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If anyone ever wants to see certain City players out on the lash then Tuesday's are sure fire. Reflex on Baldwin Street and you'll find half the bledding squad down there. What really cheesed me off was last season. I'd got back from the last-gasp defeat at Luton and thought sod it I'm going out on the town. By 9pm every member of the squad, bar 3, was out celebrating in Pitcher & Piano. Me and my mates I couldn't believe our eyes. We'd just mad ethe long journey back from Luton, which massively dented our promotion hopes, only to see em largin one out! Unfortunately, its always the same faces on the same nights. It'll never be stopped... especially when certain coaches partake in it all

Why don't you name names? It can't be libellous if it's the truth!

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Is it only me who is quite happy to see players out in town? They're young and (relatively) rich, why shouldn't they have their fun?

For those of you who say they're professionals and should act as such, have you never gone out for a night and headed into work/college/school with a hangover? Lighten up!! We're not a giant of English football and almost certainly never will be. Give me a 3rd Division club that has fun and is fun to support any day over a club that takes itself far too seriously whilst trying to become something that it is very unlikely to ever become.

I'm not saying we shouldn't have ambition, I'm just saying we shouldn't let the quest for footballing success turn the club into a dull, grey corporate entity that treats us as 'consumers' instead of fans, and expecting the players to be saints in their time off is one small symptom of this.

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Is it only me who is quite happy to see players out in town? They're young and (relatively) rich, why shouldn't they have their fun?

For those of you who say they're professionals and should act as such, have you never gone out for a night and headed into work/college/school with a hangover? Lighten up!! We're not a giant of English football and almost certainly never will be. Give me a 3rd Division club that has fun and is fun to support any day over a club that takes itself far too seriously whilst trying to become something that it is very unlikely to ever become.

I'm not saying we shouldn't have ambition, I'm just saying we shouldn't let the quest for footballing success turn the club into a dull, grey corporate entity that treats us as 'consumers' instead of fans, and expecting the players to be saints in their time off is one small symptom of this.

Fine. I'm happy for our players if they want to behave like amateurs off the pitch, I just object to paying high prices to watch them consequently play like amateurs ON the pitch.

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Totally agree with you. Problem is that too many City players think they are superstars. Whenever I've seen them in town, most of them come across as very arrogant.

Saw a few of them out a while ago out of their face and smoking. Two of these  then go and play at a higher level for a bit, but they miss the comfort zone that is otherwise known at the BCFC social club, so come back.

Have to agree here, don't see posts like this on the Lu'on boards, players on the lash............oh what position are they in-first, and this was a club in administration last season, and who would be surprised if they didnt give a foxtrot about Lu'on- strange they don't appear to be on the lash as much.

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Have to agree here, don't see posts like this on the Lu'on boards, players on the lash............oh what position are they in-first, and this was a club in administration last season, and who would be surprised if they didnt give a foxtrot about Lu'on- strange they don't appear to be on the lash as much.

oh my god, why arent they allowed out after a match where they have just won 5-1? and so what if they go out after they lose! they have as much right as anybody else to go out and do whatever they want (except drugs)

aslong as they arent breaking any club rules, i think we should leave them be! They are only human and even though they play professional football they still want to live like all 20-30 year old men do!!!!!!

I don't beleive theres many people on this forum who have not been down town the night before they have work!

Any way don't they have the day/morning after a match off?! :dunno:

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Guest Red_Ram
Have to agree here, don't see posts like this on the Lu'on boards, players on the lash............oh what position are they in-first, and this was a club in administration last season, and who would be surprised if they didnt give a foxtrot about Lu'on- strange they don't appear to be on the lash as much.

if i played for luton, i'd probably go out in a city not too far away. luton fans wld do well to spot their players in london i reckon

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Guest Goodone
I really don't see the point of this topic, we have some deranged lunatic who has obviously watched us on saturday and thought, i know it wasnt tins half time team talk that buggered the team up it was the fact that they went out, yeah thats right they don't sit at home, damn young men these days, and the had a few drinks! Someone call a cull to all people who dare to do this when they have work in the next 4 days.

Your obviously an idiout as you confront players after they won 5-1 and then come on here and proclaim this like we should all be impressed do yourself a favour and look at your life before you criticise theirs

Totally agree, they are human just like anyone else and if they want to go out the night before there day off then i think they are entitled to, cause if anyone suffers with a hangover for 4 days then they should prob give up drinking totally anyway.

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Guest Jamesonjoe

This is all bolocks,players should be able to go out

and enjoy themselves after a game.No matter the result

They are on their own time and living their own lives

when away from the club.I know what i would tell my

boss if he tried to tell me where and when i could do

things. All the players have signed a code of conduct

and the club are well entitled to discipline any player

who breaks the rules..They were breaking no rules on

tuesday night,as an earlier poster wrote,they have the

morning after a game off usually and before anyone says

anything i am talking about ALL of the Players....

Its basic human rights....

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