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Stop Your Moaning


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I'm sorry but the posts on this forum are becoming a bit predictable. I called for some realism on Friday night and i repeat that call again. Saturday is a fantastic opportunity for 11 players to stake their claim for a place for the last 14 games. One win can change everything and i think we should be sticking by Tinnion, sticking by the team and urging them on more than ever. Come on you lot, quit griping and give Tinnion UNCONDITIONAL support........................... and judge him truly and fairly at Christmas, not before.

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I'm sorry but the posts on this forum are becoming a bit predictable. I called for some realism on Friday night and i repeat that call again. Saturday is a fantastic opportunity for 11 players to stake their claim for a place for the last 14 games. One win can change everything and i think we should be sticking by Tinnion, sticking by the team and urging them on more than ever. Come on you lot, quit griping and give Tinnion UNCONDITIONAL support........................... and judge him truly and fairly at Christmas, not before.

Your having a laugh it is dire

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Fact is we have done well away from home when a minority of city fans watch them, our away from is much better than in recent years, where our home form has helped us to get in the play offs. The problem is that at home in the last 3 months we have been awful and that is not acceptable. I have missed 3 games this season, tranmere away, wycombe away and stockport away, so i find it very hard to believe that we can do so well most of the time away from home and be soooooooo dire at home, because we have been dire at home and i for one feel the reaction was to be expected even if you could say it is excessive.

Fact is the fans who have season tickets and consider themselves diehards are fed up having watched a side go to the play off final, lose in bad circumstances, and then take 3 steps backwards when tins and the board said only success is an option, and in tins words at the start of the season 'top two is our aim, and nothing but promotion will do'

I'm sorry to say it but he has dug this hole for himself and must now dig his way back up

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We all know it's dire, so it's now time for it to improve and this will happen if we start by starting to support the manager

Martin,many of us have supported BT beyond the expected dates - I gave him til Christmas to get us into a promotion winning position.

We have been so inconsistant & I for have thought that this may not be a winning season.

Showing support for him would be false & wouldn't make a blind bit of difference.

Maybe the lack of confidence the fans have now could reflect in a backlash & the team go on an unbeaten run til the end of the season? :):unsure:

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I agree that he needs to dig his way out of the hole: but he needs help and that's where we come in: 2 ways to play it, moan, complain and calll for his head - you'll probably get your wish but the team will go nowhere in the immediate future. Option 2 employ Dunkirk spirit, show that we care in the best way by supporting the manahger and willing the tream on to that important victory on Saturday. That should at least guarrantee that we're safe from relegation.

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So here's my proposition: instead of signing up to that pathetic topic on Friday night 'Tins Stay or Go', what about signing up to Brian Tinnion: I'll give you my full support at Colchester?

In a round about way is it Tinnion that we support or the team that is now, will be in the future and was in the past Bristol City?

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I agree that he needs to dig his way out of the hole: but he needs help and that's where we come in: 2 ways to play it, moan, complain and calll for his head - you'll probably get your wish but the team will go nowhere in the immediate future. Option 2 employ Dunkirk spirit, show that we care in the best way by supporting the manahger and willing the tream on to that important victory on Saturday. That should at least guarrantee that we're safe from relegation.

I have supported the city for 14 years and will do for the next 14 and so on, but on friday i, for the first time ever, sang what a load of rubbish, at the final whistle, why? Because it was. I can handle players/teams having bad days, but when we look so disorganised and the manager tucks murray and brown in, then comes on tv and says we didnt get it wide on enough occasions i have to wonder whether he is the right man for the job. At this moment i will back him and the team, but i do not think he is the right man to take us forward. Sad but true

I will be at colchester then down the gate for oldham but even i am calling my loyalty into question if we play as we did on friday again on saturday. Particularly when i have spent £30 i cant really afford to watch the team i love, in some god forsaken dump, and spending my only day off from work sat on a coach. This i feel as many people do gives me the right to voice my concerns on this or any other forum.

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Guest ashtonyate
So here's my proposition: instead of signing up to that pathetic topic on Friday night 'Tins Stay or Go', what about signing up to Brian Tinnion: I'll give you my full support at Colchester?

Its not the fans he needs the support of its the players which i don't think he has.

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Its not the fans he needs the support of its the players which i don't think he has.

A couple of good points raised, particularly by spongebob. I'm pleased that you are at least subscribing to the shout for Tinnion to be supported: not many subscribers around this weekend.

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I agree that he needs to dig his way out of the hole: but he needs help and that's where we come in: 2 ways to play it, moan, complain and calll for his head - you'll probably get your wish but the team will go nowhere in the immediate future. Option 2 employ Dunkirk spirit, show that we care in the best way by supporting the manahger and willing the tream on to that important victory on Saturday. That should at least guarrantee that we're safe from relegation.

My god i've heard it all now, BCFC managers and players have needed The Dunkirk spirit for at least 5 years, With very few exceptions they have let us down at the important times, This season is a complete shambles, The manager who has been at the club a long time has just realised the club is like a rest home for wasters, Something a lot of us have known for ages, Amankwah has suddenly found out that training should be hard, Where?, At Yeovil a club destined to leave us in their wake.

Get real mate, The fans have had too many bloody Dunkirks in the past 5 years, The manager and players are too blame and stroking their egos at this time of the season will only make matters worse.

