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Ashton Gate 2005/06

Ian M

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Following all the comments from the club about seriously looking at the smoking policy at Ashton Gate for next season I was expecting for a lot more of Ashton Gate to be non-smoking next season. I wouldn't even have been surprised to see non-smoking areas cover 50% of the ground.

However, as a smoker, I was hoping that the area I sit in would remain unchanged and so when the pdf application form was released this morning, the first thing I checked was the new sweeping non-smoking areas. Imagine my delight when I found that I could continue to smoke in my section of the ground......then I studied it further......

Current non-smoking areas at Ashton Gate (just phoned ticket office to confirm): Atyeo Block B, Williams Blocks L & K, and the GWR Family Stand.

Now take a look at next season's stadium plan and play the game of "spot the extra non-smoking blocks".......I've found none so far blushing.gif

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Following all the comments from the club about seriously looking at the smoking policy at Ashton Gate for next season I was expecting for a lot more of Ashton Gate to be non-smoking next season. I wouldn't even have been surprised to see non-smoking areas cover 50% of the ground.

However, as a smoker, I was hoping that the area I sit in would remain unchanged and so when the pdf application form was released this morning, the first thing I checked was the new sweeping non-smoking areas. Imagine my delight when I found that I could continue to smoke in my section of the ground......then I studied it further......

Current non-smoking areas at Ashton Gate (just phoned ticket office to confirm): Atyeo Block B, Williams Blocks L & K, and the GWR Family Stand.

Now take a look at next season's stadium plan and play the game of "spot the extra non-smoking blocks".......I've found none so far  blushing.gif

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they should let us all smoke spliffs in the whole ground be less booing then and the football would look much better

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Guest DrFaustus

Smoking is big and clever and has untold health benefits. Why non-smokers can't go for 90 minutes without an overblown gesture and a pretend cough is beyond me.

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Bleedin' anti-smoking Nazis get right on my t*ts. It's an open air stadium for gods sake. I don't drive & I get my lungs polluted every day by non-smoking drivers. If they give up driving around me I'll stop smoking around them.

Rant over...I'm going for a lie down.

And a spliff.

And a cup of tea.

And some Pickled Onion Monster Munch.

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Guest Where's Wally

They should have areas where there are no kids that want a p155 every 5secs or people who eat constantly for 90mins (can't they go 90mins without food!?)

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Guest DrFaustus
Bleedin' anti-smoking Nazis get right on my t*ts. It's an open air stadium for gods sake. I don't drive & I get my lungs polluted every day by non-smoking drivers. If they give up driving around me I'll stop smoking around them.

Rant over...I'm going for a lie down.

And a spliff.

And a cup of tea.

And some Pickled Onion Monster Munch.

I only ever smoke at football, or in the pub. The pleasure gained from wafting smoke over someone eating some dog-meat pastry product is quite liberating. biggrin.gif

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Guest DrFaustus
Non-smokers are non-smokers for a reason!

If we wanted to breathe in smoke then we'd do it ourselves!

Saying that, I'll be sat in a smoking section anyway! laugh.gif

Indeed, but smokers are smokers because we want to breathe in smoke.

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Following all the comments from the club about seriously looking at the smoking policy at Ashton Gate for next season I was expecting for a lot more of Ashton Gate to be non-smoking next season. I wouldn't even have been surprised to see non-smoking areas cover 50% of the ground.

However, as a smoker, I was hoping that the area I sit in would remain unchanged and so when the pdf application form was released this morning, the first thing I checked was the new sweeping non-smoking areas. Imagine my delight when I found that I could continue to smoke in my section of the ground......then I studied it further......

Current non-smoking areas at Ashton Gate (just phoned ticket office to confirm): Atyeo Block B, Williams Blocks L & K, and the GWR Family Stand.

Now take a look at next season's stadium plan and play the game of "spot the extra non-smoking blocks".......I've found none so far  blushing.gif

user posted image

These "singing areas... Does that mean you can be ejected for singing in a non-designated area? Conversley, can you be thrown out for NOT singing in the "singing " areas? And... what constitutes SINGING, I mean, I make a terrible racket in the bath, but to me that's singing!! laugh.giflaugh.gif

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Smoking is big and clever and has untold health benefits. Why non-smokers can't go for 90 minutes without an overblown gesture and a pretend cough is beyond me.

When the game is tense or we are a goal down a ciggie calms my

nerves. I couldn,t go a whole 90 mins without one and if I supported

your lot I'd be puffing forever!!!!!!

