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Now Is The Time To Back Tinman


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I've read most of the topics on here since Friday's shambles.

On Saturday, most of the topics, and most of the replies, were anti-Tinman and even (perversely) anti-City.

Gradually though, there have been more measured posts DEFENDING TINMAN, and a defiant CITY TILL I DIE message from the less reactionary, who have started coming on here today.

If we are all true City fans, that's the message we have to get across to Tinman, the players and the board now.

Yes, Friday and much of this season has been awful at home. Yes, many of us, me included, were unsure Tins was the right man, even when first appointed.

But there is nothing to be gained from the continued slating. We all think we know the answers, but that's not the point of this post. The fact is, Tins is manager, and judging from today's "retire from playing" announcement, that isnt going to change in the short term.

TINS - I can only observe from the outside, but up to now I question your judgment, I question your man management and I question your tactical decision making.

But you are new to management and learning all the time. And what I don't question is your passion and desire for Bristol City to succeed. It isn't too late to get it right. You are Manager of the club I love and I want you to turn it around.

And whatever happens, succeed or fail this season, in my mind you will always be a legend for your 12 years at this club. I hope there are many more of them.

So Tins is here to stay. Now, who else is going to give Tinman, the players and the board 100% backing?

Positive replies only please. If you don't agree, create your own negative topic. Or better still, stay away.

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Guest Hampshire Red
I've read most of the topics on here since Friday's shambles.

On Saturday, most of the topics, and most of the replies, were anti-Tinman and even (perversely) anti-City.

Gradually though, there have been more measured posts DEFENDING TINMAN, and a defiant CITY TILL I DIE message from the less reactionary, who have started coming on here today.

If we are all true City fans, that's the message we have to get across to Tinman, the players and the board now.

Yes, Friday and much of this season has been awful at home. Yes, many of us, me included, were unsure Tins was the right man, even when first appointed.

But there is nothing to be gained from the continued slating. We all think we know the answers, but that's not the point of this post. The fact is, Tins is manager, and judging from today's "retire from playing" announcement, that isnt going to change in the short term.

TINS - I can only observe from the outside, but up to now I question your judgment, I question your man management and I question your tactical decision making.

But you are new to management and learning all the time. And what I don't question is your passion and desire for Bristol City to succeed. It isn't too late to get it right. You are Manager of the club I love and I want you to turn it around.

And whatever happens, succeed or fail this season, in my mind you will always be a legend for your 12 years at this club. I hope there are many more of them.

So Tins is here to stay. Now, who else is going to give Tinman, the players and the board 100% backing?

Positive replies only please. If you don't agree, create your own negative topic. Or better still, stay away.

I positively believe Tinnion should go now.

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I believe we have backed him for 32 games already. The only reason there is negativity is because Tinman quoted 'I am expecting and will get Promotion'.

Yet we are further away from promotion than we have ever been, I truly wanted Tinman to suceed but he thinks he is bigger than the club which explains why Wilks, Coles and Doc have been left in the cold, if you want promotion you play your best team and for 3 games I have failed to see it you can not leave out internationals and expect to get away with it.

Coles never asked to leave, Doc never asked to leave and Wilks is just being a true proffesional and not saying anything but I know there all thinking we should be up there and if it wasn't for one man we would be.

Sorry to Tins but you couldn't hack it sorry and do the graceful thing and don't play again this season leave it to Wilks, Doc and co.

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I believe we have backed him for 32 games already. The only reason there is negativity is because Tinman quoted 'I am expecting and will get Promotion'.

Yet we are further away from promotion than we have ever been, I truly wanted Tinman to suceed but he thinks he is bigger than the club which explains why Wilks, Coles and Doc have been left in the cold, if you want promotion you play your best team and for 3 games I have failed to see it you can not leave out internationals and expect to get away with it.

Coles never asked to leave, Doc never asked to leave and Wilks is just being a true proffesional and not saying anything but I know there all thinking we should be up there and if it wasn't for one man we would be.

Sorry to Tins but you couldn't hack it sorry and do the graceful thing and don't play again this season leave it to Wilks, Doc and co.

Given the fact he's obviously staying, regardless of what you or anyone else thinks, that wasn't the question, as is made clear in my post.

Or can't you read?

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Guest hairyshamrock

I whole heartedly agree. We need a new direction and a good gust from the winds of change to get rid of the drift wood we've collected and to get things turned around.

I think we can safely say that the majority ruling would put Tinman either back as just a player, or after todays statement, out in the cold with a cardboard box full of stuff from his desk and his p45 in his hand.

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Guest hairyshamrock
Given the fact he's obviously staying, regardless of what you or anyone else thinks, that wasn't the question, as is made clear in my post.

Or can't you read?

