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The Kits With The Badges


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From the initial email about all of this I got the impression that all of this was about increasing our brand identity to everyone, not just football supporters.

As I see it to do this the club needs to include a few things;

The Name, no badge is intantly recognisable and even the big clubs include the name on things.

Something recognisable and unique to Bristol, a Robin isn't instantly recognised as bristol. The suspension bridge helps with that and is a part of bristol.

The colour, needs to stand our on our kits.

Needs to be of a quite primitave design to keep costs down, to be distinctive and be remembered.

I think the new badge that has been designed by the club has achieved what they wanted. However I bet the club regret the way that this has come out. I imagine that they wanted to publish it in a very nice format and with the normal positive spins.

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