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Miller Hasn't Changed

andy g

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...and I thought that song was a bit harsh on Lee Miller ! ... Em, If you read my original post I said that the song you heard was NOT directed at Lee Miller, It was however directed at another Hearts striker, Dennis Wyness.

Yep - I understood what you meant about the song being directed at Wyness and not Miller. Thats what I was saying, I thought it would have been harsh to have a song about Lee Miller saying 'he used to be #####e'.

Anyway, sounds like I did pick a bad game then - thanks for your thoughts on that one.

(although I still don't know what he's doing differently - unless it is just the style of play suiting him more ?)

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Regardless of how Miller is doing at Hearts we know from last season when he had a lengthy run of games under Wilson thats he's lightweight.We saw him continously muscled off the ball and he just couldn't hold up ball long enough.His goal tally speaks for itself.

He needed to put on a stone but not lose his agility.Sounds like thats still the case.

If he returns to Scotland,good luck to him.

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Miller hasn't got the pace of Lita and doesn't have the brute strength of Brooker therefore it is difficult to see how and when he will get a chance to play for us again, particularly with Heffernan, who is a good finisher and Gillespie, who showed promise when on loan to Cheltenham, in back up.

Pace is an ideal attribute for any forward and brute strength is required from at least one of your two forwards in Division 3.

I therefore think we should get as much money as we can for Miller and wish him all the best.

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