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people also should reserve view over tinnion untill he has

a fair crack at it next season with his own squad a lot of

rebuilding is going on and it does not always click straight away....

I don't think anybody would deny Tinnion a 'crack at it with his own squad' if that was what was stated when he was appointed.

What has upset fans, or me anyway, was that Tinnion's appointment was justified - not as "the cheap option", but because "He knows the club and the players and can hit the ground running and also "anything less than promotion will be deemed a failure".

Now we're being told it is a transitional season while Tinnion builds his squad.

The more cynical among us might therefore understandably construe those statements as Season Ticket sales talk to encourage the 'punters' to renew.

And if us cynics are accused of being "naive" for believing such "sales talk", I would ask "Why shouldn't we believe what our board tells us? Are they being deliberately misleading?"

After all, the pro-Tinnion brigade keep ramming down our throats that we must trust the board, don't they?

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Guest ashtonyate
Grow up for heavens sake!

We are still in with a realistic chance of making the playoffs.  We have lots of good young players coming through.  We are in a sound financial position, with an ambitious but realistic board.

We are NOT

- facing bankruptcy

- being relegated for our third consecutive season

- being thrashed 7-1 and 4-1 by two of the worst clubs in the league

- managed by Pulis

I could go on about all of the GENUINELY bad times I have been through with City.

I agree that everything is not rosy.  This season has been very disappointing (but no more) at times.  But how you can say this is the worst in history (or at least 50 years) is just beyond me.

The reason we are not dead and buried with no chance of going up is. In this division there are so many bad teams which we should be beating and we are not.I think next Saturday will put pay to any promotion talk I'm sorry to say. I'm glad to see that you think ever thing is not rose. City are not puntcing there weight and its down to Lawnsdown &co to start running this club properly and this does not mean puting in loads of money you need a good management time to start with which i think we lack.

The fans have been very good to our chairman and have given him time to get things right which he has not, now he is getting the stick any chairman would get in this situation in truth the most loyal fan is sick and fed up with the crap we have to put up with i have stoped going down it to bad to watch at times.

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The reason we are not dead and buried  with no chance of going up is. In this division there are so many bad teams which we should be beating and we are not.I think next Saturday will put pay to any promotion talk I'm sorry to say. I'm glad to see that you think ever thing is not rose. City are not puntcing there weight and its down to Lawnsdown &co to start running this club properly and this does not mean puting in loads of money you need a good management time to start with which i think we lack.

The fans have been very good to our chairman and have given him time to get things right which he has not, now he is getting the stick any chairman would get in this situation in truth the most loyal fan is sick and fed up with the crap we have to put up with i have stoped going down it to bad to watch at times.

With "supporters" like you,who needs away fans?

I'm so glad you've stopped going to AG.

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Guest bristolbred
In my eyes he is close to the legendry Harry Dolman, and Des Williams,

Oh! Yeh!! Really!!

To hear him say on bcfc world he was close to calling it a day as chairman of Bristol City fc. Hurt me and hurt me hard. The only thing i would like to see the back of is the so called supporters who have nothing better to do than critisize Mr Lansdown.

With a bit of luck, Scott Davidson would take over, and inject a bit more pride into the club, and for those with Goldfish Memories, remember how Davidson was removed from the Board??


And the Forum is the place for FREE SPEACH!!

whether it's positive, negative or indifferent!!.

Everyone at Bristol City, as a player, official or supporter are allowed to express an opinion,

and it's up to the individual as to answer as such!!

But look at how many are registered to the OTIB and other websites!!.

There are a majority who have no sayso, other than with their views on a matchday, or maybe in the local press.

So before going off on your soap box, this country, and indeed this club will be all the more poorer if we had self conceeted views rammed down their throats!!.

As to the Lansdown/Tinnion saga??

Let's see what next season will bring??

Promotion??. Maybe??

As to Steve actually going to call it a day??

Crocadile Tears!!

Play to the crowd, and win them over!!


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Guest ashtonyate
With "supporters" like you,who needs away fans?

I'm so glad you've stopped going to AG.

Yes well, when supporter stop wanting to watching their team after seeing them for more that 50 years the club has a problem.

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Yes well, when supporter stop wanting to watching their team after seeing them for more that 50 years the club has a problem.

Wrong way around! You'll miss the club far more than it'll miss you.

No doubt you'll come hurrying back if City reach the play -offs.You'll even get tickets for the play-off final should we get there.

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Guest ashtonyate
Wrong way around!  You'll miss the club far more than it'll miss you.

No doubt you'll come hurrying back if City reach the play -offs.You'll even get tickets for the play-off final should we get there.

You think I need City more than they need me don't think so And if City did reach the play offs I wont be there I seen last season final not again.

