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You Have To Still Give Tinnion Time


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No time for rash decisions. Brian Tinnion is City through and through. He has had a torrid season, not least because he has followed a manager who got a top 3 finish 3 seasons running. I'm as frustrated as anyone but I do not accept that he can be judged on 32 games in charge. Also I would add that the damnage for this season has been done, what benefits a management change? Steve Landsowns decision isn't looking clever at the moment but 32 matches is not enough time for a rookie. I would however subscribe to the view that BT needs experience in his backroom staff.

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No time for rash decisions. Brian Tinnion is City through and through. He has had a torrid season, not least because he has followed a manager who got a top 3 finish 3 seasons running. I'm as frustrated as anyone but I do not accept that he can be judged on 32 games in charge. Also I would add that the damnage for this season has been done, what benefits a management change? Steve Landsowns decision isn't looking clever at the moment but 32 matches is not enough time for a rookie. I would however subscribe to the view that BT needs experience in his backroom staff.

I know let's wait three years - spend too much money/ keep saying he needs time and then find out Tinnion is an utter waste of space.Or how about making some decisions now.

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I know let's wait three years - spend too much money/ keep saying he needs time  and then find out Tinnion is an utter waste of space.Or how about making some decisions now.

Average mid-table for 3 seasons under a "City through and through" waste of space or how about taking action now. Thank God theres more people agreeing. Bad mistake from the start - and i stuck to my decision. Now i see why.

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I know let's wait three years - spend too much money/ keep saying he needs time  and then find out Tinnion is an utter waste of space.Or how about making some decisions now.

Trouble is you are a product of the 21 century: instant cash, instant food, instant results. Life isn't like that: you have to grunt it out. I remember in my present job hating my first year in my new job back in 1995. Ten years on people tell me I am an assett to the work place. In comic books the hero gets a result every time, but sadly a Bristol City manager can't last more than 20 minutes: that's 1,800 minutes of football before you lot start calling for his head: Give the guy a chance, expect nothing this season because nothing is what we'll get: we won't go down. Judge him and me on my comments at Christmas in 2005. Unfortuanately that won't happen because you lot of whingers and whiners will persuade the board to sack Tinnion before Easter which just shows what a pathetic malaise of 'instant success' has kicked in a t Ashton Gate. Do you seriously believe BT's successor will get it right. Hard work against adversity achieves results and nothing else.

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No time for rash decisions. Brian Tinnion is City through and through. He has had a torrid season, not least because he has followed a manager who got a top 3 finish 3 seasons running. I'm as frustrated as anyone but I do not accept that he can be judged on 32 games in charge. Also I would add that the damnage for this season has been done, what benefits a management change? Steve Landsowns decision isn't looking clever at the moment but 32 matches is not enough time for a rookie. I would however subscribe to the view that BT needs experience in his backroom staff.

'No time for rash decisions' should have been the motto immediately after the Play-Off final debacle. But a rash decision by SL has led us into the current predicament we find ourselves in.

I'm sorry, but saying 'Brian Tinnion is City through and through' just doesn't mean a thing - it's not a good enough qualification to be manager I'm afraid - neither is his supposed 'legendary' status - both completely and utterly meaningless when they were trotted out by the Happy Clappers during the Tinnion 'love-in' during the summer and even more so now.

Tinnion has had not far short of 50 games to sort his team out (friendlies, cup matches) so he's had plenty of opportunity to find his best XI - he still hasn't and we're well into February with automatic promotion a faraway dream and the play-offs dancing over the horizon.

SL made a mistake giving Tinnion the job and it is now up to him to sort this mess out. Unfortunately, we've already let management candidates like Taylor, Moyes (and even Sturrock just a few months ago) slip through our fingers thanks to this ****less board - what makes you think their track record of poor decisions is going to change?

