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Steve's reply to LSN is shocking.

Only a ###### badge!

I missed that one, disgraceful. A PR catastrophe unfolding.

If thats the attitude, why don't we have Madgers Turd Badge? Because it is crap (literally). As is the proposed one.

In tune with the fans, my arse.

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The reply to LSN is shocking.

This is total disrespect for a young (I assume) City supporter.

Mr Lansdown, Why not cut the wise cracks and give a straight answer to a straigh question, for once?


Well, his riddle doesn't even work....

"why are we changing our badge?"

You try fitting yes, no or maybe into that.

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It seems as prev thought "they" are going to do what they want, what ever the fans wishes are :dunno:

Off they go ploughing their lone furrow completly out of touch with us.It is not just a badge for gods sake its a image and symbol for B.C.F.C which will be used for all sorts of images from screensavers to tattoos.

Wake up, soon or there wont be anyone left who cares.

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The reply to LSN is shocking.

This is total disrespect for a young (I assume) City supporter.

Mr Lansdown, Why not cut the wise cracks and give a straight answer to a straigh question, for once?



Steve displays more patience on this forum than could be expected. Reading some of the turd posted here over the last few days would drive me to the occasional glib response.

If I were in his ahoes and when you see some of the illiterate incomprehensible questions he has to deal with, its a wonder he hasn't been more sarky than he has.

To get respect, you have earn it and he has mine.

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Guest taipan

Agree with Niall.

taipan cannot believe the abuse that the board take on this forum, specifically Steve Lansdown. On a day like today, when Cardiff are dancing on the edge of financial ruin it amazes taipan that anyone could stand here and criticse our board.

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Steve displays more patience on this forum than could be expected. Reading some of the turd posted here over the last few days would drive me to the occasional glib response.

If I were in his ahoes and when you see some of the illiterate incomprehensible questions he has to deal with, its a wonder he hasn't been more sarky than he has.

To get respect, you have earn it and he has mine.

Sarky, you said it, great example from the man steering the ship. Was there any real need to be so disrespectful to a young fan? Yes there's crap posted on there, there's also a fair amount of important topics (this week lots of IMHO). He has not answered one topic properly and as Madger says not done himself any favours.

Respect has to be earnt yes, he 'had' mine.

Incidentally, do you like the proposed monstrosity of a badge?

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Incidentally, do you like the proposed monstrosity of a badge?

I like the robin as it happens but thats probably because I grew up in the 70s when that kind of design was omnipresent.

But I have to say that a badge does not define a brand or a club. Apologies for sounding like I work in PR for a successful global organisation (oh whoops, I do) but what does define a strong brand is customer trust, the willingness of the management to run a tight ship, planning for the future, renovate and reinvigorate.

And before all the cretins come back and say there is no trust any more, just let me repeat my view that if this forum represnts the considered opinion of the BCFC fan base, then I am a 38 year old Leroy Lita (Tins, my boots are clean and I'm waiting your call). We are the obsessives who rarely see the wood from the trees and don't deal in rational comment.

Sod what the badge looks like, I'm more worried about whether the club is in good shape and despite what too many of you lot think, I think we are.

I'm going to bed! (but only after a quick edit.....)

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I like the robin as it happens but thats probably because I grew up in the 70s when that kind of design was omnipresent.

But I have to say that a badge does not define a brand or a club. Apologies for sounding like I work in PR for a successful global organisation (oh whoops, I do) but what does define a strong brand is customer trust, the willingness of the management to run a tight ship, planning for the future, renovate and reinvigorate.

And before all the cretins come back and say there is no trust any more, just let me repeat my view that if this forum represnts the considered opinion of the BCFC fan base, then I am a 38 year old Leroy Lita (Tins, my boots are clean and I'm waiting your call). We are the obsessives who rarely see the wood from the trees and don't deal in rational comment.

Sod what the badge looks like, I'm more worried about whether the club is in good shape and despite what too many of you lot think, I think we are.

I'm going to bed! (but only after a quick edit.....)

I tend do agree with you, that a badge does not define a brand. And in view of that, you have to question why the club wishes to alienate a proportion of its fan base by changing the badge as part of re-branding exercise.

Fans couldn't give a flying fig about branding. Its not like we'll go elsewhere if we don't like the 'new corporate image'. We have sworn allegiance to Bristol City. We show our colours with pride. We wear the shirt, we drink from the mug, we have the sticker in our car, the tattoo on our body, the poster on the wall, the scarf round our neck, the hat on our head etc. The badge is what symbolises our team. It is not the thing that makes us think 'there's that Bristol City brand again'.

Changing your corporate logo and image is an expensive exercise for any business with new signs, new stationary etc. With a football club, however, the rebranding means new shirt, new mug, new sticker, new tattoo, new poster, new scarf, new hat etc. Far from being an expense to the club, therefore, it is an opportunity to fleece the fan base again as we are forced to update.

