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Anyone been to Madrid before ?

There are a group of about six of us going over for a lad's weekend away in April. Can anyone recommend a decent but reasonably priced hotel ? Any good tourist attractions we should see ?

We're going to the Bernabeu on either the Saturday or Sunday night as Real Madrid are home to Villareal that w/e (beats a trip to the National Hockey Stadium to see City play FC Franchise).

Thanks in advance for any recommendations.

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Guest NakedZiderFest

I have been there for 1 night before, so haven't many useful details. But if you like cider then it is worth checking out a road full of Siderias (cider houses) that we found selling some lovely Spanish juice of the apple. There is a whole road of them somewhere slightly off-centre that had good free tapas too. There are also a few cider houses dotted around the City, not just old-man's pubs but some cider bars full of nice birds too. couldn't tell you where they are I'm afraid, but we ran into a few by chance.

For non-cider related attractions, the Bernabeu is definitely worth a visit, the Bull Rings are worth seeing, and the royal palace was pretty impressive.

Have a good one.

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Guest east_dundry_red

my parents came back from there today (along with a scarf for me!) they said to search on the net for madrid tourist board they found their hotel there.

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www.info@totalstay.com will give you the best value hotels.An hotel near the Grand Via (or villa)is pretty central.

You can get the metro direct from the airport and head for the Ministeros Nuevo stop from there you can a red stripe cab to anywhere in the central area.They are fairly cheap but won't find many cabbies that speak any English so you'll need a written address to show them.

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