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In the good ol' days of the east end my mate used to pull out his "lucky" fag when we were in dire need of a goal.....surprsing how many times it worked! Unfortunately, he's now upto 40 fags per game! mellow.gif

In my heavy drinking days I often had to to go for a 'lucky slash' in the old East End way back when - and I don't mean with a Stanley my babbers.

Amazing how often City would score when I was otherwise engaged! rolleyes.gif

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The whole stadium should be non-smoking and even though' its and open air stadium if any person around of you is puffing away you still get the second hand raw and passive smoke.Its disgusting and completely anti-social.

I'm not anti-smoking as long as its not around me.

And..I am qualified to comment, being a reformed smoker of 21 years and previously a 30 a day idiot.

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Guest DrFaustus
they will ban those who make racist chants but do nothing to those who are killing people - sad or what?

With due respect, those smoking in an outdoor football stadium are very unlikely to make one iota of difference to the health of those around them.

If you inhaled ALL the smoke of 20 fags in 90 minutes, your life may be shortened by up to 100 minutes. Multiply that by 46 games (if you're mad!), you have 4,600 minutes. So that's 3 days lost each season. Even if you watched for 60 years, you'd potentially have lost 6 months of your life. Big deal!

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Guest DrFaustus
My apologies - I didn't realise you were a real doctor who specialised in cancer.

My apologies, I didn't mean to be frivolous with my comments. As an occasional smoker, I understand your point sir. But the actual damage caused to passive smokers at outdoor events is minimal compared to passive smoking in an enclosed, poorly ventilated area. That was my point.

I'm a goat farmer by the way, they (the goats) reckon I sold my soul, when we brought in some sheep. That's the reason for the handle.

Good luck and good health smile.gif

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My apologies, I didn't mean to be frivolous with my comments. As an occasional smoker, I understand your point sir. But the actual damage caused to passive smokers at outdoor events is minimal compared to passive smoking in an enclosed, poorly ventilated area. That was my point.

I'm a goat farmer by the way, they (the goats) reckon I sold my soul, when we brought in some sheep. That's the reason for the handle.

Good luck and good health  smile.gif

Bit late for the good health words after too many years of 50 a day - packed it in a good 15 years ago but it didn't save me from serious illness. I do however take your point but am a bit worried about the sheep devil.gif

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Guest DrFaustus
I do however take your point but am a bit worried about the sheep  devil.gif

I have a contract with the local kebab manufacturer. Nothing more sinister than that.

You have a PM wink.gif

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With due respect, those smoking in an outdoor football stadium are very unlikely to make one iota of difference to the health of those around them.

If you inhaled ALL the smoke of 20 fags in 90 minutes, your life may be shortened by up to 100 minutes. Multiply that by 46 games (if you're mad!), you have 4,600 minutes. So that's 3 days lost each season. Even if you watched for 60 years, you'd potentially have lost 6 months of your life. Big deal!

..So this doesn't include the clogging up of arteries, lung cancer etc.?

I don't smoke and I don't drive (being 13 w00t.gif) and even if I did I would still never condone smoking. So people drive, it's the easiest way of transport. Something needs to be done but until it does what else is everyone supposed to do. Don't make it worse by putting your, other people's, and your pocket's lives as well as the earth's at risk, and stop it now.

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I have a contract with the local kebab manufacturer. Nothing more sinister than that.

You have a PM  wink.gif

that is a disgrace. I am in the proses of writing a letter to Steve Lansdown about having all meat products in food outlets banned in the stadium. Just think of all them poor animals being killed just to feed fans at Ashton Gate.

Ho while we are at it lets ban playing on grass/turf aswell just think of all them tiny anilmals (ie worms) being troden on every game. They have a rite to life the same as us.

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A gentleman that sits behind me in the Dolman stand in in his mid to late 90's, has seen Billy Wedlock play, survived two world wars, and is known amongst us who sit around him. His name is ted, he was in the programme 2 seasons ago for celebrating his birthday.

Along with him be smokes a pipe, it smells absoulutly gorgeous, all through the game his smokes it, it don't harm anybody.

I would argue that he is the most loyal fan at this club, he still comes along to the home matches in ROW S of the Dolman. To take away his right to a pipe is disgraceful, all these health and safety crappy regulations. A Non - smoking policy is stupid beyond measure, its an open stadium, the smoke aint going to hover around your head, it's going to rise away. What rubbish

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