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Thoughts On Goodfellow From Some


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Well, what I do for you lot, didn't go to either of my two regular haunts but one I knew would be well populated by Potheads. Had to endure a half a gallon of Theakstons, oh the sacrifice.

So to Goodfellow, one of the locals is mad keen Sjokie and goes to most reserve games as well. He reckons he would do well in the 2nd but is not up to 1st Division quite yet. Bags of potential, but no where near the finished article yet.

All were in agreement that Tiny Penis has to get 3 or 4 players of the wage bill before he can bring in the two experienced players he is after. Taggart is on loan there at the moment and his wages won't be cheap and TP sees Taggart as the experienced leader he has been after.

They also reckon that the Icelandic Chairman might be trying one on and get a few extra quid out of us when really a nominal fee should secure his signature should he wish to come, in fact they were surprised he wasn't coming on a Free.

To sum up he is similar to Roberts with bags of pace, no physical strength, scores the odd goal, my thoughts are that he is not what we want and we shouldn't be offering any money for this young lad.

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sounds alright but is he as greedy as roberts :D  B)

Now that is a very good point.

His two goals v Manure were very good, suppose you have to be selfish to score sometimes, but ala Roberts at Barnsley, Peacock and Lita were screaming for the ball when he blasted over from a worse position than either of them were in.

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Its not fair to slate Roberts for shooting when a pass may have been the better option.Goodridge was the same and so was Murray.Even classy wingers like Ryan Giggs don't cross the ball correctly every time.

As for Goodfellow - Wilson must think that he's better than what we've got otherwise he wouldn't be showing the interest.

We just have to trust his judgement.

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good enough for me, my head says the same, trouble is does Wonder-son's??

More "Raw" kids will not solve any of citys underlying problems, what we need is an experienced midfielder, then...

Doc is coming back to the team....joy (not)

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I think the comments on Roberts are a bit harsh, he was too greedy by far when he first came to us, but has improved and become more professional as time has progressed, he still occasionally makes the wrong decision but most fair minded fans surely must agree that he is a good team player and nobody works harder for us.

Also on the physical side he holds his own, he does not have the build of a Steve Torphy but is still agressive.

As for Marc Goodfellow, he sounds like he is going to need time and time is something we and wilson does not hav. We have to improve now to stand a chance of getting an automatic promo place.

So much for the Matt Jensen rumours! now it seems we are going to spend more money the club has'nt got on a unproved possible talent.

Give me a experianced pro for a couple of months that we can get back off the books without paying off a 3 year contact.

baa humbug!

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