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This Is One Cracking Post

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I hope this topic isnt merged as I would really appreciate an individual answer from you.

Its a fair question.  How much time are you after? You had enough with Danny after just minutes from the Championship (although admitedly after 4 years of trying).

Theres no doubt we are in transition.  We have taken a huge step back this season but every year there are always teams that improve more than us.  It use to be Stoke then Reading.  Cardiff really hurt then Plymouth and QPR overtook us.  Now its cheaper teams like Bournemouth and Luton.  When will this end?  When will you as chairman of this so called sleeping giant finally wake it up?  How much time do you want?

You have very kindly spent millions of pounds on getting some great players at this club, but they are not a team.  They are not gelling since Tinmans appointment.

I now have accepted that Tinman is here for the forseeable future.  And I really hope he does the business.  This season is now a complete write off.  But I dread the threads this time next year when we talk about Yeovil taking us over and talk of the same old tunes - as we have all done the last 5 years.

One thing I ask of you.  You and Colin are business men.  I think quite possibly you have had your time spent on the business side more recently with the corporate events, concerts and the new Stand (which were not going to fill).  You are trying to raise 7mil for the stand when maybe you should go back to the football pitch.  7mil should be invested in a team playing attractive football.  Isnt that the way to go?  Look at Fulham, they are a classic example.  They were in League One, what five years ago.  They still havent got there stadia sorted out, but hey they are playing Chelsea,Man Utd, Arsenal and co week in week out and stayed there.

You raised season ticket prices last season by quite a bit.  But I quite happily paid for it, thinking we would have a successful season with Wilson.  Since then Wilson has gone. You have taken the option of an inexperienced cheaper manager, which Is your option.  But the football is no longer attractive.  We are not getting any entertainment at home.  The facilities have not improved in a year. People are still blowing smoke in my face. The food is as sh#ite as it was when i bought my first season ticket and is more expensive. 

I think all this above warrants not only a hold on season ticket prices next year, but a drop in prices.  What are you going to do Mr Lansdown to see your loyal fans right?

I will as ever be here every year renewing my season ticket and forcing - yes forcing - my sons to come with me. But it hurts - I come home and realised I have wasted two hours of my life at Ashton Gate yet again.  How many more hours do you want me to waste of my life Mr Lansdown?

Just be honest with us.  I'm glad we are not going to make the play-offs because even after some miracle we made it, we are simply not good enough and who ever we got would play us off the park.

How much time are you willing to give yourself?  You, the manager and the team have been judged Mr Lansdown and you have failed.

You Sir have spoken for hundreds if not thousands more fed up people.

I take my hat off to you

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Cant argue with anything thing in that thread, and I await with interest any response.

What a honest post,Obviously by a very Loyal fan. Now all we have to see is if SL reply,s with such honesty !!

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Having written to the chairman a few weeks ago and put my concerns to him in a constructive (very similar) way over three pages, I expect the reply will be "your comments have been noted" as the one line reply I received from a secretary was.

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Understandable enough "letting off steam" in the heat of a defeat which condemns us to another season in this dire division but your post contains at least one complete contradiction not to mention an obvious lack of understanding of the financial reality of our position.

Firstly,the £7m is almost entirely only available for capital projects like ground improvements - we couldn't spend it on the team however much we might want to.Secondly,(and here's your contradiction) you say you're fed up with poor facilities & catering)this £7m (unlike money spent on the team) is pretty much guaranteed to produce a return & help move the club forward.Ashton Gate has become a mediocre stadium even by Div 1 standards - even Torquay have got Executive boxes for heaven's sake - & whether we like it or not, SL has decided that he has to tap into the Corporate & hospitality markets if we ae ever to compete at Championship level.

I don't know when you last sampled Matchday hospitality at AG - & I realise that it's not the sort of the thing we are all going to do every week - but at the moment it's embarrasing & has to be sorted out.Why should we rely upon the good nature & deep pockets of someone like SL? What he's doing should make us financially stronger & reduce our reliance on him.

On the other hand, you could ask him to scrape together another chunk of his hard-earned cash & gamble on giving it to BT but I think he's tried that a few times already & where has it got us?

