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Get Real About Lita


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It gets very frustrating to see comments about Lita's potential value and some wild estimates as to how much that is.

The real picture is that so far Lita has proved to be a one season wonder and no other club will come in with a unrefusable offer just yet."Super" Bob Taylor was just the same.One 30+ season was as good as it got for Taylor who never reached the same tally again at any of his subsequent clubs.

This is Lita's first proper league campaign and he's largely unknown to oppostion defenders who haven't had chance to work him out yet.He'll find it much harder next season unless he continues to improve his game.

Theres no guarantee that he will continue to improve.Maybe he's as good now as he'll ever be which is why other teams won't be taking a gamble on him yet.

If he can repeat this season's form next season as well,well thats a different matter.Then and only then would City be likely to get a generous offer for him.

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If our top notch coaches get to work on him, he can forget any ideas of playing at a higher standard!!!!

Despite the goals, Lita still makes many mistakes, but that is to be expected, given his age and experience. The one thing on his side, despite the views of many on this forum, is that he seems to me to have a good attitude to his football and so I would expect him to improve to the level required for higher level clubs to take a gamble on him.

He has got pace and he finds the back of the net so he already has two of the main requirements to succeed at a high level. If and when his control and awareness of others improves we won't be able to keep hold of him.

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What marks Leroy out is that despite not being the finished article yet, he continues to develop as a player - almost week by week. Yes, he makes mistakes, but he also does lots of good things and scores some real strikers goals: tap-ins, shots from outside the box, headers. You don't get picked for England when you're playing in this division if you haven't got something special about you. He's also developing an excellent partnership with Steve Brooker, and finally it looks as if we will have what we have been crying out for for years - two 20 goal a season strkers.

If he continuse to develop (and of course there are no guarantees) he is destined for a very bright future in the game, and if he finishes this season with 30 goals and we don't go up I suspect we'll struggle to keep him.

There's an interesting comparison to be made with Chris Roberts, who I always quite liked as a player, but who never changed in all the time he was here. The Roberts who went to Swindon was essentially the same player we signed from Exeter: brilliant on his day, but infuriatingly inconsistent. I never had any sense that he was learning the game, or had the potential to improve.

For Leroy though, with the right encouragement and a following wind, the sky's the limit. Good luck to him.

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Did he ever score 30 goals in a season again?

I rest my case.

Sorry Robbored, but Bob did get 30 again in a season, during his time with the Baggies, their fans absolutely idolise him, even now.

I read all the "Dziekanowski was a hero" nonsense on here every so often and have a quiet laugh to myself.

Bob Taylor scored another 150+ league goals after we sold him and the bloke we replaced him with, who is seen as some sort of hero got 8.

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Robbored is right. No matter how good Leroy MIGHT be- at the moment I can not imagine many if any clubs being prepared to stump up the money we would want.

Rob Earnshaw scored 26 last season (in division above), 35 the season before that, 15 before that. Teams will look at players like Bobby Zamora who banged them in one season in this division when he was young, but was not good enough for the Prem. Other players such as Cureton and Harris have had one or more prolific seasons in this division.

Remember that players the quality of Matt Holland were sold for as little as £750,000 a year and a half ago.

Leroy COULD go on to become amazing, special, score loads of goals and be sold for millions...but at the moment he is not worth that much in the transfer market with so many other goal scoring strikers moving for £0.

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Robbored is right. No matter how good Leroy MIGHT be- at the moment I can not imagine many if any clubs being prepared to stump up the money we would want.

Rob Earnshaw scored 26 last season (in division above), 35 the season before that, 15 before that. Teams will look at players like Bobby Zamora who banged them in one season in this division when he was young, but was not good enough for the Prem. Other players such as Cureton and Harris have had one or more prolific seasons in this division.

Remember that players the quality of Matt Holland were sold for as little as £750,000 a year and a half ago.

Leroy COULD go on to become amazing, special, score loads of goals and be sold for millions...but at the moment he is not worth that much in the transfer market with so many other goal scoring strikers moving for £0.

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hes worth at least 2 million end of story !!

hes an england debutant goalscorer .... get it in your heads.....THEY don't GO CHEAPLY

so what? The lad has done well. There is no doubting that. But very few clubs can afford £2m to buy a player. Those that can are in the Premiership and they will not risk £2m on a player who has had one good season and scored one unmarked header for England. They can buy proven goalscorers for less than that or buy better talent cheaper abroad.

Every time a player scores a lot in this division people will rave about how great they are- as I said- Cureton, Harris, Thorpe, Zamora etc etc. But they have to prove they are not just a one season wonder to command the kind of sum you are talking about.

IF he breaks the 30 goal barrier this season AND scores regularly for the Under 21s then yes, clubs may risk big money on him...but not until then. Even then I think most clubs would want to see him repeat it all next season.

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Lita will play at a higher level than this and score goals. That, in my view is a fact. He's already proved that to an extent by scoring for England under 21s.

I'm not quite sure where your arguement about him possibly being a 'one season wonder' comes from...this is his first full season of pro football! He can only get better and HE WILL GET BETTER.

It's a shame no other players at City have the desire to succeed and play at a higher level like Leroy does.

I will continue to laugh at people who don't rate him, and as someone who predicted he'd do the business for City from the moment I first saw him play I am justifiably delighted with his continuing progress for BCFC.

