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Managerial Options


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Why does it have to be someone out of contract ?

We might be a shambles at the moment, but we still have the pulling-power to attract a decent manager working at a 'lesser' club.

Why would any manager want to come to this club, its in termoil, the players live off reputations that they got over the last few years, the wage bill is massive, the better players will be sold, he'll bring his new coaching team {who's to say that they'll be any good}, and the new manager will be hated for making the smallest errors by the most critical fans in britain. But, that's football. I don't know what we should do, but it aint up to me, thank god.

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Why does it have to be someone out of contract ?

We might be a shambles at the moment, but we still have the pulling-power to attract a decent manager working at a 'lesser' club.

I agree, IF the club decided to let BT go, why not advertise the job and wait and see who's interested. Surely you cant be accused of poaching if somebody responds of their own free will?

We are indeed a shambles once more so it would oviously take a brave/stupid person to want to take us on!

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I don't want BT to go, but if Steve decided it so then i'll ALLWAYS back the chairman.

I'd think maybe a Souness type manager would work well, someone who can take the team by the scruff of the neck and drag it to sucess, granted he's not doing the best job at Newcastle, but who ever has?

Anyways i didnt say Souness, i said someone like him.

What about Danny Wilson?


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Here we go again - get someone else in who knows the club - do we never learn?

Rosenior has done b##all in management and cost City dear by pointing his son away from City (allegedly)

Does that done b##all in management, not include getting the side with lowest wage bill in the entire football league promoted into our Division last season, then?

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Here we go again - get someone else in who knows the club - do we never learn?

Rosenior has done b##all in management and cost City dear by pointing his son away from City (allegedly)

Unlike you to be so vociferous TP! What Leroy has done, in addition to the previous remarks about the Torquay wage bill, is to leave the supposed cosy situation at BCFC and go and work at smaller clubs and learn his trade there. This obviously means that we would not have to go through the crap that we are now and would benefit from his acquired knowledge whilst on HIS 'learning curve'.

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Guest torquay red
Unlike you to be so vociferous TP! What Leroy has done, in addition to the previous remarks about the Torquay wage bill, is to leave the supposed cosy situation at BCFC and go and work at smaller clubs and learn his trade there. This obviously means that we would not have to go through the crap that we are now and would benefit from his acquired knowledge whilst on HIS 'learning curve'.

Well said that man,Leroy is certainly learning his trade down here,where i might add that the fans are just as critical as the city fans!He would be my first choice as manager of City,i would like to see what he could do with our spoilt overpaid players,i cant wait for the game at Plainmoor,it could be interesting!

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Can't see SL banging on Mike Batesons door and asking about the terms of Torquay's s compensation package if he has to pay Tinman too. My guess is that it would have to be an "out of work" manager. The choice is currently Dave Jones, Ronnie Moore, Colin Lee or err Bob Gould or Russell Osman.

Maybe it would be better to wait 'til the end of the season, accept we aren't going anywhere, "help" Tinman resign and look at the availability of managers in the close season.

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For a proven BCFC manager, who's available right now, it's got to be Joe Jordan. Joe Jordan knows the club and its fans and could 'hit the ground running' with regard to getting us back into the play-off places.

I know there's the the thinking of 'never go back (twice!)' but I've always had and always will have a lot of time for Big Joe.

If he is available then I would gladly welcome him back. I know I've said we need a complete outsider to sort this mess out but Joe's been away from the club for long enough and he hasn't lost his managerial ability since he left us - if anything he's gained yet more knowledge of the game.

And surely, someone with experience of Premiership management as recent as Joe is a better bet than what we have at the moment? And I'd prefer Joe over someone like Dave Jones too.

But then again. the board's track record just doesn't inspire much confidence does it?





Lansdown sits pretty low in my estimations at the moment, but if he admitted he'd made a mistake and made a genuine effort to canvass someone like Big Joe or Dave Jones I'm sure we would all applaud his honesty.

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I still say Martin Scott. He has learnt the job under Neale Cooper, OK Hartlepool maybe on the up but Martin could be incharge here. Most assistants want their own club one day don't they, I'm sure he is young and ambitious? He knows the club and the city, yet is distanced enough to be objective. He is experienced in this division, and the playoffs.

Tinnion should have been made an assistant to an experienced Manager when DW left. He would have been able to take on the job in a couple of years then. He wanted the top job and now has to live up to the clubs and the fans expectations.

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