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I'm Sorry - Womens Football V Paint Drying


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To be honest i thought it was a decent game , the goals i saw were of a good standard , obviously it wasnt as physical as the mens game but i think the womens game has improved in the last couple of years from the little of it that i have seen.

You clearly didnt see the first one!! Sums up what it is all about!!

The standard is absolutely terrible in my opinion but it is still football and can therefore still be exciting as was proved. I genuinely think downs football is a better standard.

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Ok - the last 10 mins was moderately entertaining and I accept it is not going to be like Mens Football but the first 20 mins or so was awful (nerves suggested as the cause)mind you the £5 side bet on more than 2 goals and more than 10 corners resulting in a nice little £20 return has helped

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Guest Dorset Red
having just watched the first 30 minutes of England v Finland (Womens World Cup or Something) I am staggered by the complete ineptness of the product.

Good job the last 30 minutes were so much better!

I watched the whole game and must admit it took me a while to get past the fact that it wasn't as fast or as physical as the men's game. However, once I got used to the difference in style I actually enjoyed the game and thought the finish was brilliant englandsmile4wf.gif .

Well done ladies. Bring on Denmark!

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I thought it was good. Not the most exciting game in the world, but how many games at the highest level have you seen that are boring? (England mens team games are often DIRE, and the first half of the FA cup final was poor)

You have to remember that the standard isn't going to be up there with the Premiership, like many have said - it's a different game. Yes the testosterone levels will never be there, but I cannot see any reason why (with the right amount of money and commitment put into it) that women can't be as skillful, if not more skillful than the men. Afterall, more women are perfectionists than men, meaning that if they could, they would spend hours perfecting skills.

By comparing womens and mens football, you are comparing an amateur sport with a professional sport, which is wrong. Men in the England team get £80 000 a week, wheras many of these girls get nothing. They are normal people, with normal jobs or studies and they are playing for the love of the game.

If only men could be open minded about womens football you'd find it would go further than you think. For all the *women's football is hilariou###### prats, tell me one good reason why a women cannot be as skillful as a man?

And seriously guys... if you don't like it - don't bloody watch it!

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Ok then - there is one Olympic sport (I think) where women compete alongside men equally. It is....

Equestrianism. (Haven't got my dictionary to hand). Horse events in other words as i'm sure i've spelt that wrong.

There shouldn't be any reason why they don't in archery, shooting or bowling (yes i know it shouldn't be in the olympics) either.

Curling and lawn bowls are another couple of possibilities.

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What sports are woman better than men at? I don't think a sport exists, unless you count.....umm.

Is there one?  snack.gif

And why do you think that is?

The world is still a male dominated place, and women are not encouraged to do sport in the same ways as men are. For men, it's something that they "just do". All boys in the playground knock a footy around because they're meant to.

I have had to prove myself again and again playing football against boys. And as a girl playing football - you have to be good to be accepted.

Women's football is the sort of sport that could really get womens football going, but there are not enough people who are willing to commit themselves and put a good amount of money into it.

Apart from the physical differences of men and women, there is absolutely no reason why a women cannot do a sport as well as a man.

THAT sir, is why there are no sports women are better at.

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The world is still a male dominated place, and women are not encouraged to do sport in the same ways as men are. For men, it's something that they "just do". All boys in the playground knock a footy around because they're meant to.

What a load of rubbish. Put a bunch of 5 or 6 year old kids together and the boys will be better. It has nothing to do with the world being male-dominated, that is just an excuse. One sport that women are on a par with men is Equestrian by the way. I find it hilarious that women claim they are bad at football because of male domination, its absoloute tripe. Why can't women just accept that they aren't as good as men at football? Its not offensive, its fact, women can do things better than men, and men can do things better than women, its just the way of the world.

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Put a bunch of 5 or 6 year old kids together and the boys will be better.

Put a bunch of 5 to 6 year old kids together who had all been encouraged with football the same, the boys would NOT be better. It's stupid, and quite frankley old fashioned to say "boys are good at this; girls are good at this"


Read this. Women's football was HUGE. The FA completely mucked that up.

I disagree with the generalisation that "men are better at football than women". I'd be confident of fitting into the lads game based on skill. And I know a lot of girls that are WAY better than lads at football. You can't generalise things like this anymore.

21st century...

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Put a bunch of 5 to 6 year old kids together who had all been encouraged with football the same, the boys would NOT be better. It's stupid, and quite frankley old fashioned to say "boys are good at this; girls are good at this"


Read this. Women's football was HUGE. The FA completely mucked that up.

I disagree with the generalisation that "men are better at football than women". I'd be confident of fitting into the lads game based on skill. And I know a lot of girls that are WAY better than lads at football. You can't generalise things like this anymore.

21st century...

Whilst you may be confident of playing with blokes "based on skill" there are also less glamourous things that have to be done in a game of football like sticking your head/body in amongst flying boots/elbows, going in for tackles when you know you are going to get kicked by some 14 stone lump of a centre half and covering 6-8 miles at speed in 90 minutes if you play in central midfield (Doherty excepted!). Would you be confident that you could handle the physical side of the game that is absolutely necessary to be able to play it at a high standard?

I'm not sexist at all but in all seriousness, and putting political correctness to one side, how many women would be able to cope with the physical demands of mens football at even a relatively low level - say Conference South?

P.S. I've nothing against womens football at all - if the interest is there I think it should be brought on to as high a standard as finances dictate are viable. But please don't talk about women playing seriously in mens teams!

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Greebo, I think you mis-understood me! By mentioning the skill level, I meant leaving out the physical accpect, of course I would not be able - along with most women - to handle the physical side of a mans game.

I would just trying to put across the point that the skill level can be the same.

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Guest eddrockett

I actually let my girlfriend have a night off cooking my tea to watch this rubbish..........Never again...


