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Steve Lansdowne

Port Said Red

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Come on Steve

Perhaps it is the use of more emotive language rather than the content, but I really liked the reply that Steve L has made to this post. There is more than a sense of irritation at the situation and the fans reaction to it, and it certainly should give food for thought to those who doubt the varacity of his "love for the club".

Good for you Steve.

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Yeah right. If your addled brain believes that, you'll probably reckon we have the second best!  :city:

Umm no! Considering the amount of fickle city fans who complain that the board have no ambition, despite the fact he pumps his own money into the club every year, he's got a very good attitude about it. If I was in Steve Lansdown's position, I don't think I could give such good, diplomatic answers all the time - I'd lose my temper - just like your chairman did....online!!

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Guest DrFaustus
Umm no! Considering the amount of fickle city fans who complain that the board have no ambition, despite the fact he pumps his own money into the club every year, he's got a very good attitude about it. If I was in Steve Lansdown's position, I don't think I could give such good, diplomatic answers all the time - I'd lose my temper - just like your chairman did....online!!

Fair enough.

I won't comment on our chairman - his spies are out. :city:

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Absolute disgrace - I assume under the posting rules our chairman is subject to the same as we ordinary mortals and will be banned for a period of time :city:

3. Any swearing or derogatory language will be treated with zero tolerance and the offender immediately banned. This includes attempting to use spaces to get around the built-in swear filter. There is no need for it.

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Absolute disgrace - I assume under the posting rules our chairman is subject to the same as we ordinary mortals and will be banned for a period of time  :city:

3. Any swearing or derogatory language will be treated with zero tolerance and the offender immediately banned. This includes attempting to use spaces to get around the built-in swear filter. There is no need for it.

Hi Teepee, we already knew you liked your w(h)ines, I didn't realise you were a bitter man too.

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Hi Teepee, we already knew you liked your w(h)ines, I didn't realise you were a bitter man too.

Nope, I hate bitter, but as one who has been banned a number of times I just wondered if we were all equal on this forum - and no doubt SL would welcome a break from the responsibility of answering questions for a while.

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According to the chairman:

"This is where we need the best business brains to come up with an answer and it is :-

We all shovel s..t together !

As in business when things are not going quite right you roll up your sleeves and sort things out. The sooner we stop trying to blame everyone else and start encouraging each other the sooner we'll get back on track.

It is where we end up at the end of the season that our success this year will be judged by not where we are now. So are you prepared to pick up your shovel ? because we already have but all help will be gratefully received."

I must confess that I have absolutely no idea what he's going on about.

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According to the chairman:

"This is where we need the best business brains to come up with an answer and it is :-

We all shovel s..t together !

As in business when things are not going quite right you roll up your sleeves and sort things out. The sooner we stop trying to blame everyone else and start encouraging each other the sooner we'll get back on track.

It is where we end up at the end of the season that our success this year will be judged by not where we are now. So are you prepared to pick up your shovel ? because we already have but all help will be gratefully received."

I must confess that I have absolutely no idea what he's going on about.

We all shovel s..t together !

I reckon he has been watching the same games then??

But as I stated, I had my shovel yesterday when I was watching the game - my partner thought I was mental!


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I'd lose my temper - just like your chairman did....online!!

Just for old times sake... :D

"Ep, Yes I am ashamed,

I am ashamed I have wasted 17 years of my life for this football club,

I am ashamed I have put in half a million pounds to act as club banker

I am ashamed I have put in personal guarantees putting my house on the line house.

I am ashamed I have people in my employment working on club matters.

I am ashamed I attended a Sportsmans dinner as guest of the club auditors instead of going to Leyton Orient.

I am ashamed I have to sometimes put my family and my work before the club on rare occasions.

I am ashamed I hurt so much after watching some of our players rolling over and die during todays game.

I am ashamed I supported our last Manager, who let us down so very badly, and told me on many occasions he was not a cheat!

I am ashamed I feel sorry for Phil Bater.

I am ashamed that people think I want all of this crap from people with hurt pride like myself who feel they can give me abuse.

I am ashamed I cannot go out at night and enjoy myself.

I am ashamed I agree with you that if the players cannot be bothered why should the supporters and Directors?

I am ashamed I am typing this now when I swore I would give myself 24 hours to cool down...........

After today's performance I am ashamed to be Chairman of Bristol Rovers Football Club"

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I admire much about his response, it's a good, straight-talking analogy. Keeping minds positive with a 'we're all in this together' rally cry is inspiring. Redordead asks SL to lead and this is the response of a leader - who knows, a similar message may have inspired the team last night in a great performance that lifted my spirits (thanks lads, more of the same please!)

It's also a politician's answer, detracting the reader from the questions asked and diverting blame from individuals. If you'll allow me to paraphrase, Redordead states the following observations that have concerned many of us and yet were not commented on;

1/ why do we see no evidence of better catering or shortening queues?

2/ how come we sell out of matchday programmes early at big matches?

3/ why do season ticket holders have to queue hours for play-off tickets?

4/ why are influential individuals showing ill-discipline to referees?

5/ why are we allowing local home bred talent to walk away?

6/ how come we don't always see the same level of commitment from players regardless of the opposition?

7/ east end?

The questions were in part answered by listing fans consultation methods and stating that you can't fix things overnight. Which is a fair comment, but without the evidence of action on matchdays, I think we can be forgiven for getting frustrated. The very nature of football fanatics is that we shovel s..t for our team - we've been doing it at our club for decades. Where some of us get disheartened is when we keep pointing out the s..t that only the club can shovel and yet it stays festering away in the corner.

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1/ why do we see no evidence of better catering or shortening queues?

2/ how come we sell out of matchday programmes early at big matches?

3/ why do season ticket holders have to queue hours for play-off tickets?

4/ why are influential individuals showing ill-discipline to referees?

5/ why are we allowing local home bred talent to walk away?

6/ how come we don't always see the same level of commitment from players regardless of the opposition?

7/ east end?

Milo and Redordead, with respect, I don't think Bristol City Football Club is ever going to be managed to the high standards that you require.

Be passionate, care about the club, wait for better days - I'll sign up to that.

It isn't ever going to be 100%. Spend some time monitoring some of the other clubs in League 1 and League 2. I think you will realise we aren't on a bad thing. And we're in the play-off places with 20 games to play.

It's good enough for me. Plently good enough.

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Guest DrFaustus
Start with a team and work your way up  :laugh:

Anyhow how you can see why and where the term Sh1 thead comes from, laughing in an out loud kind of way

DC, you're drunk again. :D

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Guest DrFaustus

:laugh: How can you even start to compare Steve with the man who is milking you dry pardon the pun ctid

Dan - if that was aimed at me, I wasn't trying to make any comparison. The poster thought that Mr Lansdown is the best chairman in the country. That seemed a little far-fetched, that's all.

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