We can read, we just don't agree :(:);):grr::grr::grr::unsure:

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I've read most of the topics on here since Friday's shambles.

On Saturday, most of the topics, and most of the replies, were anti-Tinman and even (perversely) anti-City.

Gradually though, there have been more measured posts DEFENDING TINMAN, and a defiant CITY TILL I DIE message from the less reactionary, who have started coming on here today.

If we are all true City fans, that's the message we have to get across to Tinman, the players and the board now.

Yes, Friday and much of this season has been awful at home. Yes, many of us, me included, were unsure Tins was the right man, even when first appointed.

But there is nothing to be gained from the continued slating. We all think we know the answers, but that's not the point of this post. The fact is, Tins is manager, and judging from today's "retire from playing" announcement, that isnt going to change in the short term.

TINS - I can only observe from the outside, but up to now I question your judgment, I question your man management and I question your tactical decision making.

But you are new to management and learning all the time. And what I don't question is your passion and desire for Bristol City to succeed. It isn't too late to get it right. You are Manager of the club I love and I want you to turn it around.

And whatever happens, succeed or fail this season, in my mind you will always be a legend for your 12 years at this club. I hope there are many more of them.

So Tins is here to stay. Now, who else is going to give Tinman, the players and the board 100% backing?

Positive replies only please. If you don't agree, create your own negative topic. Or better still, stay away.

er, silly me, there's me thinking this is a forum where differing views can be proffered and considered.

My answer regarding Tins is no he is not a legend

Tins is not necessarilly here to stay - thats the boards decision

I don't question his passion or desire - only his ability, experience and knowledge

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Guest Georgeformbygrill

I've read most of the topics on here since Friday's shambles.

On Saturday, most of the topics, and most of the replies, were anti-Tinman and even (perversely) anti-City.

Gradually though, there have been more measured posts DEFENDING TINMAN, and a defiant CITY TILL I DIE message from the less reactionary, who have started coming on here today.

If we are all true City fans, that's the message we have to get across to Tinman, the players and the board now.

Yes, Friday and much of this season has been awful at home. Yes, many of us, me included, were unsure Tins was the right man, even when first appointed.

But there is nothing to be gained from the continued slating. We all think we know the answers, but that's not the point of this post. The fact is, Tins is manager, and judging from today's "retire from playing" announcement, that isnt going to change in the short term.

TINS - I can only observe from the outside, but up to now I question your judgment, I question your man management and I question your tactical decision making.

But you are new to management and learning all the time. And what I don't question is your passion and desire for Bristol City to succeed. It isn't too late to get it right. You are Manager of the club I love and I want you to turn it around.

And whatever happens, succeed or fail this season, in my mind you will always be a legend for your 12 years at this club. I hope there are many more of them.

So Tins is here to stay. Now, who else is going to give Tinman, the players and the board 100% backing?

Positive replies only please. If you don't agree, create your own negative topic. Or better still, stay away.


Top post :)

I'll be backing tinman,the players and the board 100% :unsure:

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We can read, we just don't agree  ^_^  :)  :D  :grr:  :cool:  :grr:  :unsure:

Ok, you can read, but your comprehension of the English language is seriously lacking.

The question was NOT "Should Tins go?".

The question in my post, if you would care to read it carefully enough, is:

"Given the fact that Tins obviously intends to continue as Manager, following today's announcement, who will give him, the players and the board, 100% backing while he IS still Manager?"

Try again. Yes or No.

Except remember, if its a No, go and create your own negative post somewhere else. :grr::(;):D:clap::city::city::city:

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er, silly me, there's me thinking this is a forum where differing views can be proffered and considered.

My answer regarding Tins is no he is not a legend

Tins is not necessarilly here to stay - thats the boards decision

I don't question his passion or desire - only his ability, experience and knowledge

Try reading my post. I wasn't asking for your view. If you want to do that, put it somewhere else.

Tins obviously intends to stay, so my question very simply is, "Will you give

Tins, the players and the board 100% backing, for as long as Tins is Manager?"

It's a Yes or No question. Except if its a No, put it somewhere else.

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I've read most of the topics on here since Friday's shambles.

On Saturday, most of the topics, and most of the replies, were anti-Tinman and even (perversely) anti-City.

Gradually though, there have been more measured posts DEFENDING TINMAN, and a defiant CITY TILL I DIE message from the less reactionary, who have started coming on here today.

If we are all true City fans, that's the message we have to get across to Tinman, the players and the board now.

Yes, Friday and much of this season has been awful at home. Yes, many of us, me included, were unsure Tins was the right man, even when first appointed.

But there is nothing to be gained from the continued slating. We all think we know the answers, but that's not the point of this post. The fact is, Tins is manager, and judging from today's "retire from playing" announcement, that isnt going to change in the short term.

