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Leave Your Missus At The Shops


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Something that was shouted at from the back of the Dolman at the Tranmere game. Some people took offence to it, some people thought it was racist (hairist?) and some found it down right hilarious, even though it was (probably?) said tongue in cheek.

As a balding man, I do not think jokes about hair colouring are acceptable.

People don't stop to think how an issue like this makes people like me feel. I would kill to have a lovely head of ginger hair, however, I can't unless I buy a wig.

I can't afford a wig what with Christmas shopping to buy and mouths to feed.

I wonder what sort of affect this harmful thread would have on a bald fat woman?

On second thoughts, who cares - ugly minger! :dunno:

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Right, I've natrually followed this thread with interest.

Now that I have been accused of being 'Daft', jumping on a political correctness bandwagon, 'making a mountain out of a molehill', and loosing the respect of at least one poster...

I thank you for your opinions but still think that remarks like that shouldn't have been made by Tinnion on the official site. You all seem to believe he was joking and 'speaking from the heart, rallying the troops'. Maybe it was more how the piece was written that made me feel so angry. As I cannot see anything in the piece to indicate he was joking, you just assume he was, just like I assume he isn't.

On here it's easier as we have :grr: which help, and the Forum is a totally different thing. Maybe there is more on Bristol City World to indicate his humour, I don't have it so I can't tell. :dunno:

Maybe the person who wrote it is more to blame than Brian? There was a thread on here a few days ago saying how Danny Wilson was misquoted/taken out of context about his infamous 'Defeat isn't failure' quote. Maybe, just maybe, this is similar?

In future if the club feel it necessary to make 'jokes' they could at least make it clearer, so there is no room to misinterperate comments. ( By 'daft' people like me). All the writer need to add was something like 'Brian tinnion joked today...' or something similar and it would have been obvious, instead of what is assumption on both sides.

That's all I want to say. I'm going to shut up now you'll all be glad to hear.


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As a balding man, I do not think jokes about hair colouring are acceptable.

People don't stop to think how an issue like this makes people like me feel.  I would kill to have a lovely head of ginger hair, however, I can't unless I buy a wig.

I can't afford a wig what with Christmas shopping to buy and mouths to feed.

I wonder what sort of affect this harmful thread would have on a bald fat woman?

On second thoughts, who cares - ugly minger!  :grr:

I'm having a hair cut tomorrow. I'll make a wig out of the cuttings for you. :dunno:

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RedM, surely you're being over sensitive on this one.

There's a big difference between staunch female City supporters like yourself ( who Tin's wasn't referring to in any way, as far as i can see) and wives who are not interested who will undoubtedly be pestering their husbands to spend tomorrow at the shops thereby denying them the opportunity of swelling the crowd.

It is these unfortunate chaps that Tins rallying call was meant to bring to their senses.

For myself, the answer has always been to marry a fellow fan. My wife only gets down the Gate a few times a season but understands the lure and never begrudges me going. Tomorrow's her birthday and when she opens her card in the morning a City v. Luton ticket is going to fall out of it. What a Birthday surprise! :P

It won't be her only present, or her only "treat", but it certainly states from the outset how the afternoon is going to be spent. :dunno:

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And if she says she was hoping you would take her shopping?

:grr:  :dunno:

Firstly, if she was so shopping obsessed that she didn't realise City came first, ( there are 6 other days to shop!) i'd never have married her; secondly, if i had once been so blinded by love so as to overlook such a basic incompatibility, there's a wonderful place we could visit during our special Birthday family excursion called The City Shop. :grr:

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RedM, surely you're being over sensitive on this one.

Hallelujah! Along with several other posters, Nogbad brings some reality. I feel this PC nonsense and sanitisation of football is getting, if not already too far gone, out of hand.

Lighten up RedM, re -read the comment Brian made, my missus will not be at the gate tomorrow, nor has she been there any game this season, but she knows that I'll never go shopping in preference to attending a game. ( For the record she doesn't like shopping anyway and she is a Coventry fan - which acceptable as she was born and raised there.)

The over sensitivity on this forum is surely a big reason for its steady decline from a fantastic debating community, to a meaningless chatroom.

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Ok, I'm a woman and, yeah, more of a City fan than my boyfriend.

I read the article and thought that BT made himself out to look like an idiot. The comment just sounds really lame. Am I supremely offended? Not really. After all, I'm used to blokes saying really ridiculous stuff when referencing women and sports. It's par for the course. It didn't sound to me like a "joke" or a "tounge-in-cheek" comment. It sounded to me like he's a manager who is desperate to have as many supporters out there as possible; but, instead of coming up with an articulate comment, he blurted out some nonsense. I guess that's the best he could come up with during the interview. That's not very smart; but hey, sometimes we just need to accept the quirks of other people. Maybe we should just take half of what Tins says with a grain of salt.

Though, while I'm up here on my soapbox, what's up with this concept that women need babysitters at the mall?!?! Is this some kind of British cultural thing? That women force their husbands to go with them or need their "help"? I'm sorry, but I'm a big girl; I don't need my other half to take me to the shops. Really now, I could get finished with the shopping ten times faster if I didn't have to drag HIM around.

If I have errands to run and he wants to come along with me, great. If he wants to leave me to the shopping so that he can go down to AG for the match, who cares? Shoot, I'm much more likely to leave HIM to do the shopping so that I can watch the game!

