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I'm Sorry - Womens Football V Paint Drying


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It is true that i support the party, but just because i support them it does not mean i agree with everything they put forward. I would say i agree with about 40-50% of their policies. You know nothing of my views on any political issue, to pigeon-hole me, and presume you know my views because i support a political party is very naive.

I agree Tinniion-is-god. Just look at the football club you support. You support them week in week out even though you may not like everything the club does.

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That is not the main reason- but a small reason. The main reason is the physique of the male compared to the female.

Again, I'm being misunderstood. If you actually read the rest of the thread you will see that I am talking on the basis of skill. I know the physical differences are impossible to overcome.

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Well maybe to a point. Mens football is more competitive and a better spectacle at the moment, as it is much higher paid, professional and big business. Compartively in terms of hours put in to training, rewards etc, it would be more realistic to compare the Englands Womens team to a male non league side - in terms of spectacle, not performance. To say mens footballers are better, therefore men are better than women, would be akin to saying look at the England cricket team, look at the US cricket team - therefore Brits are better sportmen than yanks. Hardly comparing like with like.

The mens game will always be a different game to the womens in the physical aspect, but with anywhere need the same financial investment, support, attraction, interest, I have no doubt the womens game could become as enjoyable to watch.

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Again, I'm being misunderstood. If you actually read the rest of the thread you will see that I am talking on the basis of skill. I know the physical differences are impossible to overcome.

Ok I couldn't be bothered to read the whole thread- its too long! Just joined the conversation half way through. I've never seen a girl score an overhead kick though...

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I don't think there can be any arguement that womens football is as good as mens (from a technical point of view) but I also think its a bit unfair to base all your assumptions on one England match.

Sadly, we arent the greatest team in the world. But if you saw sweden-denmark or germany-norway you'd see that they do have some very good players and the standard of football is a lot closer to the mens.

Anyway - come on england ! englandsmile4wf.gif

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having just watched the first 30 minutes of England v Finland (Womens World Cup or Something) I am staggered by the complete ineptness of the product. this is not pure sexism - even my wife said she had seen better runs in my paint when I use non drip gloss - it is awful (and I only judge it by the standard of "Football" - Division 13 of the Nemptnet Thrubwell Sunday League is of a higher standard - aargghhh.........................................

i have to agree ,its soo sloopy, only good thing was the younge winger she plays like a bloke but the rest was cringe worthy...and tackles??? how misss timed were they?

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Again, I'm being misunderstood. If you actually read the rest of the thread you will see that I am talking on the basis of skill. I know the physical differences are impossible to overcome.

Skill is, really, quite a small part of football. The fact that you can do 100 kick-ups and 10 boys in your class can't is totally irrelevant to any comparison to men and women's football.

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Skill is, really, quite a small part of football.

Umm... Ronaldhinio? With him, skill is really not important, and not at all the reason why he is possibly the best player in the world.

You're sounding like you know absolutely nothing about football by taking me saying that my skill the level is the same as a boys, means I can do more kick ups than them.

I'm talking about passing, vision, beating a player. Not at all important qualities in a footballer...

You are completely contradicting yourself again, and have changed your opinion. Before you were going on about how men are better at football than women full stop, and now your saying that it's the physical side of things... doh.gif

And skill (the sort of skill I am talking about above) is just a small part of football? Now I'm sorry but it's the biggest part, and the most interesting part. The physical accepts of football are always going to be a different class in a mens game but that is why the womens game can be different. It relies more on vision, tricks, passing, beating the player through pace. And with the right care put into it, it could be huge.

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Of course i am generalising, but in general men are better than women at football, i am just stating fact. I cannot understand why a factual comment can cause so much debate. It is stagerring how many excuses people come up with to fight a losing battle.

Ok, you're generalising. If I were to say Tory supporters are rascist, I'd be generalising too. Generalising isn't terribly clever is it?

I presume you didn't play football at junior school. For you to say that is actually quite funnny.

I do seem to recall that when I was 5/6 I was in infants school but let's not nit-pick! I did play football at junior school but that was so long ago that I can barely remember it. However, I have watched my nephews participate in mixed-sex games of football. The best player on the pich has been a girl.

You talk about facts. It is a scientific fact that girls develop earlier than boys. Don't take my word for it, ask SportUK why the recommended age for girls to start to be coached for swimming is age 5 whilst it is age 6 for boys.

I notice that you did not have the courtesy to respond to my final question, so I'll ask it again. In your view, what things can women do better than men?

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I hope your forum name & this quote,dosn't send out the wrong message !!!

Classic quote

I meant skillfull in a kick-up sense and the Japanese bloke at the Play-Off Final...just because he had amazing skills, it does not mean that he is a good footballer. How many times do you see kick-ups being used in a professional game? It is a small aspect of the game, and skillfullnes does not, in my book, mean passing and vision.

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In your view, what things can women do better than men?

Let's put it this way, taking all sport aside, and in terms of professional jobs that do not involve a physical aspect, women are equal. Would you say that men are better Doctor's than women? In most jobs, gender is totally irrelevant.

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They face tougher opposition tonight so it should be a hard game for them, just as Finland was.

Our left back Rachel Unitt is hot, worth watching the game just to see her!

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She isn't a very good player though.

Yes but she is gorgeous... get your priorities straight!

With respect to the skills listed by Cidergal above, passing, beating a player etc etc - women footballers are far worse than men footballers at all of these. Mens football is far better (even at park level in my opinion) than the stuff on TV at the minute.

SO - We must watch the game tonight and enjoy it for what it is, don't compare it to the mens game, just enjoy the potential excitement in the game. Come on Engerland!!

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Yes but she is gorgeous... get your priorities straight!

With respect to the skills listed by Cidergal above, passing, beating a player etc etc - women footballers are far worse than men footballers at all of these.  Mens football is far better (even at park level in my opinion) than the stuff on TV at the minute.

SO - We must watch the game tonight and enjoy it for what it is, don't compare it to the mens game, just enjoy the potential excitement in the game.  Come on Engerland!!

I didn't say good looking wasn't the no.1 priority!

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