The fans have bought season tickets year after year disappointment after disappointment, Dunkirk my ARSE

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My god i've heard it all now, BCFC managers and players have needed The Dunkirk spirit for at least 5 years, With very few exceptions they have let us down at the important times, This season is a complete shambles, The manager who has been at the club a long time has just realised the club is like a rest home for wasters, Something a lot of us have known for ages, Amankwah has suddenly found out that training should be hard, Where?, At Yeovil a club destined to leave us in their wake.

Get real mate, The fans have had too many bloody Dunkirks in the past 5 years, The manager and players are too blame and stroking their egos at this time of the season will only make matters worse.

The fans have bought season tickets year after year disappointment after disappointment, Dunkirk my ARSE

There's no divine right to success. It's achieved by hard work, so we agree on one thing. I remember managers like Ferguson being very close to the chop. They rallied under him and showed some of that spirit appear to sneer at.

I'd rather have that than your throw the towel in, head down, dejected approach any day.

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As much as i admire your undying support for tins i feel you should look at this.

2 points from 5 games.

No home win since new years day, in which time only one point from 9. In games against two teams below us, and a point against a team in the play offs. Also one win in seven home games, since 27/11/04.

Sadly this is not acceptable for a side who were supposedly going for promotion or nothing this season. I for one am fed up with people abusing tins but i also get annoyed when people back tins like we are on a good run, act is friday, was awful, the chesterfield game awful, bradford dire, peterborough, lucky they are so bad, hartlepool terrible, luton gutless, sheff wed, the only game in this period where i genuinely thought we just had an off day.

When compared to away games i have seen in the same period. Hull, played well good point, hartlepool phillips kept us in it in 1sthalf and then we could have won it, tranmere solid good win, huddersfield terrible and very lucky to get a point, blackpool ok but against a very poor side, doncaster should have lost but some bloke missed a sitter, so fortunate.

Sad viewing it is at home but sometimes encouraging away from home, do we have bottlers playing for us? Or a lack of motivation at home? Or is it poor management?

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There's no divine right to success. It's achieved by hard work, so we agree on one thing. I remember managers like Ferguson being very close to the chop. They rallied under him and showed some of that spirit appear to sneer at.

I'd rather have that than your throw the towel in, head down, dejected approach any day.

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We all know it's dire, so it's now time for it to improve and this will happen if we start by starting to support the manager

I agree that abusing the manager does not help. But if you think that simply getting behind him will make a huge difference, you are living in some child's fantasy land.

The team lacks passion, ability, tactical nous and leadership (and the football is abysmal nearly every single home game). It will take more than a bunch of jolly supporters to turn this around.

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Too many players got 'up themselves' people like coles, doherty, butler, dinning(since he igned), lita at times thought once we had won a few games it was all too easy for them. Unlike the fans who have to watch it!

How? Why? These same players didn't get into this mindset (and thats only your opinion BTW) last season when we won 11 in a row or when we were top of the table, etc.

If(And its a big IF)the players got ideas above their station then the Manager and coaching staff should have been in quickly to nip it in the bud, not over reacting and whining ot the press but Managing them.

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How? Why?  These same players didn't get into this mindset (and thats only your opinion BTW) last season when we won 11 in a row or when we were top of the table, etc.

If(And its a big IF)the players got ideas above their station then the Manager and coaching staff should have been in quickly to nip it in the bud, not over reacting and whining ot the press but Managing them.

Exactly right, this is where i feel tins has let himself down, he just doesnt seem to be a good man manager(?) Wilson for all you could say about him he had a way with the players.

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A couple of good points raised, particularly by spongebob. I'm pleased that you are at least subscribing to the shout for Tinnion to be supported: not many subscribers around this weekend.

I agree with you. See my post. Hadnt seen yours before.

I see you've got some of the same sad doom mongers replying to yours.

Don't they realise, now that Tins has effectively said he's staying as Manager, it's in our interests as Bristol City fans to support him?

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I agree with you. See my post. Hadnt seen yours before.

I see you've got some of the same sad doom mongers replying to yours.

Don't they realise, now that Tins has effectively said he's staying as Manager, it's in our interests as Bristol City fans to support him?

It's not up to Tins - it's the board that will make the decision and I got the impression from the SL interview that that is not far away.

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Guest Lennie Godber
I agree with you. See my post. Hadnt seen yours before.

I see you've got some of the same sad doom mongers replying to yours.

Don't they realise, now that Tins has effectively said he's staying as Manager, it's in our interests as Bristol City fans to support him?

RESULTS say whether BT stays as manager, not BT. Or is he really the only bullett proof boss on the planet??

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Guest mjm slb
I'm sorry but the posts on this forum are becoming a bit predictable. I called for some realism on Friday night and i repeat that call again. Saturday is a fantastic opportunity for 11 players to stake their claim for a place for the last 14 games. One win can change everything and i think we should be sticking by Tinnion, sticking by the team and urging them on more than ever. Come on you lot, quit griping and give Tinnion UNCONDITIONAL support........................... and judge him truly and fairly at Christmas, not before.

And who are you to say what people can say or not on this forum. freedom of speech. :@

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I agree with you. See my post. Hadnt seen yours before.

I see you've got some of the same sad doom mongers replying to yours.

Doom-mongers = realists.

Don't they realise, now that Tins has effectively said he's staying as Manager, it's in our interests as Bristol City fans to support him?

Don't they realise?  How pompous is that?  Are you and martin the last of the Gnostics?

It's in our interests to support him?  What have we been doing this season then?

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