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Your having a laugh mate, We have got better players than last season and we have made an England U 21 internation. Hes had time and the performances are getting worse. Hes got to go, he is city through and through but he needs to step down NOW, he need to be a No2 for a few years to get experience

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Who cares if he is through and through! If he was he would have realised he is not up for the job and resigned by now! What is the point in keeping him on other than to not hurt his feelings. I'm sure he is a top bloke and he is a good footballer but he is not a good enough manager to take us forward

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No time for rash decisions. Brian Tinnion is City through and through. He has had a torrid season, not least because he has followed a manager who got a top 3 finish 3 seasons running. I'm as frustrated as anyone but I do not accept that he can be judged on 32 games in charge. Also I would add that the damnage for this season has been done, what benefits a management change? Steve Landsowns decision isn't looking clever at the moment but 32 matches is not enough time for a rookie. I would however subscribe to the view that BT needs experience in his backroom staff.

32 games is long enough to see we have a poor home record, long enough to see that he's getting rid of experienced good players, long enough to know we're not going up - So long enough to know he should go :yawn:

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32 games is long enough to see we have a poor home record, long enough to see that he's getting rid of experienced good players, long enough to know we're not going up - So long enough to know he should go :yawn:

Lets understand each other: I am as pig sick as anyone else. I even risked the ignominy of listening to commentary on Radio WM which made a poor game sound even worse. However I still maintain in any other occupation you would not have the unrealistic expectations that most of you seem to have. The guys a novice: novices don't succeed overnight AND I clearly remember the vast majority of you lot calling for DW's head at the end of last season. Bet you'd have him back now! SL is a successful business man, top 100 earners in country. He WIL get it right with Tins if you lot lay off the pressure.

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Lets understand each other: I am as pig sick as anyone else. I even risked the ignominy of listening to commentary on Radio WM which made a poor game sound even worse. However I still maintain in any other occupation you would not have the unrealistic expectations that most of you seem to have. The guys a novice: novices don't succeed overnight AND I clearly remember the vast majority of you lot calling for DW's head at the end of last season. Bet you'd have him back now! SL is a successful business man, top 100 earners in country. He WIL get it right with Tins if you lot lay off the pressure.

as you obviously did not watch tonights game, then i think u should wait before commenting - tonights performance was one of the worst in the history of this club, and unfortunately it became far too evident that tinman was a problem on and off the pitch.

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Unfortuanately that won't happen because you lot of whingers and whiners will persuade the board to sack Tinnion before Easter

Its the lack of bums on seats that will get Tinnion the sack, who in their right mind wants to pay to watch this sort of football.

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Lets understand each other: I am as pig sick as anyone else. I even risked the ignominy of listening to commentary on Radio WM which made a poor game sound even worse. However I still maintain in any other occupation you would not have the unrealistic expectations that most of you seem to have. The guys a novice: novices don't succeed overnight AND I clearly remember the vast majority of you lot calling for DW's head at the end of last season. Bet you'd have him back now! SL is a successful business man, top 100 earners in country. He WIL get it right with Tins if you lot lay off the pressure.

I don't blame this all on Tinnion - I don't see how you can sack a manager who get's you a point off 2nd - which would surely mean automatic promotion - and replace him with that. But also, I feel we have the strongest, and deepest squad in the league by quite a way and so we should at least be challenging for 3rd, even with Tinnion - not 5 points (and a possible 8) off the play-offs. I'm sure he will get it right, but for years it's been "next year" - It just doesnt work any more.

Oh, and where is Danny now? Beating Bradford 4-1 :yawn: :@

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Trouble is you are a product of the 21 century: instant cash, instant food, instant results. Life isn't like that: you have to grunt it out. I remember in my present job hating my first year in my new job back in 1995. Ten years on people tell me I am an assett to the work place. In comic books the hero gets a result every time, but sadly a Bristol City manager can't last more than 20 minutes: that's 1,800 minutes of football before you lot start calling for his head: Give the guy a chance, expect nothing this season because nothing is what we'll  get: we won't go down. Judge him and me on my comments at Christmas in 2005. Unfortuanately that won't happen because you lot of whingers and whiners will persuade the board to sack Tinnion before Easter which just shows what a pathetic malaise of 'instant success' has kicked in a t Ashton Gate. Do you seriously believe BT's successor will get it right. Hard work against adversity achieves results and nothing else.

