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BCFC site, Coles quotes.1] Wants to stay here, providing City get into the Championship.2] If we fail this year, " a number of players" will look at things. 3] A "number of us" have ambitions to play at a higher level. If we do fail, the end of season movements should be interesting.........who are the "number of players" who will "look at things". Forum ?

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Guest Tactical Genius

That will be the "number of players" who are unprepared to take any responsibility for their own poor performances during the season. It comes as no surprise that Coles is now behaving this way, it's a shame no one else wants him because he is obviously a disruptive force in the dressing room.

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BCFC site, Coles quotes.1] Wants to stay here, providing City get into the Championship.2] If we fail this year, " a number of players" will look at things. 3] A "number of us" have ambitions to play at a higher level.  If we do fail, the end of season movements should be interesting.........who are the "number of players" who will "look at things". Forum ?

Well, if the interest stays at the current level, DC needs to remove his head from his orifice and knuckle down, because he's not an automatic choice in OUR team at the moment and Championship clubs aren't exactly beating our door down to sign him, are they?

Players will always look to play at the higher level.

It's whether they can, moreover, whether anyone else thinks they can and will sign them!

I think about 650 a year are just going out of the game and Coles needs to realise that with his contract expiring at the end of next season.

At present that £500k bid (Depending on all the if's & buts") from Cardiff looks to have been a good offer for player an the club.

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Despite his name being circulated around Championship clubs none have made a did for Coles.Enquiries about loan availability have been made from several clubs but no-one wants to pay up yet.

Thats probably a reflection of the financial state in English football and interested clubs will wait untill the end of the season when Coles if his contract is up in the summer.

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Guest Goodone
BCFC site, Coles quotes.1] Wants to stay here, providing City get into the Championship.2] If we fail this year, " a number of players" will look at things. 3] A "number of us" have ambitions to play at a higher level.  If we do fail, the end of season movements should be interesting.........who are the "number of players" who will "look at things". Forum ?

It would be better to keep coles and have him performing at the standard he did Saturday. He states he wants to stay at City, so how about the fans get off his back, cause you can never slate anyone for wanting to improve the standard they play in, it's called ambition..

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I presume he must mean Leroy Lita, you know, Danny, the lad of (just) 20 who has scored 23 times so far this season? Phillips may possibly be another as he could certainly hack it.

Perhaps Danny might also like to reflect as to why there will be a queue of clubs beating at our door to sign Leroy (maybe due to commitment, workrate, enthusiasm?) whereas the only sound so far you can hear of bids for him is that of tumbleweed rolling past......

As for the Cardiff bid, well the board are damned if they do and damned if they don't, aren't they?

At that time Coles was playing very, very well, and the usual "lack of ambition" threads would have been out on here in force (as they probably will be if Lita goes in the summer), how they were to know that someone so young's form would nosedive I don't know.

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Despite his name being circulated around Championship clubs none have made a did for Coles.Enquiries about loan availability have been made from several clubs but no-one wants to pay up yet.

Thats probably a reflection of the financial state in English football and interested clubs will wait untill the end of the season when Coles if his contract is up in the summer.

He's contracted until the end of 2005/2006 season.

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It would be better to keep coles and have him performing at the standard he did Saturday. He states he wants to stay at City, so how about the fans get off his back, cause you can never slate anyone for wanting to improve the standard they play in, it's called ambition..

If he wants to get the fans off his back and, for me, they haven't been to any great extent, he needs to start producing good performances week in, week out and he hasn't been.

You can get away with that, but not if you're telling everyone that you're a Championship player and acting the Big Time Charlie, when you've necer played above League One.

Not accepting responsibility for getting it right yourself, also winds people up.

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The players Coles are referring to are almost certainly Leroy, Phillips, Doherty, Wilkshire and himself.

And the only ones out of those five who don't deserve to play at a higher level (on this seasons performances) are him and Tommy Doc, If he is a big fish in a little pond he needs to start playing like one. He also needs to shoulder some of the blame for such a poor season.

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The players Coles are referring to are almost certainly Leroy, Phillips, Doherty, Wilkshire and himself.

You beat me to it, that is the guys I would list apart from Phillips, who is not likely to get much interest because he cannot cope with high balls / crosses and dues not comment his area (he keeps his place thanks to his shot stopping which is first rate). He probably thinks he is good for a higher level, but me thinks not.

I would add Brooker who will probably give us another year, but stated in his first interview that he wants to play in a higher league and felt he had the best chance to do this with city.

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The lack of clubs coming in for Coles tells me all I need to know about how highly rated he is within the game at the moment. I was very positive about many aspects of last night's performance but all I would say is that Coles got skinned twice on separate occassions and whilst not having a bad game overall, he was very much second best to Carey.

Put Leroy on the Transfer List and see how many "enquires" you would get then.

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You beat me to it, that is the guys I would list apart from Phillips, who is not likely to get much interest because he cannot cope with high balls / crosses and dues not comment his area (he keeps his place thanks to his shot stopping which is first rate). He probably thinks he is good for a higher level, but me thinks not.

I would add Brooker who will probably give us another year, but stated in his first interview that he wants to play in a higher league and felt he had the best chance to do this with city.

Did Brooker, ever play in the Premiership?

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