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Leave Your Missus At The Shops


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If members can't make witty, humorous or non-p.c comments then this forum will be a very gloomy place to be...

Sigh....that's the point I was making.

I enjoy Neo's posts, always witty, but if he'd posted exactly what Tinnion had said, he'd be banned! But Tinnion's remarks are published on the official website without a hint of irony.

Obviously my humour is far too subtle for you all. I'll get back to the kitchen...

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I don't know why I bother. If they made it hard, it would be more fun.

I let me wife read my comments and I have to do the vacuuming as pennance. It sucks; still has some handy attachments :grr:

I might start a "nativity is a crock of poo" thread and how xmas lights are a disgrace and disrespectful to other religions.

Problem is, on here, there will probably be more people will agree with me than disagree!! :dunno:

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Tins was not reading from a prepared text, and he's no politician running for office. Just a football coach rallying the troops and speaking from the heart. The night before a huge game is no time for politically correct attitudes, give him a break.

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Does Brian Tinnion not realise how unacceptable his comments are?

As a husband himself, he should know any comments encouraging unsupervised shopping by women are utterly irresponsible and could leave us blokes with huge credit card bills. I am fuming about this.

Seriously, though, I think the criticism is overdoing it. Okay, perhaps it might have been wiser to avoid complaints by saying something like: "Don't let your other half go shopping - drag the rest of your family to the game."

But we spent years moaning that we had a manager who never let his guard down and said the same old dour, unimaginitive rubbish all the time. We've now got a manager who is relaxed, confident and open enough with the fans to say things which are often far more informative and give us supporters more of an insight into his thinking and the way the squad is (or sometimes isn't) working. You've just got to accept that on occasions he's going to make the odd slip-up and upset the odd fan. You can't have your cake and eat it. He's not a politician - he's a football manager.

I don't for a minute think he was trying to deride or offend female fans. I'm sure the comment was only meant tongue in cheek because, as Adam points out, actions speak louder than words and Tinman has been a huge supporter of the female game at The Gate, going to games without fanfare because he wants to watch them.

I do wish people would not be so sensitive and jump down someone's throat for saying something off-the-cuff like that. It's because people have to watch their step so much with the PC brigade that we've ended up with so much blandness and people are often too afraid to say what they think. Of course people must take responsibility for what they say and there are boundaries, but I don't think Tinman crossed them. He was clearly being light-hearted and suggesting women like to shop is hardly a capital offence.

Actually, I'll bet that the number of guys whose wives are out shopping on Saturday will way outnumber those whose other halves come to the game. No way of telling, but that's my hunch. Perhaps one or two guys will persuade their better halves to join them at The Gate and swell the crowds, who knows? If not, well nobody's died. It was just an off-the-cuff suggestion. Would there have been the same reaction from guys on here if he had gone the other way and said: "Women fans, drag your old man out of the pub on Saturday and bring him down the Gate with you?" I doubt it.

I can only imagine the apoplexy it would have caused if Holloway had happened to be City manager (a cold day in Hell, I grant you) when made his now infamous comment about a QPR result being like pulling an ugly woman on a night out - she may not be the best looking but at least it's a result. Happens to be one of the funniest things I've ever heard in sport, and said with the same spontaneity as Tinman's comment, but presumably he'd have been hauled over the coals on here.

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I do not agree with the principals behind the comment but i'm sure it was a spur of the moment type of comment. Sexism, racism or anything that is a form of discrimination should nt be tolerated. But! i think everyone must take this with a pinch of sault, Tinman is showing his passion but it may have come out in the wrong format. 1 mistake and a man is lynched....it was wrong and i'm sure he realises it.

The world is full of cruel, harsh and unnacceptable stereotypes and this incident shows us this.

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Yet another prime example of misleading or inappropriate quotes being used on the main website in lead articles.

When is the club going to get its PR sorted?

We all know what Tins was saying and why, and I am sure we all know he meant no insult by it. But the way it comes across on the website just highlights the point in the wrong way - and not for the first time. I would have thought the media department would have worked out by now to be a little more careful with their quotes and text :dunno:

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The words 'mountain' & 'molehill' spring to mind.

Statistics gathered over years have shown consistently that football gates are down below normal the saturday before Christmas and likewise that consumer spending is up on that day as families prepare for Christmas with last chance for shopping.

Clearly there are plenty of cool female supporters who could care less about anything else but being at the Gate tomorrow....damn why didn't I find one of those?!....the sport has continued to become more popular with females over the years.

But believe it or not there are male supporters out there who married someone who is just not interested in the sport...and some of them will have read this thread and just kept quiet and moved on to avoid admitting that at some point in time they have had to miss a game to keep their non-footie supporting wife happy by taking care of family stuff, especially on Christmas week. See when faced with the option of going to the game and coming home to an angry wife giving you the silent treatment for not taking her shopping, then spending the night on the couch and then when opening presents on Christmas day hearing her explain to her parents how Christmas was almost ruined because of a 'stupid football game' or alternatively sucking it up, miss 1 game and take her shopping and being the perfect husband for a week....for me it's no contest...although being a few thousand miles from AG helps influence the decision! doh!

...but then on the other hand being that I own a shop and am anticipating a busy weekend of sales myself I'm hoping everyone around here goes shopping.

Relax....everyone is making too much of a big deal out of BT's comments.