It'll be our loss when he leaves robbored, I can assure you that.

As for monetary value, clearly he isn't for sale but in todays climate I feel we'd be looking at between £800k-1million. Needless to say, a few years ago he'd have been snapped up by now for at least £1.5 mill...maybe a lot more than that.

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I suspect that there are two sides to all this.

Clubs trying to buy Lita will argue along Robboreds lines to try to knock the price down as low as possible.

We will point to his excellent record so far, his appearance in the under-21s use the 'potential' line to bump the price up higher.

Both are valid arguements.

With a bit of luck we'll be able to win the arguement. But our record at haggling has been pretty poor recently - the other clubs always seem to get the better deal whether we are buying or selling.

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In the current market I would suspect £600k - £1m might be about right. Equally, it would not be a surprise if any buyer said 'ok, you are so sure he will develop - here's a load of clauses where we will pay you more if you are proved right!"

This also I am afraid comes down to Leroy. Whilst we are in this division, it would be understandable if he wants to play at a higher level. It is very difficult ultimately I would guess to keep a player motivated, when an offer comes in from a team he fancies playing for. Yes he is under contract, but they are also only human.

I would suspect if West Ham say made an offer for him of £750k, with some clauses of future cash, and Leroy wanted to go, that might be it.

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I agree with what some people say about the changes in transfer money nowadays, however there are very few players who are available that have similar potential to Leroy.

I'm not saying that he will definitely make it at the highest level or that he'll play for England someday as that is still a long way off but at the same time it's not out of the question.

Leroy has the attribute that is most valuable in football and that is scoring goals. Every team needs someone who can and someone will always be after one.

Added to the fact that Leroy is only 20, it will mean that people should be willing to spend more for him, as they have more chance of either having him for a long time, or making money on him.

Having said all that, I hope that Leroy stays here and spends that time with us but I for one certainly don't think 7 figure sums are out of the question.

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The best comparison I can draw is with Jermaine Defoe. He and Lita are similar style strikers and Lita's strikerate this season must compare favourably with Defoe's sojourn at Bournemouth.

How this converts into monetry value I'm unsure, but I'm pretty confident that if Lita wants to go along the gradual progression route rather than trying to run before he can walk that he can go a very long way in this game.

Premiership one day? Why not?

England? Well who can say no for certain?

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Value in football is a matter of opinions. Someone said Steve Bruce was watching the other night, he may believe Leroys worth say 500k Tinman and SL may think he's worth a lot more, so the only way of finding out is to see how much people are prepared to pay and so far no ones offering. For the good of both the club and the player I hope no one does come in with a bid that way we keep an excellent young talent and he gets to learn his trade better. Goals are the standard by which a striker is measured and Leroys strike rate this season is wonderful but there is much more to playing at a higher level than hitting the net against Oldham etc. We also have another striker who is scoring on a regular basis (what price Steve Brooker?) and this must help Leroy at the moment especially as they are playing so well together,so another season of Lita/Brooker may well increase his value to those that count, top level managers.

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The best comparison I can draw is with Jermaine Defoe. He and Lita are similar style strikers and Lita's strikerate this season must compare favourably with Defoe's sojourn at Bournemouth.

Defoe has the ability to beat players for skill and by turning them when he has his back to goal. As I have said before, its this ability to create something for himself that he lacks at the moment.

I was disappointed he didn't get at least one more on Tuesday. He didn't show a real strikers "instinct" (actually awareness) on at least 3 occasions, he assumed defenders were going to clear the ball and didn't "gamble" on attacking the ball anyway. When the defenders missed the ball he was caught flat-footed.

One of these attributes can be coached into him, the other I am not sure of.

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I think Leroy is worth at least a million

SL will take no less than 1.5m but would want nearer 2m

Does not matter WHO is looking at him at the moment, He is staying at City so can we stop all the rumours etc and let him prove what he is capable of on the pitch for BRISTOL CITY

As for comparing him to other forwards, Leroy is his own person, He will prove all the negative muppets wrong and i am 100% sure he will make it to the premiership no problem !!!

Tuesdays game, No-one was more (I said a naughty word) off more than Leroy himself that he did not get a Hatrick! You all go on about it as if you were on the pitch, Try looking at the midfield ( Who were playing Square balls! ) If they send the ball forward Leroy will get on to it (He has the pace) and i,m also sure he would convert them balls into GOALS !

Even if he scored 5 goals every game you lot would find something to moan about

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It gets very frustrating to see comments about Lita's potential value and some wild estimates as to how much that is.

The real picture is that so far Lita has proved to be a one season wonder and no other club will come in with a unrefusable offer just yet."Super" Bob Taylor was just the same.One 30+ season was as good as it got for Taylor who never reached the same tally again at any of his subsequent clubs.

This is Lita's first proper league campaign and he's largely unknown to oppostion defenders who haven't had chance to work him out yet.He'll find it much harder next season unless he continues to improve his game.

Theres no guarantee that he will  continue to improve.Maybe he's as good now as he'll ever be which is why other teams won't be taking a gamble on him yet.

If he can repeat this season's form next season as well,well thats a different matter.Then and only then would City be likely to get a generous offer for him.

You say he isn't worth that much. But every player has his price.

So if you were chairman, what would you accept as an offer for him right now? Give an answer to that and we can see exactly how little you believe him to be worth.

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