Ps I am looking forward to the Sweden game however wub.gif

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I disagree with the generalisation that "men are better at football than women". I'd be confident of fitting into the lads game based on skill. And I know a lot of girls that are WAY better than lads at football. You can't generalise things like this anymore.

21st century...

Your attitude is very indicative of someone who looks to win an argument without actually putting any coherent view forward. To say that my views are old fashioned are quite simply ridiculous. If you honestly believe that all men and women are equal in every way, which seems to be what you are saying, then you do not live in the real world. It is the easy answer to say 'thats old-fashioned etc.....' It is also strange that just because you perceive something to be old that you see it as bad. People think change is always good, but it is not. Sometimes things are the way they are for a reason.

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People think change is always good, but it is not. Sometimes things are the way they are for a reason.

What are you implying by this? You say that me saying your views are outdated is the easy answer, but you have just contradicted yourself - and given me the easy answer. You haven't at all elaborated on that...

Are you implying that women shouldn't get the vote? That women should stay at home without a career serving their men all their lives?

Obviously men and women are different, but there is no reason why a man can't do what a woman can do and vice versa (In most situations... giving birth and sperm doning obviously not...).

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Obviously men and women are different, but there is no reason why a man can't do what a woman can do and vice versa (In most situations... giving birth and sperm doning obviously not...).

Men are better at sport than women, that's a fact. To argue any more would just be silly. It is not an offensive view, it is just fact, i just hope that you can come to see this if you look at the situation a little more clearly. It is not sexist to say that men are better than women. Your are very politically correct if you honestly believe that men and women have the same capabilities to play sport at a professional level. Ever thought of joining New Labour?

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Men are better at sport than women, that's a fact. To argue any more would just be silly. It is not an offensive view, it is just fact, i just hope that you can come to see this if you look at the situation a little more clearly. It is not sexist to say that men are better than women. Your are very politically correct if you honestly believe that men and women have the same capabilities to play sport at a professional level. Ever thought of joining New Labour?

I see you like the conservative party enough to put that on your list of interests... that, Sir explains your views to me. And the new labour thing... MUCH better than voting for the tories.

It is not silly of me to think that some women play sport just as well as men, as I love my sport, and have never had troubles being worse than the boys.

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I see you like the conservative party enough to put that on your list of interests... that, Sir explains your views to me. And the new labour thing... MUCH better than voting for the tories.

It is not silly of me to think that some women play sport just as well as men, as I love my sport, and have never had troubles being worse than the boys.

In general men are better as they are physically stronger- it's a fact. A female will never(in our lifetime) be the best tennis player or the best footballer. It just won't happen.

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What a load of rubbish. Put a bunch of 5 or 6 year old kids together and the boys will be better.

Wrong. Age 5/6 girls tend to be more physiologically advanced than boys giving them the advantage at that age.

It has nothing to do with the world being male-dominated, that is just an excuse.

To what extent gender stereotypes play a role in determining eventual capabilities of the respective genders is still open to debate but it is generally accepted that gender stereotypes do have some impact.

Why can't women just accept that they aren't as good as men at football?
So all men are better than all women at football? Yeah, right! And define what you mean by "better". How many men do you know who would have been capable of scoring England's third goal on Sunday?

Its not offensive, its fact, women can do things better than men, and men can do things better than women, its just the way of the world.

OK, humour me. Besides giving birth, what can women do better than men?

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So all men are better than all women at football? Yeah, right! And define what you mean by "better". How many men do you know who would have been capable of scoring England's third goal on Sunday?

When you compare England men top players to England women there isn't a comparison. The men would hammer the women.

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So all men are better than all women at football? Yeah, right! And define what you mean by "better". How many men do you know who would have been capable of scoring England's third goal on Sunday?

Of course i am generalising, but in general men are better than women at football, i am just stating fact. I cannot understand why a factual comment can cause so much debate. It is stagerring how many excuses people come up with to fight a losing battle.

Wrong. Age 5/6 girls tend to be more physiologically advanced than boys giving them the advantage at that age

I presume you didn't play football at junior school. For you to say that is actually quite funnny.

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You have it under your interests. Now I'm sorry, but putting something like that on your interests in a FOOTBALL forum suggests that you are a big enough fan to agree with their policies. Anybody would have thought that you were a big tory by reading your profile.

And... "you cannot understand why a factual comment can cause so much debate". Since when was it factual? I know I have already said this but I was in my primary school, and club BOYS football teams and was very comfortable in them. The only reason why I had to start playing with girls was because I wasn't allowed. From when I was 10 onwards I was only allowed to play in the friendlies as I was a girl. THAT is why most men are better at football than women.

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You have it under your interests. Now I'm sorry, but putting something like that on your interests in a FOOTBALL forum suggests that you are a big enough fan to agree with their policies. Anybody would have thought that you were a big tory by reading your profile.

And... "you cannot understand why a factual comment can cause so much debate". Since when was it factual? I know I have already said this but I was in my primary school, and club BOYS football teams and was very comfortable in them. The only reason why I had to start playing with girls was because I wasn't allowed. From when I was 10 onwards I was only allowed to play in the friendlies as I was a girl. THAT is why most men are better at football than women.

That is not the main reason- but a small reason. The main reason is the physique of the male compared to the female.

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You have it under your interests. Now I'm sorry, but putting something like that on your interests in a FOOTBALL forum suggests that you are a big enough fan to agree with their policies. Anybody would have thought that you were a big tory by reading your profile.

It is true that i support the party, but just because i support them it does not mean i agree with everything they put forward. I would say i agree with about 40-50% of their policies. You know nothing of my views on any political issue, to pigeon-hole me, and presume you know my views because i support a political party is very naive.

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