agree with threads being removed unless they are included in above "no go" list.

Its a question of balance,just like most things in life.

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A piece in Private Eye this week.

"The Chairman of Coventry City is suing one of the clubs own supporters for libel. He (the fan whom I wont name to be sure) runs a online fanzine called Gary Mabbutt's knee, on the forum of which he referred to the Cov directors as the rogues who run our club. The Chairman considered this to be  a "gross libel on the board, most of whom have an established status in public life and whose honesty and status must be impeachable""

I am sure there will be an amicable settlement, however it just goes to show that this forum needs the mod men whether we like it or not. :dunno:

Oh yeah .... Right....does not show anything really.

There are many perfectly legitimate businessmen out there that are crooks

But the difference is most of 'Them' can afford to Sue or take out Libel cases?

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A piece in Private Eye this week.

"The Chairman of Coventry City is suing one of the clubs own supporters for libel. He (the fan whom I wont name to be sure) runs a online fanzine called Gary Mabbutt's knee, on the forum of which he referred to the Cov directors as the rogues who run our club. The Chairman considered this to be  a "gross libel on the board, most of whom have an established status in public life and whose honesty and status must be impeachable""

I am sure there will be an amicable settlement, however it just goes to show that this forum needs the mod men whether we like it or not.

Well, the Coventry director won't necessarily win his libel case will he, so let's not leap to conclusions. Other clubs have taken this heavy-handed approach to fanzines and websites in the past.....it doesn't work. When clubs take this approach to fans' opinions, it just antagonises the fans even more and creates more disharmony.

By the way, the word at the end of your quote should be UNimpeachable!!

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Guest Tactical Genius
however it just goes to show that this forum needs the mod men whether we like it or not. :grr:

This is the Coventry rivals website isn't it. I don't know all the details of what has gone on at Coventry over the last few years other than the financial and general management of the football club has sunk to a very very low level. If it had been in any other business then heads would have rolled a long time ago.

So is every one meant to go with the official utterances? Is it not right that people who run an independent website put over the alternative point of view and ask searching questions of the custodians of the club? As far as I can tell the situation at Coventry is fairly similar to that which Reynolds had at Darlington. If the club is rotten at the top you can't expect football fans to put up with it. For that they deserve admiration and support, not censorship. Too many chairmen have come and done what they hell they want without any accountability. Those days are beginning to end as fans have proved they can mobilise themselves into a strong political unit.

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I never meant to suggest that people weren't entitled to their opinion or that I was in anyway in support of the chairman and/or his actions. What I was trying to point out is that sometimes the most innocent sounding of phrases used in conversation, can lead to problems when written down.

I think that considering some of the views expressed on here at times, some individuals may be lucky that the our own board are not prone to usin gthe same bully boy tactics.

There was an incident a few years back where, Alan Sugar (Spurs chairman at the time) sent the police to BBC studios to try to stop Danny Baker from broadcasting, because of suggestions made during his 606 programme. Some people huh?!

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