I am 51 years old so you have the wrong century.If you wish to discuss Management.Then why does BT need a one to one with his players 6 months after taking charge to find out who are the committed players.Any Manager worth his salt will be assessing his team from day one.There should be no surprises the players should be constantly assessed and told what is needed.Not sat down and then put on the list the next day.It is the actions of a man out of his depth.Hard work against adversity does achieve results if allied to ability but simply to work hard is and never will be enough with out talent and up to now BT has been devoid of it.I seriously expect his successor if he has ability to get it right in time but to go backwards for 6 months is not the answer.

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After this performance surely its time for Tins to go for the sake of the fans, club and players.

Tonight's performance was absolutely ********, took us one hour just to get a shot on target.This really sums up our season. Last season Ashton Gate was a fortress where we only lost 2 games, already this season we have lost 5 games. Doherty MUST not be sold, he is the only player who can pass the ball in our team.

Walsall just defended for the whole game and look where it got them. Last season we defended mainly and look where we finished.

This is time for Tinman to go and get rid of some players

Thanks, CTID

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Agree with your point about City through and through. You are right that it counts for nothing. But let me ask you this. In what other occupation would you call for the incumbent's head after 6 months?

Tinnion's been City manager for more like 9 months (coming up to 50 games in charge too). He's had all that time to consider his best formation, consider transfers, strengthen the team (he's been given plenty of cash to do so as well), sort the wheat from the chaff and to 'hit the ground running', to coin a phrase. After all, he knew the club inside out and knew what was needed so the board told us.

6/9 months is long enough to judge a manager as far as I'm concerned. In that time we should have seen some progress or at least some sense of direction. If anything we have seen at Ashton Gate, every formation ever devised, players leaving and then coming back, the public slagging off of players (Woodman, Doherty, Coles etc) and a club slipping further and further backwards.

During his tenure, we have not progressed - we have not even stabilised - we have gone backwards - the time factor is irrelevant. SL - it's up to you now.

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I am 51 years old so you have the wrong century.If you wish to discuss Management.Then why does BT need a one to one with his players 6 months after taking charge to find out who are the committed players.Any Manager worth his salt will be assessing his team from day one.There should be no surprises the players should be constantly assessed and told what is needed.Not sat down and then put on the list the next day.It is the actions of a man out of his depth.Hard work against adversity does achieve results if allied to ability but simply to work hard is and never will be enough with out talent and up to now BT has been devoid of it.I seriously expect his successor if he has ability to get it right in time but to go backwards for 6 months is not the answer.

We were going backwards last May as I seem to recall!

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Lets understand each other: I am as pig sick as anyone else. I even risked the ignominy of listening to commentary on Radio WM which made a poor game sound even worse. However I still maintain in any other occupation you would not have the unrealistic expectations that most of you seem to have. The guys a novice: novices don't succeed overnight AND I clearly remember the vast majority of you lot calling for DW's head at the end of last season. Bet you'd have him back now! SL is a successful business man, top 100 earners in country. He WIL get it right with Tins if you lot lay off the pressure.

1. I went and suffered the game

2. Anyone with a brain would not appoint a novice to an important post

3. Check every post of mine last year and not once did I want DW out

4. SL is a successful business man but that does not make him good at this football lark

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Lets understand each other: I am as pig sick as anyone else. I even risked the ignominy of listening to commentary on Radio WM which made a poor game sound even worse. However I still maintain in any other occupation you would not have the unrealistic expectations that most of you seem to have. The guys a novice: novices don't succeed overnight AND I clearly remember the vast majority of you lot calling for DW's head at the end of last season. Bet you'd have him back now! SL is a successful business man, top 100 earners in country. He WIL get it right with Tins if you lot lay off the pressure.

Here here i see many people saying we had a good team last year blah blah..