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I fail to see what is so great about this guys post

Just another winging ba5tard like the many others you see down Ashton Gate the moment a game is lost.

All hes full of is questions and no solutions. Its easy to take a pop mate, we can all do that...

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Silly,ludicrous post. Typical of so many fans who seem to have this feeling we have a right to be promoted etc. And because Luton and Bournemouth are a bit smaller they do not.

Do you honestly think the chairman is not desperate to see the club successful? He has put loads of his money into the club. And BT is not deliberately losing football matches. I'm as disappointed as the rest but attacking the chairman is unreasonable.

If he spent all his time writing back to everyone he wouldn't have a minute left in his day.

Be passionate but have a sense of perspective.

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He cannot answer it, because SL has to live in the real world, He has put more into the club then any other fan and does not really deserve this type of posting albit I share the fustration.

I did chuckle about the bit on the food being as poo as ever!!! totally agree that the muck they serve and the way they serve it is a complete joke. but getting a good team is going to take more then money (as bournemouth showed last night).

I was a Tinman supporter and would not be against him having another year (what are the options -get yet another mamager in who will disgard more players and bring in yet more with a hit and miss fashion).

I can see SL giving it all up at the end of the season, not leat thanks to posts like this and I would how many of us know someone with millions to invest in a load of thick, rich young big heads chasing a bag of wind around abit of grass, who just happen to be wearing the shirt I love.

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Guest rossitl

Hi guys thanks for the comments (from most of you anyway)

Yes this post was written in the heat of the moment I got home last night and was distraught.

But I stand by it and the comments are purely valid in my opinion. And i certainly not a whinging ba5tard. I just love this club and am always upset to constantly see teams overtake us year on year.

I'm not Steve hasnt put lots of money into this club. The history is proof enough but despite all the money he is finding himself in the position that he will have to spen even more millions of pounds to get us to a place that i think we were 12 months ago.

I hope Steve treats this post as serious. He demanded that Danny never quite got us there. Well all i want to know is how long does he think he will give himself?

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Hi guys thanks for the comments (from most of you anyway)

Yes this post was written in the heat of the moment I got home last night and was distraught.

But I stand by it and the comments are purely valid in my opinion.  And i certainly not a whinging ba5tard.  I just love this club and am always upset to constantly see teams overtake us year on year.

I'm not Steve hasnt put lots of money into this club.  The history is proof enough but despite all the money he is finding himself in the position that he will have to spen even more millions of pounds to get us to a place that i think we were 12 months ago.

I hope Steve treats this post as serious. He demanded that Danny never quite got us there.  Well all i want to know is how long does he think he will give himself?

You've got no chance of a decent reply. His reponse will be as obnoxious as his lack of apology to the fans that the board have systematically pulled our first team appart by deciding to appoint Tinman as manager, and thus turned many ususally quite content and proud fans of BCFC into infernos of rage and anger!

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Silly,ludicrous post. Typical of so many fans who seem to have this feeling we have a right to be promoted etc. And because Luton and Bournemouth are a bit smaller they do not.

Do you honestly think the chairman is not desperate to see the club successful? He has put loads of his money into the club. And BT is not deliberately losing football matches. I'm as disappointed as the rest but attacking the chairman is unreasonable.

If he spent all his time writing back to everyone he wouldn't have a minute left in his day.

Be passionate but have a sense of perspective.

It's not sily or ludicrous, it's from the heart.

I don't think we have a right to be promoted, but I do think we need to look at where we said we were aiming to be and where we seem to be ending up.

It was SL himself who set his sights on promotion, and CS who sold countless tickets on the back of 'promises' made to get us there.They set the hurdle this high, so why not get their opinion on why we don't seem to be getting close to it.

I'm sure that SL wants us to do well, no doubt - but we're looking very ordinary and seem to be in reverse in terms of the quality of football we're paying to watch. (which in strict marketing terms is a bit suicidal don't you think?) The main question for SL is where do we go from here? do we sit tight and bubble along mid table playing the kind of anonymous rubbish we have adopted of late? if so watch the numbers fall and see us fall into the Rovers style downward spiral of cost cutting, rubbish football.(I can't see us being able to stabilise finances mid table in effectively Division 3 - can you?)

