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Met Any "famous" Footballers Recently?


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In Brighton this week for a conference and stood behind me in the Taxi queue was none other than Liam "Chippy" Brady - I could remember when he came down with Arsenal a fair while back now (1978?) and I think Arsenal won 3 - 1 and Brady was out of this world - pure quality - he said he remembered the game and wished us good luck this season - top player and bloke!

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I spent an hour at a dinner sitting next to some old West Ham player.

Apparently all he had done was get a hat trick in some game or other for England in '66. Didn't half milk it if you ask me - he is not the first player to score three goals in a game for heavens sake!

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Guest MaloneFM

On a tube going form Highbury Arsenal v Leeds. In the corner of the carriage one Norman Hunter.

'You're Roger Malone' he said. 'Yes Norm, now, I'm reading the paper-bugger off!'

Obilgatory quip over. I said to him 'You're Norman Hunter' and he looked at me like 'go on ask me what Billy Bremner was really like' and I said 'I used to watch you down the Gate'.

This put him off for a minute till he said 'Ashton Gate? The City?'. 'Yes Norm and if you are ever back down there a few old gits owe you a pint.'

He kept saying 'do you?' and 'did you'? every time I said we thought he was a legend. He couldn't believe it. He got off the train and waved like I'd made his day.

Norman Hunter. Still a legend. And a giant.

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2001 whilst on holiday in Prague I was waiting in a hotel lobby for a taxi when David Pleat comes out of the lift. I believe he was scouting for Tottenham.

The following photos were taken in 1980 after West Ham's home game against Sheffield Wednesday.

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Guest Bub The Zombie

met bobby robson once.

and gary liniker aswell, nice bloke but not very talkative

also alan smith and mark viduka, both nice blokes never ignorent.

the zombies know the score

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Met Macca a few seasons back when we lost to Blackpool. My husband shook his hand but he appeared to be in a hurry as we were in the pub full of city fans and I think he was worried he was goign to get pelted by us after losing 5-1!

Also saw the Holland squad last year in Portugal they were staying near my hotel.

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Recently David Unsworth and Steve Stone in a club in Portsmouth.

Steve Stone was off his face. Unsworth was a quality bloke, got speaking to him about the two FA cup games we played against Everton in the 90s. He realed off the goalscorers and how the goals happened better than I could! Brilliant memory and he seemed very effectionate towards BCFC.

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I hate my brain, whene we're out I never recognise anyone, it's always my mate's that say's theres Soing so, there whoever, even then I'm still looking at him or her for a few good seconds before realising that it realy is that person! Damn you brain! :grrr:

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Guest BeNeRz

I met steve brooker in town once and i tryed to say something but my gf started goin on and got his autograph sad day all round for me crying.gif

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I met Sam Allardyce in The Long Bar at Wembley a few years back, it was the England-Germany match that turned out to be the last game held at the old Wembley. Big Sam is a top bloke, seemed very friendly.

Around this time last year Mick McCarthy (and his wife) were sat opposite me on a flight from LA to Las Vegas.

Seen/met various players from both Bristol clubs out and about in Bristol of an evening. I don't think they count as famous players though...

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Guest BeNeRz
I hate my brain, whene we're out I never recognise anyone, it's always my mate's that say's theres Soing so, there whoever, even then I'm still looking at him or her for a few good seconds before realising that it realy is that person! Damn you brain! :grrr:

We All Feel for you wub.gif

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Guest MaloneFM
was he really? like a proper giant and that? You musty be lying 'cos he wouldn't have fitted in the team bath.


Very much so young Joseph. After the games he would lumber his big ass way to the back of the open end and would be hosed down by a few fire engines.

You could see his arse from Ashton Park.

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Guest RobofBristol

Few years back shuck hands with and got photos of some famous players in a resturant in Italy. Wouldn't get that in England without hoards of the press attacking them. Players included were:-

Fabio Cannavaro

Alain Boghossian

Antonio Benarrivo

Claudio Taffarel

Stefano Torrisi

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