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I mainly work with women and the amount of sexist things they say (and the'd admit it) are staggering.

I think that if we go looking for sexism, we'll find it all over the place. In this case, Mr Tinnion probably meant "..get down the ground and support your team, and leave the other half to do the shopping, or whatever..."

I think we should give the guy a break!

(Unless he really was being sexist, in which case we should bring back Capital Punishment).

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In this case, Mr Tinnion probably meant "..get down the ground and support your team, and leave the other half to do the shopping, or whatever..."

I'm sure we all know what Brian meant to say, but the way his remarks were expressed indicated that the laddish culture within football (ie, there's no place for women in the game unless they are trophy wives or groupies) is alive and well. It's unfortunate, to say the least, that the club's own website saw fit to broadcast these remarks. And before Red Top gets on his high horse - no, I'm not a member of the PC Brigade, but I'll be happy to join them if you'll send me an application form.

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I can't believe this, I haven't been on the forum for a day or so

and i come back on and read this twaddle!!! Tins makes a "tongue-in-cheek"

comment and all hell breaks loose!! Get a flippin life you lot. RedM, I had

a lot of respect for you and thought you were above this. What is all the fuss

about? It's a known fact that women love shoppin, it's a joke for christ's sake.

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No, don't. The ignorance, stupidity and misunderstanding on this forum is one of the comedy highlights of my working day!

I'm glad to see my comments are not being taken too seriously and with a little jest :grr:

Sorry if my post offended anyone, it was certainly not ment too. :dunno:

and indeed, like most i love this forum exactly for its comedy highlights it what would otherwise be a dull day the teh office. :grr:

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Is that a joke? I don't get it.

Something that was shouted at from the back of the Dolman at the Tranmere game. Some people took offence to it, some people thought it was racist (hairist?) and some found it down right hilarious, even though it was (probably?) said tongue in cheek.

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Don't forget, kill the gingers....

Comparison between that comment and Tinnions.

You will have people who find it offensive, sexist and inappropriate and you will find some who find it amusing and some very funny.

There was a quite funny thread about the Ginger chants at the tranny game posted a few weeks ago, funny really, its the same thread as this one but with Gingers instead of Woman.

Priceless topics which allways brings out the more colourful posts. :P

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Which camp are you in?

How dare you call me camp...:grr:

Being ginger myself (or Strawberry Blonde :dunno: ) I can either find it offensive or funny, having been taunted by people all my life cos of the colour of my hair (sounding familiar?).

In this instance I hope that the words were fairly meaningless and the person who said those words really doesnt have a deep hatered for us auburn haired coloured individuals.

Regarding Tinnions comments, sorry to sit on the fence but I can understand RedM's feelings on this and any other's objections, I can also understand those who are finding it amusing. I'm certain that Brian meant it in a light hearted way but comments like those are obviously open to different interpretations.

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No, she's right. Comments like "leave the wife at the shops" illustrate the inherent sexism which exists within the world of professional football. Yellow card for the manager.


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I don't know why I bother.  If they made it hard, it would be more fun.

I let me wife read my comments and I have to do the vacuuming as pennance.  It sucks; still has some handy attachments  :grr:

I might start a "nativity is a crock of poo" thread and how xmas lights are a disgrace and disrespectful to other religions. 

Problem is, on here, there will probably be more people will agree with me than disagree!!  :grr:

TSK, TSK Neo, not at it again, matey.............should bring back national service for the likes of you eh! :dunno::grr:

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Guest DrFaustus
if football is a mens sport then why are there womans teams?

So that we can see you change shirts.

Christ, they'll be after the vote next. Women - football is for men, crochet and netball are your limits. (Outside of the obvious girly duties like cooking, cleaning, ironing, and faking orgasms.)

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He does have a habit of this does Tinnion... he still often says some pretty dodgy comments in public...

My view on this is that he was probably joking, and if he is such a big supporter of the women's game then he was definately joking. I think he was a bit of an idiot to say it in public, it's the sort of comment he might say to a female friend who is a big football fan as a wind-up - not to the official website.

Although it is more "interesting" having a manager that doesn't plan everything he says it may become a problem as it's not just the "odd slip up"... it's practically every week! Not just with this subject obviously, but he will often openly blame a player for a goal that may or may not have been their fault and broadcasts it to the public. My opinion would be that it would be better to do that internally... :grr:

Difficult to tell which of you actually believe that football is a man's game (I know Neo doesn't really think it... :dunno::grr: ) but to all who are being serious... I can (almost :P ) guarrantee that I am a damn sight better than you at football... :grr::P

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Simple really the majority of football fans are men. There will be a lot of men who might be dragged out shopping tomorrow and would far rather be at Ashton Gate. Brian is not belittling women fans just making a statement of the b******* obvious.Those who take offence really should loosen up

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But we spent years moaning that we had a manager who never let his guard down and said the same old dour, unimaginitive rubbish all the time.

No we didn't. We just commented occasionally that DW was boring and predictable.

No-one was crying out for the offensive tirades of the "get off your butts" / "get your wives out of the shops" nature.

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No we didn't. We just commented occasionally that DW was boring and predictable.

No-one was crying out for the offensive tirades of the "get off your butts" / "get your wives out of the shops" nature.

Just imagine if DW had made these comments,the fact that he lived in Chesterfield would have been firmly 2nd favourite. :P

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