BT isn't manager material yet, KM certainly isn't what we need.

Last night the sight of Brian, Keith and Shaun Taylor debating what the hell to do made me shudder, as it brought home the complete inexperience we have in control of the team.

So, no. It wasn't a daft post. I doubt whether we'll see any response other than platitudes or a blank silence, and it wasn't a knee jerk to 'one bad result' we've seen too many like that this season.

I want BT out, and I want SOME experienced coaching brought in from outside.


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I'm not Steve hasnt put lots of money into this club.  The history is proof enough but despite all the money he is finding himself in the position that he will have to spen even more millions of pounds to get us to a place that i think we were 12 months ago.

I can totally agree with what you are saying. I disagree with parts, those that have been picked out by tamared and responded to by him.

One thing I would say myself is why do we thing money will get us in a better position. Reinvesting short term on the playing staff hasn't boded well since we signed players such as Goater and Taylor. Why will that change now.

We need more than money. We need a new culture at Ashton Gate. Less of the we deserve to be better than we are and more the we are actually a small club, and fight for each ball, each header, each and every tackle. That is what is lacking at this club and probably the reason why we are all so dispondant.

To lose to a team when you have fought is bad, to lose when we just lie down and roll over is disgraceful!

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Guest rossitl

Its a good point zookeeper and I do think that the amount of money that has been spent on this team over the last 2 years when compared to the clubs success proves that you need more than just money pumped in.

But with the right man and the money together it has proven that this can be done. Again I point to Fulham. A lowly third division team then the money came and the right man in Kevin Keegan.

They were in the Premiership before they knew it and are now an established team.

We need the right mix. I don't have a magic wand and I don't confess to having all the answers, but at this point in time it isnt working and Steve Lansdown is wholly accountable for it not anyone else. (I mean that by If I was offered to managed BCFC I would take it like a shot too)

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Silly,ludicrous post. Typical of so many fans who seem to have this feeling we have a right to be promoted etc. And because Luton and Bournemouth are a bit smaller they do not.

Do you honestly think the chairman is not desperate to see the club successful? He has put loads of his money into the club. And BT is not deliberately losing football matches. I'm as disappointed as the rest but attacking the chairman is unreasonable.

If he spent all his time writing back to everyone he wouldn't have a minute left in his day.

Be passionate but have a sense of perspective.

Now this is a sensible post, not the lead on this topic.

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Now this is a sensible post, not the lead on this topic.

Sensible sleeping.gif

I think the RF post show's passion,desire & all attributes of someone who wants the best for 'our' great club.

Its from the heart & show's that a fan wants the very best fro his club.

No we don't have a given right to be in any division, but we at least expect to given quality, belief & desire from management & players.

If we had the negative thoughts of a few fans on here, then we would be back in the old 2nd divsion days we the faithful of 7/8000.

The lead topic is the passion.

This response lacks heart & feeling.We need to drive ourselves to success & not feed off peckings that satisfy the few. ranting.gif

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Guest rossitl

At the end of the day I think ive made my thoughts clear and I think they are valid for the majority of us.

I have emailed the below to Soccer Night, hopefully they can get some response from the club



I wondered if you could mention my post I made to the Bristol City Forum after the awful result against Bournemouth.

The link is below


Also it has made its way to the main forum here


I think it has caused for some heated debate on here and wondered if you could talk about it on your show.

What would be great is if maybe you could get Steve Lansdown to give us a detailed response to it.

Many thanks

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Silly,ludicrous post. Typical of so many fans who seem to have this feeling we have a right to be promoted etc. And because Luton and Bournemouth are a bit smaller they do not.

I don't believe we have a right to be promoted, but what I do you want is to watch attractive football. This I did for the first time this season on tuesday. Alas it was the visitors who provided it!!!!!!!!

When The Chairman appointed Tinnion, one of the "promises" we were spun, was one of "good attacking football". All we have is Route One Rubbish and it's not getting any better!!!!!!!!!!!

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