I will start to watch City when they start getting their act together and thats a long way off It sad,

I went to Hereford when City were 90th in the Football League back in the 80s because the club was in trouble and needed support but not any more I have seen the light if I don't get entertain I don't go and thats the fact of life for many fans now you can keep promising and not deliver.

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I don't think anybody would deny Tinnion a 'crack at it with his own squad' if that was what was stated when he was appointed.

What has upset fans, or me anyway, was that Tinnion's appointment was justified - not as "the cheap option", but because "He knows the club and the players and can hit the ground running and also "anything less than promotion will be deemed a failure".

Now we're being told it is a transitional season while Tinnion builds his squad.

The more cynical among us might therefore understandably construe those statements as Season Ticket sales talk to encourage the 'punters' to renew.

And if us cynics are accused of being "naive" for believing such "sales talk", I would ask "Why shouldn't we believe what our board tells us? Are they being deliberately misleading?"

After all, the pro-Tinnion brigade keep ramming down our throats that we must trust the board, don't they?

fair point but with a few players who clearly didn't want to play for him

at the start the "He knows the club and the players and can hit the ground running''

theory went out the window straight away, that is why mid season

we started the transitional season because some players forced it on BT and

yes the players must take some flak for that and it is not all BT fault,

but it is a blessing in disguise as we are seeing a few young lads come

through who look very good and have got us 3 points off the play off's

so that is a good reason to give BT a crack at it next season with his

new young team, ok 2 or 3 older heads to come in but we are not far off.

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To say i am fuming mad with some members of this forum is an understatment to say the least. I am fed up to the teeth with the pathetic whingers who time and time again have a go at Steve Lansdown. If it was not for the great man we would not have a club to support today. In my eyes he is close to the legendry Harry Dolman, and Des Williams,

It's about time you critics shut up if you have not got somthing constructive to support your club.

Maybe they believe that without Mr L the club would be better, and therefore what they are saying is in thier minds constructive. Its fair to say that in the same relation to a manger having time to deliver promotion, a chairman has the same obligation. How many years has Mr L been here now?

Personally I'm kinda sat on the fence, but it does annoy me when people seem to think hes a fantastic chairman. Yes he,s put money into the club(of which I'm very thankfull for) but to say there would be NO club without him is plain stupid.Do you honestly think BCFC would cease to exist without him, and go bankrupt? I don't.Of course we cannot know for sure but i beilieve there are probibly a number of people, possibly who all ready have shares in the club who are willing to support it in a similar way in which MR L does.He himself has said he will give step down ONLY if someone has MORE to offer in finacial terms, and this i think is the important point.What of those willing to take the club on in a similar fashion financially?

He,s doing a fair job but it certainly is not great, the chairmans at the likes of Luton and hartlepool and bournmouth etc are surely doing what can be described as a great job given thier circumstances.

And wanting a change of chairman does not make you a pathetic poster.its all opinion.

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i beilieve there are probibly a number of people, possibly who all ready have shares in the club who are willing to support it in a similar way in which MR L does

You think so?

Remember, Steve was already on the board (and presumably contributing heavily) before he became chairman.

If there are people out there with (a) money to contribute and (b) City's true interests at heart - then why aren't they already with us?

Managers can be hired and fired quite easily - but not chairmen. Ask any Brighton or Wrexham fan about what happens when you get the wrong chairman.

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You think so?

Remember, Steve was already on the board (and presumably contributing heavily) before he became chairman.

If there are people out there with (a) money to contribute and (b) City's true interests at heart - then why aren't they already with us?

Managers can be hired and fired quite easily - but not chairmen.  Ask any Brighton or Wrexham fan about what happens when you get the wrong chairman.

Like i said we will never know if there is or isnt. and in responce to your qustion, again like i said they may already be shareholders and therefore are "with us" already. I'm not swung either way as such on the chairman in/out business, all i was saying is that i don't think the club would dissapear without Mr L (i may be wrong but i just cant see it), and also that those who would prefer someone else have a go are allowed to have that opinion and should not be called pathetic posters for holding it.

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Like i said we will never know if there is or isnt. and in responce to your qustion, again like i said they may already be shareholders and therefore are "with us" already. I'm not swung either way as such on the chairman in/out business, all i was saying is that i don't think the club would dissapear without Mr L (i may be wrong but i just cant see it), and also that those who would prefer someone else have a go are allowed to have that opinion and should not be called pathetic posters for holding it.

We know that there isn't because SteveL has publicly said many times that if someone comes forward with the backing and the interests of the club at heart he'd step aside. The fact that someone hasn't should tell you all you need to know. And please don't suggest that they might have and we don't know about it, it would be all over the press just like when that moron shyster with no cash kicked up a stink last year.