I've always reminded Neil that he should be grateful to have a girlfriend who likes sports. I'm happy to go to the game and I don't whinge when he wants to watch something on TV - I just tell him to get some drinks and move over. :dunno:

Please, like I need "help" with the shopping.

/end of soapbox :grr:

.....Kelly :grr:

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Guest east_dundry_red

put all the women in the kitchen and keep them chained there only let them away from the kitchen if they are:

a) bringing you a beer

b) going to.....(edited before i get banned)

c) doing the shopping

d) changing the batteries in the remote

under no other cercomestances (spel?) shouldthey be let out. This includes driving! They should be banned from it.

Now tins if your going to say something say it in style!

(comments made are tounge in cheek but any of you pc muppets want to complain theres a little button on the bottom where you can PM me. I HATE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS)

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Navane, don't want to quote your whole post as it will take up too much space, but I totally second everything you say.

To anyone who thinks it was a reasonable thing to say - I would disagree with you but like Navane, I have no reason to be offended by what he's said as he doesn't seem to think about it before he opens his mouth and it was obviously an off hand comment.

I'm sure that this close to one of the biggest games of the season, Brian has other things on his mind which is why he can be excused and to be fair, he isn't saying that all women should stay away from football he is using a stereotypical view of women. (Which, like you say Navane is totally wrong - I would think that there are few women who would rather go shopping with their boyfriends than a girlfriend! :dunno: )

This thread has however sparked a few "hilarious" which aren't funny!. I always tend to find it difficult when people make sexist or racist jokes, as you never quite know if they're being serious or not.

And before anyone tells me to "lighten up", it's not unusual that you will get SOME people making these types of "jokes" and hiding behind the fact that it's tongue in cheek when they were actually being serious. I don't like to bring this up but Christian Roberts is a prime example of this - OK, so some people may have disliked him for his footballing abilities but some always had predjudice against him simply for being Welsh. :grr:

Anyway... HUGE game today, and we is going to kick some Luton butt! :grr::grr:

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Navane, don't want to quote your whole post as it will take up too much space, but I totally second everything you say.

To anyone who thinks it was a reasonable thing to say - I would disagree with you but like Navane, I have no reason to be offended by what he's said as he doesn't seem to think about it before he opens his mouth and it was obviously an off hand comment.

I'm sure that this close to one of the biggest games of the season, Brian has other things on his mind which is why he can be excused and to be fair, he isn't saying that all women should stay away from football he is using a stereotypical view of women. (Which, like you say Navane is totally wrong - I would think that there are few women who would rather go shopping with their boyfriends than a girlfriend!  :grr: )

This thread has however sparked a few "hilarious" which aren't funny!. I always tend to find it difficult when people make sexist or racist jokes, as you never quite know if they're being serious or not.

And before anyone tells me to "lighten up", it's not unusual that you will get SOME people making these types of "jokes" and hiding behind the fact that it's tongue in cheek when they were actually being serious. I don't like to bring this up but Christian Roberts is a prime example of this - OK, so some people may have disliked him for his footballing abilities but some always had predjudice against him simply for being Welsh.  :grr:

Anyway... HUGE game today, and we is going to kick some Luton butt!  :grr:  :D

Lighten up :dunno:

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I think this has gona a little to far now women love shoppin thats a fact its a week before Christmas and women will tend to take there blokes with them and on the other hand we have females like on the forum who love watchin football like any other bloke I think Tinman was messing around he ment he wants all fans to come cheer like my mum she hates football and would rather go shopping but if she was going to buy christmas presents she would want my dad to come along and buy the presents but as my dad is a season ticket holder he wouldnt want to waste his ticket so Tins means Women like my mum who hate football and want to take there blokes shopping if my dad offered my mum to come Football she would tell him where to go so lets not carry this on because it doesnt mean nothing!! :dunno:

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So that we can see you change shirts.

Christ, they'll be after the vote next. Women - football is for men, crochet and netball are your limits. (Outside of the obvious girly duties like cooking, cleaning, ironing, and faking orgasms.)

My wife never fakes her orgasms. I can tell because she never makes those moaning noises.

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I'd like to read a post from a woman who has never made a tongue-in-cheek comment which in jest stereotypes men. Everyone does it about a variety of different things.

The problem here was not the comment it was simply the media for it. In a written article you can't hear tone of voice or see body language, which are exactly the type of thing that tell you how the remark was intended. The people who publish the quotes really ought to know better.

I am sure that most of the people who objected would not have batted an eye if they'd been part of the conversation where it was said.


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Maybe the person who wrote it is more to blame than Brian? There was a thread on here a few days ago saying how Danny Wilson was misquoted/taken out of context about his infamous 'Defeat isn't failure' quote. Maybe, just maybe, this is similar?

In future if the club feel it necessary to make 'jokes' they could at least make it clearer, so there is no room to misinterperate comments. ( By 'daft' people like me). All the writer need to add was something like 'Brian tinnion joked today...' or something similar and it would have been obvious, instead of what is assumption on both sides.

That's all I want to say. I'm going to shut up now you'll all be glad to hear.


RedM fully understand where you are coming from on this, and I believe there was a similar discussion on Radio Bristol this morning, with someone on there making similar comments to yours.

The key is for the media department to learn from this and make sure they don't end up making Tins a scapegoat again, like they did Danny!

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The key is for the media department to learn from this and make sure they don't end up making Tins a scapegoat again, like they did Danny!

If you listen to the original interview, you can hear for yourself that Brian did not come out with the potentially offensive comments as reported on the offish site.

The bad news is that his real comments were even worse! :D

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