TINS - I can only observe from the outside, but up to now I question your judgment, I question your man management and I question your tactical decision making.

But you are new to management and learning all the time. And what I don't question is your passion and desire for Bristol City to succeed. It isn't too late to get it right. You are Manager of the club I love and I want you to turn it around.

And whatever happens, succeed or fail this season, in my mind you will always be a legend for your 12 years at this club. I hope there are many more of them.

So Tins is here to stay. Now, who else is going to give Tinman, the players and the board 100% backing?

Positive replies only please. If you don't agree, create your own negative topic. Or better still, stay away.


Thank you so much for dictating what can or can't be posted to your forum.

The unfortunate thing is that your 'Positive only' forum address seems to be the same as the Bristol City forum, which has its fair share of positive & negatives.

Correct me if I'm wrong but as in nature/physics you can not have one without the other?

Good luck in the future (note the positive)



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What a ridiculous post!

This is an instance where a fan being positive is one that never ceases to amaze me!

So let me get this straight, because you wish to employ an apprently blind faith you are more of a city fan than me {and others}, who want what i/we see is best for the club through a change in manager?

How very absurd.

Only people who now agree with me may reply to my reply.

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Thank you so much for dictating what can or can't be posted to your forum.

The unfortunate thing is that your 'Positive only' forum address seems to be the same as the Bristol City forum, which has its fair share of positive & negatives.

Correct me if I'm wrong but as in nature/physics you can not have one without the other?

Good luck in the future (note the positive)



(Undeterred, he tried again).

We've had a weekend of negative comment. If you read my post, you will see that I agree with the majority that do not think Tins has shown any managerial talent so far. But what good will slating of Tinman do, given the fact he obviously intends to stay. After the weekend of abuse Tins had on here, which I bet he read, lesser men would have walked away.

He hasn't, so now is the time to support him. Tins and the players know how we all feel. So what good will further cr*p that Ive seen on here do?

Tins may resign next week. If he does, that may or may not be for the best. But while Tins is manager, as much as I don't like some of the things that have gone on this season, he has my 100% backing.

So, mock if you like, but who else agrees?

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Guest Hampshire Red
(Undeterred, he tried again).

We've had a weekend of negative comment. If you read my post, you will see that I agree with the majority that do not think Tins has shown any managerial talent so far. But what good will slating of Tinman do, given the fact he obviously intends to stay. After the weekend of abuse Tins had on here, which I bet he read, lesser men would have walked away.

He hasn't, so now is the time to support him. Tins and the players know how we all feel. So what good will further cr*p that Ive seen on here do?

Tins may resign next week. If he does, that may or may not be for the best. But while Tins is manager, as much as I don't like some of the things that have gone on this season, he has my 100% backing.

So, mock if you like, but who else agrees?

I still positively believe Tinnion has to go.

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I've read most of the topics on here since Friday's shambles.

On Saturday, most of the topics, and most of the replies, were anti-Tinman and even (perversely) anti-City.

Gradually though, there have been more measured posts DEFENDING TINMAN, and a defiant CITY TILL I DIE message from the less reactionary, who have started coming on here today.

If we are all true City fans, that's the message we have to get across to Tinman, the players and the board now.

Yes, Friday and much of this season has been awful at home. Yes, many of us, me included, were unsure Tins was the right man, even when first appointed.

But there is nothing to be gained from the continued slating. We all think we know the answers, but that's not the point of this post. The fact is, Tins is manager, and judging from today's "retire from playing" announcement, that isnt going to change in the short term.

TINS - I can only observe from the outside, but up to now I question your judgment, I question your man management and I question your tactical decision making.

But you are new to management and learning all the time. And what I don't question is your passion and desire for Bristol City to succeed. It isn't too late to get it right. You are Manager of the club I love and I want you to turn it around.

And whatever happens, succeed or fail this season, in my mind you will always be a legend for your 12 years at this club. I hope there are many more of them.

So Tins is here to stay. Now, who else is going to give Tinman, the players and the board 100% backing?

Positive replies only please. If you don't agree, create your own negative topic. Or better still, stay away.

I am positive when I say I would not continue to back a losing horse

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What a ridiculous post!

This is an instance where a fan being positive is one that never ceases to amaze me!

So let me get this straight, because you wish to employ an apprently blind faith you are more of a city fan than me {and others}, who want what i/we see is best for the club through a change in manager?

How very absurd.

Only people who now agree with me may reply to my reply.

You also haven't read the original post properly.

Tins intends to stay. So between now and Saturday, further "Tinnion must go" comments are a waste of time and worse cannot possibly have any positive morale effects for him or the players.

I fail to see why you and so many others equate that with "blind faith", particularly when I questioned Tins' managerial talents in the original post.

