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Have You Ever Been Hit In A Football Ground?


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yes, twice by gas, outside Eastville, once outside Ashton

one mega kicking in Bemi by Chelsea around 1979 (think we'd just beaten them 4-1

When I used to follow Derby we went up to Wolves to watch them play there. My old school teacher used to take me along with his mate and his 10 yr old son. I was only around 14.

Wolves were unbeaten at home but Derby won 2-0. Unfortunately for us we had to walk through the home fans to get to our car. Cue set upon by four - five angry young men. I got hit in the head and legged it, the teachers friend lost a front tooth and I think even his son got hit. The teacher wasn't wearing colours and got away unscathed.

Have hated Wolves ever since.

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Guest markreynolds1986
When I used to follow Derby we went up to Wolves to watch them play there. My old school teacher used to take me along with his mate and his 10 yr old son. I was only around 14.

Wolves were unbeaten at home but Derby won 2-0. Unfortunately for us we had to walk through the home fans to get to our car. Cue set upon by four - five angry young men. I got hit in the head and legged it, the teachers friend lost a front tooth and I think even his son got hit. The teacher wasn't wearing colours and got away unscathed.

Have hated Wolves ever since.

you used to follow Derby blink.gif ?

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Had a smack in the mouth by an Arsenal fan at the gate when we were in the old 1st div, mind you it was mayhem that day, you could hardly see a blade of grass in the park after that game with so many people scraping.

Bin set upon at Swindon by 7 or 8 skinheads at a evening match in the league cup too

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Got a kicking and a broken watch at Oxford back in the 70,s. Also a few punchs in a motorway service station when we pulled up near a group of Walsall fans again in the 70,s. The fans that always filled me with some fear were Blackburn. Who i remember 6 or 7 running from the old open end, across the pitch at half time to put themselfs in the middle of the east end. Also the day we were surounded by Leeds fans at Elland Road, the day Gary Sparke tried to pull Chris Garlands head off. Those were the days.

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Got hit by a wayward football once at AG. (Maybe it was a Mickey Bell free kick?) Got a lump on my head nearly the same size as the ball what hit me!

Think it was only my second or third game at the gate when I was a kiddie.

Still went back though!


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The West Midlans police at fellows park in 88 did their best to give me a smack but then, they tried to give all City fans a smack that day. West midlands scum.

Seem to remember they were pretty miffed when City scum turned their crew bus over with them still inside - don't condone their subsequent action but can well understand it.

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Seem to remember they were pretty miffed when City scum turned their crew bus over with them still inside - don't condone their subsequent action but can well understand it.

Yes i remember it well. I was on the bridge with my dad as that happened. Then all the old bill run up the inbankment together and start hitting everyone.

Must admit that while walking over that bridge this season i did have a smile on my face as i remembered.

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Never been caught myself, indeed I reckon that you rarely come accross trouble nowadays if you aren't looking for it!

My Father, however... he is a different story! Being 16 - 20 in the 70s & early 80s he used to get in a fair few scrapes and didnt really try to avoif them its fair to say!! He gave it and he took it.

The worst that ever happened to him though was at the hands of City Fans. It was against Norwich, he left and was walking accross the park when he was grabbed round the neck with a chain and had a knife put to his face! "You Norwich scum" a Bristolian voice said to him!! He was less than pleased but, on displaying his tattoo they let him go with a "sorry bout that mate, didnt know you was City"....

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Guest we8thegas
Had a coin hit me at Swindle in the LDV last season...

Same match a mate of mine got hit by a coin stood next to me so he threw a FULL bottle of coke into the chavs,bounced off the dividing wall,hit one in the head and sparked him clean out straight down,no messing whistling.gif

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A guy took a swipe at me after the Wednseday just gone. I was talking to my brother, and was pretty happy after the result, and i thought it was only City fans around, so we were singing Easy Easy and a bloke kicked me and said 'How easy was it mate'? I walked away very quickly and luckily nothing came of it, but if he had fully connected with me, there were a few City fans and Weds fans around, it could have kicked off.

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I think that the only time I was hit inside of a ground was way back in the late 70's. Half a dozen Swansea supporters had decided that they wanted to watch the match from behind the goal in the East End. A skirmish ensued. It quickly died down, and we thought that all the Swansea had been removed. I was walking along the gangway at the back heading towards the toilet. A tall skinhead was walking toward me. Next thing I knew, I was flat on my back. He'd decked me with one punch, knocking out my two front teeth in the process. As I raised my head up though I did have the pleasure of seeing him disappear beneath a pile of angry City fans. whistling.gif

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Never been hit watching City though I did go to Luton with some gashead mates and got a right good kicking. Think it was Devine retrubution, God must be a City fan. The 2 good things to come from that was the gas lost and I bled all over a police inspector!

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Never been hit watching City though I did go to Luton with some gashead mates and got a right good kicking. Think it was Devine retrubution, God must be a City fan. The 2 good things to come from that was the gas lost and I bled all over a police inspector!

... and presumably you vowed never to watch them again.

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The West Midlans police at fellows park in 88 did their best to give me a smack but then, they tried to give all City fans a smack that day. West midlands scum.

City fans turning the police van over, parked just outside the ground, with coppers still inside it, had nowt to do with it of course. whistling.gif

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Had a smack in the mouth by an Arsenal fan at the gate when we were in the old 1st div, mind you it was mayhem that day, you could hardly see a blade of grass in the park after that game with so many people scraping.

Bin set upon at Swindon by 7 or 8 skinheads at a evening match in the league cup too

I can remember that big scrap on the park as well.

A big group of Arsenal fans were on the park first, singing 'Bristol where are you ?'

All the city fans from the Park End and East End had left earlier, and had gone round the side streets to the back of the park, and along the side. They all then leapt the railings and ran down the slopes towards the Arsenal fans. It was just like a scene out of Zulu !

The police decided to join in as well, with motorbikes and horses whizzing across the park.

Total mayhem.


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