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Ashton Gate 2005/06

Ian M

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Its quite simple. Just make some blocks smoking and some non smoking so everyone has a choice. Make sure neither set of seats is limited to being in a poor viewing area or somewhere you get rained on. Then you're perfectly justified in telling people on either side of the argument who complain to bugger off and sit somewhere else because you've offered them the choice.

I can't for the life of me understand why this is complicated?


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Its quite simple.  Just make some blocks smoking and some non smoking so everyone has a choice.  Make sure neither set of seats is limited to being in a poor viewing area or somewhere you get rained on.  Then you're perfectly justified in telling people on either side of the argument who complain to bugger off and sit somewhere else because you've offered them the choice.

I can't for the life of me understand why this is complicated?


I don't see why a man in his 90's who has watched Bristol City for most of that should have to sit somewhere else just because some poor guy is worried about catching lung cancer.

You arguement could have some good points to it, yet where do you decide to sit them, are the ticket prices going to be the same for the smokers if they have to sit in seperate blocks, etc

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Its quite simple.  Just make some blocks smoking and some non smoking so everyone has a choice.  Make sure neither set of seats is limited to being in a poor viewing area or somewhere you get rained on.  Then you're perfectly justified in telling people on either side of the argument who complain to bugger off and sit somewhere else because you've offered them the choice.

I can't for the life of me understand why this is complicated?


I agree- for this season. There should be (but arent) options in each stand & price bracket. I will choose to sit in a smoking area for the view. I will not like breathing in the smoke of others but it is my choice. As long as people are considerate (ie blowing up/away and not just letting it fall out of your mouth in my direction(aimed at bloke in Dolman block E row T)) then I have no real right to moan.

Unfortunately for smokers, times are changing. I cant see you smoking at AG in two years time....

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"Smoking is big and clever and has untold health benefits. Why non-smokers can't go for 90 minutes without an overblown gesture and a pretend cough is beyond me."

My sentiments entirely Dr..

I'm down to 34 cigars a day, and bloody proud of the fact,

Winny Churchill's 109 years old and smokes 64 cigars a day!!

I remember the smell of pipe smoke in the enclosure and Terry Yorath playing for Coventry..


Do I win a prize??

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Another load of fuss about nothing from the health fascists ! How you can be bothered about cigarette smoke in an open air stadia is beyond me - you probably breath in more noxious fumes from the traffick on the road around the ground !

If you don't like smoke then sit in a non- smoking area - it's not rocket science ! There obviously aren't enough whingers sorry non smokers to justify more no-smoking areas.

Anyway - If the club are going to introduce segreted areas can we also have

An Adult enclosure - where we can shout and swear, generate a bit of atmosphere and generally enjoy ourselves without some part timer complaining that he finds our language "offensive"

A moaning enclosure - where all the old gits can congregate and out moan each other to their hearts content. "Moan of the match" to be awarded after every home game.

A student enclosure - where all the tarquins can sit around compleining about student loans and sharing a can of coke with 3 straws

Rant Over !

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