And even if you believe that this is a legitimate means of revenue raising, the very least the club could do is consult properly. Is the real reason we've not been consulted (whether at the ground or on the website), because we might just say 'we'll keep the same one please' and deprive the club of its money spinning opportunity?

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Guest Slinky
But I have to say that a badge does not define a brand or a club.

Sod what the badge looks like, I'm more worried about whether the club is in good shape and despite what too many of you lot think, I think we are.

The badge should define a branding strategy which has been written by the club (outside help in doing this would be a good idea) and given to a design company as a brief to produce a badge that portrays that brand in a way that company's target market will want to buy into.

I'm pretty sure McDonalds, Nike etc didn't say "Sod what the logo looks like, I'm more worried about selling burgers/trainers."

The two are linked.

Get it wrong and the target audience won't buy into it and sales will be affected.

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I tend do agree with you, that a badge does not define a brand. And in view of that, you have to question why the club wishes to alienate a proportion of its fan base by changing the badge as part of re-branding exercise.

Fans couldn't give a flying fig about branding. Its not like we'll go elsewhere if we don't like the 'new corporate image'. We have sworn allegiance to Bristol City. We show our colours with pride. We wear the shirt, we drink from the mug, we have the sticker in our car, the tattoo on our body, the poster on the wall, the scarf round our neck, the hat on our head etc. The badge is what symbolises our team. It is not the thing that makes us think 'there's that Bristol City brand again'.

Changing your corporate logo and image is an expensive exercise for any business with new signs, new stationary etc. With a football club, however, the rebranding means new shirt, new mug, new sticker, new tattoo, new poster, new scarf, new hat etc. Far from being an expense to the club, therefore, it is an opportunity to fleece the fan base again as we are forced to update.

And even if you believe that this is a legitimate means of revenue raising, the very least the club could do is consult properly. Is the real reason we've not been consulted (whether at the ground or on the website), because we might just say 'we'll keep the same one please' and deprive the club of its money spinning opportunity?

I tend to agree with the thoughts expressed here...The fact is re-branding is ok if the club is trying to attract new (clients) supporters but largely if your a fan your a fan and what will bring those fans through the gate who don't attend through thin and thiner is a winning team....so the badge change exercise exercise smacks a little bit of fleecing the supporters for a new shirt scarf etc....NOT a good time to be doing this....However some of the hysteria is shocking as myself and many "older" supporters will remember the moaning when we changed to the robin/suspension bridge badge in about the mid 70's... I'm happy with the badge we've got and either way I'm not buying a new bl**dy shirt...and maybe this whole explosion is more to do with our form league position and general disenchantment with this season so far...

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To be fair the SL forum does allow the chance of questions to the Chairman.

But being honest, what has ever been reported other than a 'YES OR NO' response.

Steve never really gives much more than a one line answer.

Many fans feel it's good to get a question to the Chairman & feel it's good he reads it - yep thats all it is - a vehicle to think the Chairman is in touch.

But it's very much 'listen - but I will do my own thing'

As for the badge response - tends to be a knee jerk reaction & some answer's not particularly clever in the sarcastic way they are answered.

As another poster said we changed from the Robin to the crest & now to the latest addition.

Yes it's emotive & yes it will upset many. But teams like Liverpool etc all go through a re-branding stage & I reckon when the dust settles the club & fans maybe glad the change was made.

More concerned on which division we will be in next season.


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I seem to remember Manchester United dropping the words "football club" from their badge a few years ago. Huge outcry from the fans, followed by a period of undinted success and increasing their lead as the richest club in the world.

Even if my chronology is a bit suspect, you take my point :dunno:

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I cant even remember now when football was about football.

Whats happened? There seems to be more talking points around the game than of the game itself these days.

What that says about the state of the game, our club or even us fans i don't know. :dunno:


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I seem to remember Manchester United dropping the words "football club" from their badge a few years ago. Huge outcry from the fans, followed by a period of undinted success and increasing their lead as the richest club in the world.

Even if my chronology is a bit suspect, you take my point  :dunno:

But ManUre as a brand are detested up and down the country. I hate them simply because they aren't just a football club (as a football club, I admire and respect their football). When (I use the word advisedly) ManUre start losing do you think their numerous fans who love their corporate branding will stick with them?

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Steve displays more patience on this forum than could be expected. Reading some of the turd posted here over the last few days would drive me to the occasional glib response.

If I were in his ahoes and when you see some of the illiterate incomprehensible questions he has to deal with, its a wonder he hasn't been more sarky than he has.

To get respect, you have earn it and he has mine.

Round of applause for that man. The mentality of some people on these forums is shocking.

If you go to see a movie and think that the distributor made a bad casting choice or gave the movie a bad title, do you write to them and demand a say in the future decision making of the company?

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