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Wilson Moaners


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What a difference a week makes.

No complaints now about Wilson's ineptitude.It seems that all his detractors have one back into their shells and have nothing of substance to say.It just goes to show how fickle some fans are and how little knowledge some fans have.The season is a marathon not a sprint but how many "fans" really realise that.

That said I have to admit that I was becoming a little concerned at Wilson apparent inabilty to get the team working well and taking their chances leading upto the xmas programme, but I never felt that a change on manager would be a good move (unlike some) and I remain firm in my belief that Wilson should remain in charge untill the end of the season and then review what the situation is - in other words what Division we are in.

But theres no doubt that when City lose their next game the Wilson boo-boys will re-merge in force and be calling for his demise once again.I won't be one of them...

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Seems to me that you are contradicting yourself somewhat here. One minute you say you don't want Wilson to go, and his detractors should give the bloke a chance, then you are as good as saying that if we don't get promoted this year, he should be sacked. IF we don't go up this season, and then change managers, how long do you think it will take the new man to assess what we have already, then make the obligatory "necessary" changes to the squad and backroom staff, and then demand three years to get us up. It's a never ending story. Let's keep what we have regardless because we ARE going in the right direction, believe it or not, and if we don't reach the promised land this time, then we sure as hell will next year.

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Good post, but to be honest that kind of post should not be necessary. The last 3 games were really easy games and nothing less than 9, or maybe 7 points would have been sufficient; we should not be having to say: 'phew' we've got through them without losing.

I always kept faith with Wilson, but I must admit he did push me to the very edge at times. The question is that if we don't go up this year (I think we will, but obviously you can never be sure), do we keep him? It will have been 4 (or 5?) years under him without any progress.

Having said that I have every confidence that he will lead us to promotion this year, but he need our support so let's get behind him and the team!

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Don't worry robbored, I'm sure he will give the opportunity to question his tactics, team selection and man management skills again.

Its my bet we haven't seen the last of players out of position, bizarre substitutions and de-motivated players, but in the meanwhile I'm glad to have witnessed the taking of 9 points over Xmas. Although had we not capitulated to such giants of the division, Wycombe and struggled a single point from several other relegation candidates, the second half of the season wouldn't be such an up hill struggle.

At the corresponding point last season we were second with 49 points and a G.D. of +23 and had only drawn 4 games.

Of course I hope that in May (or before) those of us who have questioned him and if he is the right man for the job, have our noses rubbed in it as we secure automatic promotion.

Three wins on the trot is great, but with players absent, injured and the likelihood of having new faces to fit into the team, I'll reserve changing my mind for now.

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<br /> We'd all been asking ourselves the same question over the last few days, but then Dave L posted, explaining that you were struggling with your internet connection and couldn't get online.

Thats a bit harsh!

I don't recall calling for Wilson to be sacked.I questioned some of his team selections,tatics and perception of where certain players should play,sure, but call for his sacking? - no.

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i wouldnt really call 30 seconds good experience

You sound like my "better half". :P

and as for Schutzhunds' "de-motivated players". That really ######es me off, should these well paid professionals really need added motivation ?. Is it not enough to do a "job" that is every boys dream, be watched by 10,000 + fans, and have pride in their own performance ?.

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A Wilson detractor returns ^_^

This being our 5th season on the trot in division 2 (olde Div 3) surely Danny Wilson and his players must realise what's expected of them? Nothing less than promotion from a well paid squad with good ability should be acceptable after all these years in Div 2. While we've been languishing in this poxy division the likes of Cheltenham, Yeovil and Plymouth are catching us up. The Plymouth 'pastymen' are now actually above us in the table !!!!! - totally unacceptable.

For f##ks sake - let's not keep using the fact that the Gas are a division below us as an excuse for being in this poxy division. A gate of 13,500 against Boremuff shows the support to be there - I want to see Div 1 football at AG next season.

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Happy to oblige , a couple of good results says nothing . Are we in the top two .. I think not . Plymouth you may note are , a team which only came up last year and looked vastly inferior to us last year.

As for team selection Danny boy persists with playing Miller and Peacock when they should be alternatives to each other. Meanwhile Lita gets 88 mins on the bench which should do wonders for his development. Danny looks to sign a complete unknown from Stokes reserves - does he really think that if the guy was any good Pulis would let him go ?

Given the squad available to us before the disasterous moves in the summer we should already be top two so little credit goes to Danny for getting us in the play offs positions yet again

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Guest Bootylicious

We all have moans at DW when we disagree with something he does (or doesnt) do.

Not everyone is going to agree with the decisions he makes and its our job, as fans, to moan about it when we disagree!

We'll see who's moaning when City fail to go up this season though, wont we Robbored?! :(

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I truely believe ray graydon should be able to get our squad of players out of this division.DW has done nothing this season(or the last three)to suggest he is up to the job of taking city beyond the next division.The fact that he lives so far from bristol shows his lack of committment to the club,and explains an awful lot about reserve team players not getting a chance and players from other local teams not being watched.I fully expect us to go up this year ,despite DW,if we don't he will have been one of the main reasons.We have just beaten 2 relegation contenders and a mid table team ,and suddenly we're all excited.Had we dropped points against any of them,that would have been dissappointing.Anything other than promotion this season(and that ought to be easy-in the play offs there is no-one to fear just look at the table),then i would be suprised if Dw is able to survive.With promotion,which as i said earlier i feel any sensible 6 yr old could achieve with our squad and this weak league,then no doubt Dw will hang on,i have grave doubts as to his ability to continue our journey in div 1.My opinion,many of you will disagree,but i've seen many managers at AG and rarely have i seen a poorer one.

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