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Guest Lennie Godber
You also haven't read the original post properly.

Tins intends to stay. So between now and Saturday, further "Tinnion must go" comments are a waste of time and worse cannot possibly have any positive morale effects for him or the players.

I fail to see why you and so many others equate that with "blind faith", particularly when I questioned Tins' managerial talents in the original post.

'..cannot possibly have any positive morale effects on the players' ??

I think/know a number of players who would cheer up/improve their morale with a new manager at City. So would I.

I hear what you're saying about backing Tinnion, but its gone beyond that point I'm afraid. Barking at the moon mate.

PS. Yes I can, and did, read your original post.

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Oh I've read your post..... the forum is for all views.....

'Look Me In The Eyes'  :unsure:

If you are going to quote me, quote the whole thing. Cutting sentences and leaving them unfinished could make me appear as stupid as everyone who's replied so far, bar GeorgeFormby'sGrill and Bradybunch.

And no, it wasn't cos they agreed with me, it was because they are able to comprehend a very simple piece of English prose.

Now, you Look Into My Eyes.

(Sits back and awaits the next dimwitted response).

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If you are going to quote me, quote the whole thing. Cutting sentences and leaving them unfinished could make me appear as stupid as everyone who's replied so far, bar GeorgeFormby'sGrill and Bradybunch.

And no, it wasn't cos they agreed with me, it was because they are able to comprehend a very simple piece of English prose.

Now, you Look Into My Eyes.

(Sits back and awaits the next dimwitted response).

NickJ..... what next ..... invade Poland or what?

I'm sorry, you seem offended, but....... your.... you can do this can't do that just comes over as pompous?

I will do as I please and if you can't put up with that then press the ignore button on my posts.........

The best reply you have had yet was from 'SouthcoastRed'

So good he did it twice!

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Guest mjm slb
I've read most of the topics on here since Friday's shambles.

On Saturday, most of the topics, and most of the replies, were anti-Tinman and even (perversely) anti-City.

Gradually though, there have been more measured posts DEFENDING TINMAN, and a defiant CITY TILL I DIE message from the less reactionary, who have started coming on here today.

If we are all true City fans, that's the message we have to get across to Tinman, the players and the board now.

Yes, Friday and much of this season has been awful at home. Yes, many of us, me included, were unsure Tins was the right man, even when first appointed.

But there is nothing to be gained from the continued slating. We all think we know the answers, but that's not the point of this post. The fact is, Tins is manager, and judging from today's "retire from playing" announcement, that isnt going to change in the short term.

TINS - I can only observe from the outside, but up to now I question your judgment, I question your man management and I question your tactical decision making.

But you are new to management and learning all the time. And what I don't question is your passion and desire for Bristol City to succeed. It isn't too late to get it right. You are Manager of the club I love and I want you to turn it around.

And whatever happens, succeed or fail this season, in my mind you will always be a legend for your 12 years at this club. I hope there are many more of them.

So Tins is here to stay. Now, who else is going to give Tinman, the players and the board 100% backing?

Positive replies only please. If you don't agree, create your own negative topic. Or better still, stay away.

Sorry far too late for a change of heart now. TINNON OUT.

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Tins may resign next week. If he does, that may or may not be for the best. But while Tins is manager, as much as I don't like some of the things that have gone on this season, he has my 100% backing.

So, mock if you like, but who else agrees?

I agree. If Tins is given time and the right support he will sort this club out, get rid of the underachievers and the don'twannabees, rip away the soft, complacent underbelly that has hampered our progress for years and help build a club we can all be proud to support. I for one am prepared to put up with some short term pain (and yes, it is painful) in order for some long term gain. TINNION IN.

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I back tinman, he has shown he is a fighter and will dig us out of this, how I will laugh if and when we get to the play offs and stagger through to the Cchampionship in may.

planet earth to the brady-bunch.

though i will say this,i and everyone else will be laughing if we make it to the championship, we got no chance and.


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"could make me appear as stupid as everyone who's replied so far"

egotistical ..............................

I fear you may be describing yourself, young man.

Was it not you who, on another topic, stated that Tinman has not played well for 18 months, and subsequently indicated you knew more about football than, ooh, about 500 professionals who last season voted Tinman into the divisional team?

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Guest Hampshire Red
I agree. If Tins is given time and the right support he will sort this club out, get rid of the underachievers and the don'twannabees, rip away the soft, complacent underbelly that has hampered our progress for years and help build a club we can all be proud to support. I for one am prepared to put up with some short term pain (and yes, it is painful) in order for some long term gain. TINNION IN.

:Laugh4: :Laugh4: :Laugh4: :Laugh4: :Laugh4: :Laugh4: :Laugh4:

Come on...!!

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