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Richard Gould


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Guest hairyshamrock

I gotta say i won't be sad to see him go, the bloke seems like a prize winning idiot on telly, lets not get onto the badge fiasco though...

Oh and walks like the Ashton Gate Janitor is missing a broom handle... (i know that has nothing to do with his ability to do his job but i just wanted a personal jibe!).

Never mind for now, lets just wait to see who they replace him with... Will it be a case of "better the devil you know..." i wonder...!?!

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I gotta say i won't be sad to see him go, the bloke seems like a prize winning idiot on telly, lets not get onto the badge fiasco though...

Oh and walks like the Ashton Gate Janitor is missing a broom handle... (i know that has nothing to do with his ability to do his job but i just wanted a personal jibe!). 

Never mind for now, lets just wait to see who they replace him with...  Will it be a case of "better the devil you know..." i wonder...!?!


I wonder if this has to do with his badge being resigned to the dustbin by the fans, or was he leaving anyway and wanted to leave his crap badge as a legacy?

My message to Somerset CCC, don't let him near Microsoft Paint and lock away the crayons, scissors and double sided sticky tape. biggrin.gif

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Dick G was a GCSE work placement kid wasn't he?

Don't be too harsh on the young lad though because when I was 14 I fancied myself as an Astronaut or Pilot all little Dicky wanted to do was ruin our identity with microsoft paint and a 99p pack of feltips, maybe Somerset CCC were in the market for a badly designed shirt and badge.

Good ridence.

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I wonder if this is like the Aaron brown scenario that richard gould is leaving because his brother got released just like aaron did with marvin

or the fact that probably you get a rather decent pay packet for being CEO of a Cricket Club ? farmer.gif

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I have spoken to Richard a few times over the last couple of months. I realy do think he is a good bloke to talk to. We have a good laugh about the time he LIED!!! to me about the badge biggrin.gif When in all honesty the decision to change the badge back to it's original design was made 2 hours after we spoke biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif .

Richard if you read this mate i wish you the very best of luck in your new job. I'll come and say hello when Northants come to Somerset and thrash you on July 1st. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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While there was the huge uproar about redesigning the badge without consulting the fans etc, in my experience he did 'try' to do a good job!! Had some problems getting my playoff final tickets last year-online payment system had problems with my card so he took all my details, got them inputted into the computer himself and phoned me to confirm that they'd been dispatched etc!!

So while he probably will be remembered for the whole badge fiasco, in my own personal experience he's been very helpful and approachable!! Wish him all the best for his new job...!!

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I wonder who'll be taking over as Commercial manager?

An internal appointment maybe or will the club go for completely new blood?

I suppose someone will be "acting commercial manager" after Richard Gould has gone.For a while at least.

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