Without the present board the club would be forced to borrow at higher rates from banks, increasing interest costs and with much less flexibility. There would be no investment therefore no growth in revenue unless money came from the fans which seems unlikely given the current costs of following City and would be at best a temporary reprieve.

Unless a major invester prepared to cover massive debts at a very slim chance of ever seeing a return (ie a fan doing it for love) was found which seems unlikely given their current absence then the outcome is very easy to predict.

Increasing costs, large debt and falling or stable revenue = bankruptcy.

The current board don't get everything right, but they have tried to put the club on a sounder business footing by increasing revenue from outside match day, and trimming costs back from the "Spend Spend Spend" era without completely decimating the squad. There's still a huge pile of debt to tackle but the stadium development should help with that in the long term.

On the field, Tinnion has a very difficult job as would any manager who came in to replace him. That's probably why they're not so quick to fire him.

I agree that everyone is entitled to express an opinion on here but the thing that frustrates me about this forum is the tendency to call for change without any idea of a viable alternative. Unless someone has a City fan with 8 figure sums of cash lying around to pull out of thin air why encourage SteveL and the rest of the board to give up?


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We know that there isn't because SteveL has publicly said many times that if someone comes forward with the backing and the interests of the club at heart he'd step aside.  The fact that someone hasn't should tell you all you need to know.  And please don't suggest that they might have and we don't know about it, it would be all over the press just like when that moron shyster with no cash kicked up a stink last year.


On his exact words i am not sure,could you please remind me! Did he say he would step aside if someone came in, offering basicly the same financial backing he himself is offering? from what i remember, the basics of his comments were that he would step a side if someone came in with a substancial amount of backing, i.e more than him, NOT the same as.

As for your "we don't no about it comment" i believe there is a hell of alot of things that go on at football clubs that we the fans don't no or hear about, and if you believe otherwise then you are quite naive. If someone had attempted to buy the club and failed i don't really see why the press would get hold of it. Mr L has no obligation to tell anyone, and why would someone who failed be interested in letting anyone know.Unless they had, had a huge a amount of money to offer the club i don't see that it would hold much of a story.

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On his exact words i am not sure,could you please remind me! Did he say he would step aside if someone came in, offering basicly the same financial backing he himself is offering? from what i remember, the basics of his comments were that he would step a side if someone came in with a substancial amount of backing, i.e more than him, NOT the same as.

As for your "we don't no about it comment" i believe there is a hell of alot of things that go on at football clubs that we the fans don't no or hear about, and if you believe otherwise then you are quite naive. If someone had attempted to buy the club and failed i don't really see why the press would get hold of it. Mr L has no obligation to tell anyone, and why would someone who failed be interested in letting anyone know.Unless they had, had a huge a amount of money to offer the club i don't see that it would hold much of a story.

Well, the press seemed to think that someone who didn't try to get hold of the club and didn't have any money and didn't actually do anything was a big story. I think it's naive to assume that any big events like an attempted takeover would fail to make the press one way or another, just look at the coverage other clubs have had, and the coverage city have had in the past when boards have changed. While we're not going to get told about internal matters like disciplinary stuff and transfers that didn't happen because it's in the interest of neither party, someone who wanted to take over a club and was being refused by the current owners would have a great motive to go public or leak it and try and gain support from the fans.

You can find an example of SteveL's words here.

"We have always said that if someone is prepared to invest sufficient money into the football club to take it forward, as long as they have the interests of the football and its supporters at heart, then we would look at it seriously and that remains the case."

There have been other instances where he's said much the same thing I believe but I can't get the forum search to do anything other than give me errors or whitepages when I try to search for them.

No, it doesn't say he's going to handover to just anyone... and I think that's good. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is, what's the alternative to SteveL and co? and why do people bother creating a climate where he feels close to jacking it in when they don't have one?


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Ok i accept your points here, but what does "sufficient" funds mean in Mr L,s opinions? Does it mean far more than we have currently, a little more, or just the same? which offers will he listen to, and which ones will he not?

I'm not one for firmly belieiving the board should go at all, all I'm saying is they are not perfect either(knowone is or should be expetcted to be).And as for creating a climate whereby the chairman is under pressure, i think that is not a bad thing at all. Of course there is going to be pressure when you are chiarman of a football club, it comes with the job and all who have it accept it, as does Mr L.If you perform well the pressure drops, averagely you will have mixed amounts of pressure, and poorly alot of pressure.I think Mr l and the board a doing a good/fair job, I'm thankfull for their financial backing and support, and their commitment to the club, but i have often not agreed with some of the important decsions they have made, however todays change of mind on the kit/badge issue raised my opinion of them greatly, someone who can admit they may have been wrong (especially in such a puplic situation) and do something to put it right wins alot of praise in my book.

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