No we had a 3rd best team which got us nowhere,

If i had a car i raced it every year i came 3rd then id think about adding something to it or changing it completely not just rely on the old faithfull,give Tinnion a chance and you never know next year could be ours!!

lay off him

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Lets understand each other: I am as pig sick as anyone else. I even risked the ignominy of listening to commentary on Radio WM which made a poor game sound even worse. However I still maintain in any other occupation you would not have the unrealistic expectations that most of you seem to have. The guys a novice: novices don't succeed overnight AND I clearly remember the vast majority of you lot calling for DW's head at the end of last season. Bet you'd have him back now! SL is a successful business man, top 100 earners in country. He WIL get it right with Tins if you lot lay off the pressure.

Here here i see many people saying we had a good team last year blah blah..

No we had a 3rd best team which got us nowhere,

If i had a car i raced it every year i came 3rd then id think about adding something to it or changing it completely not just rely on the old faithfull,give Tinnion a chance and you never know next year could be ours!!

lay off him

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Tins is 100% City, played reasonably well for 10 years. Older players do NOT, SAY AGAIN DO NOT, necessarily make good managers. It is an entirely different job. In the 1980's, Australias rugby manager was a motivational speaker, Prime ministers speech writer, never a rep player, guess what Aussies won the world cup.Brians motive, 100% City, his ability to motivate the players just not there and getting worse. Finally, berating the players in the media.......has never worked.

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Tins is 100% City, played reasonably well for 10 years. Older players do NOT, SAY AGAIN DO NOT, necessarily make good managers. It is an entirely different job. In the 1980's, Australias rugby manager was a motivational speaker, Prime ministers speech writer, never a rep player, guess what Aussies won the world cup.Brians motive, 100% City, his ability to motivate the players just not there and getting worse. Finally, berating the players in the media.......has never worked.

Fully agree that many good ex players make lousy managers. My point is that he deserves a FAIR crack of the whip and most people on here are not prepared to give him the chance because of this unrealistic expectation called INSTANT RESULTS

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Here here i see many people saying we had a good team last year blah blah..

No we had a 3rd best team which got us nowhere,

If i had a car i raced it every year i came 3rd then id think about adding something to it or changing it completely not just rely on the old faithfull,give Tinnion a chance and you never know next year could be ours!!

lay off him

We missed out on promotion on goal difference last season, we have now got in more experienced played, and now have a young England u21 striker which wilson didnt have. Thats the changes and have they made a difference? where would we be without Lita? and IMO hes still a super sub. Tins has got it all wrong. Hes still trying to change this team when we should have a winning team this far in the season. Get him as No2, keep him happy and most fans happy.

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Here here i see many people saying we had a good team last year blah blah..

No we had a 3rd best team which got us nowhere,

If i had a car i raced it every year i came 3rd then id think about adding something to it or changing it completely not just rely on the old faithfull,give Tinnion a chance and you never know next year could be ours!!

lay off him

Great idea, change an experienced car for one untested, made by someone with no experience at his job :yawn:

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Fully agree that many good ex players make lousy managers. My point is that he deserves a FAIR crack of the whip and most people on here are not prepared to give him the chance because of this unrealistic expectation called INSTANT RESULTS

Hmm, I bet there's a smilie on here that conveys laughter but I'm too lazy to look for it., OMG, tonight, Chesterfield, hartlepool shall i continue? come off it, i havent seen it so bad in all my life down the gate. Hes had time, he hasnt got it right. He should be starting a winning starting 11 but hes still playing? If we want promotion that bad he wouldnt be doing it. The players are taking the micheal out of him. Get someone in with a bit of toughness and attitude. Gordan Strachon :yawn:

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We missed out on promotion on goal difference last season, we have now got in more experienced played, and now have a young England u21 striker which wilson didnt have. Thats the changes and have they made a difference? where would we be without Lita? and IMO hes still a super sub. Tins has got it all wrong. Hes still trying to change this team when we should have a winning team this far in the season. Get him as No2, keep him happy and most fans happy.

what the hell do you know anyways .....:yawn:):;):):D:) you manage Real Bristol I have literally soiled my pants due to your unrivalled wittiness.

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