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Attitude Or Ability

Bristol Boy

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Looks like BO is in for Tommy and, eluding to my earlier posting, it looks like Dinnings on the bench or even left out altogether.

That would confirm to me that he's on his way and will give us a very young, inexperienced midfield quartet in Cotterill-Brown-Orr-Wilkshire.

You can't say whether that's good or bad, until after tonights game and there's plenty of experience at the back, providing Carey recovers, for a back four of Smith-Coles-Carey & Bell.

If Carey doesn't recover, then who'll fill the other centre back role with CF injured, plus Butler & Hill gone?

Simpson's on loan, but could be recalled, Golbournes a left back or will it be Skuse :)

Could it be Dinning at centre back :D He went back there against Weds and was as bad as he was in midfield that day.

Tins is a great one for wanting players who put a foot in, hence Goodfellows exile and LW left out, particularly away.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for 100% effort, however it isn't enough on it's own.

Does this mean he's making the mistake of confusing effort with ability :wacko:

Over to you.

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Effort and ability.

You can have one without the other.Abilty doesn't have to be accompanied by effort.Ginola,Hoddle for example both had loads of ability.

Effort on its own is useless if you can't pass or control that ball.We've seen loads of "headless chickens" at AG over the years.Liam Robinson for example.

Maybe you mean committment?

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This isn't exactly innovative thinking lads. I've been commenting for quite some while now that the revolution under Tinnion has clearly seen him attempt to substitute potential and skill with effort and desire.

That is what he did after the Chesterfield debacle, it back-fired as we went on a poor run and now low and behold he's brought back Coles and the Doc and we win!

Don't quite know what Wilkshire did wrong to be left out though.

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