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New Badge

Keepers Ball

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I know some of us are split whether we prefer the current coat of arms or the 70's Robin design but I have been thinking there are two major things missing from our current badge that make Bristol famous.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

This great man certainly benefited our great City.Surely he would grace a badge well ?

The Clifton Suspension Bridge.

This great structure is famous all over the world and looks over our stadium.Surely this would grace our badge well?

Don't get me wrong.The current badge is fine but there are so many teams with coat of arms that they don't really stand out from one another.Basically a badge of the city and flanked by two animals of a sort.

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The Clifton Suspension Bridge.

This great structure is famous all over the world and looks over our stadium.Surely this would grace our badge well?

I'm sure that the old Robin badge used to have the suspension bridge on it

Edit: Just realised the badge in the picture above this post actually proves that

Edit 2: Whilst we're on the subject of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, I made up a song about him a while back (whilst on holiday with some mates, for some reason Isambard was a recurring theme, and so after a few drinks a song just had to be created)... It went...

Isambard was a builder, he wore a builders hat,

he saw the shitty severn bridge and sed what the ##** is that,

he said "i could build a better one,

accross the avon gorge"

so he built the clifton suspension bridge and we'll love it for ever more,


(by the way I do realise some bits of it are wrong, such as he was infact an architect and not a builder, and the severn bridge was created after the suspension bridge, but ah well)

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Not really. It looks like a blackbird that has just been shot

It's not intended to be a finished product, more an idea of what could be done to update the classic badge.

Another option for example is to keep the unicorns from the current crest and make the robin less blackbirdy.....


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What do you use to design that badge?

And where did you get the Bridge,Robin pics etc ?

Photoshop. Google image searchs.....but then you do things to the photos you find.....eg the bridge was actually a photo in the first instance and you use it as an object to trace, keeping the bits you want and discarding the rest....

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It's not intended to be a finished product, more an idea of what could be done to update the classic badge.

Good effort Madger, more a prototype as you say, but plenty of potential.

Like the way you've kept the date on there from the present badge, an asset as a feature i reckon.

Needs some work with scale and colour but obviously far superior to the rank new one even as it stands.

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It's not intended to be a finished product, more an idea of what could be done to update the classic badge.

Another option for example is to keep the unicorns from the current crest and make the robin less blackbirdy.....


Not so sure about the Unicorns without a middle bit to rest on..... although i think Graham Norton might vote for it. :city:

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It's not intended to be a finished product, more an idea of what could be done to update the classic badge.

Another option for example is to keep the unicorns from the current crest and make the robin less blackbirdy.....


the unicorns are a bit camp, giving a camp salute :city:

but the badge idea is good :city:

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